There is no free lunch provide different type of tools for knowledge discovery. ... Multidimensional scaling: invented in psychometry by Torgerson (1952), re ...
It is rightfully said that data is money in today's world. Along with the transition to an app-based world comes the exponential growth of data. Orange, Weka,Rattle GUI, Apache Mahout, SCaViS, RapidMiner, R, ML-Flex, Databionic ESOM Tools, Natural Language Toolkit, SenticNet API , ELKI , UIMA, KNIME, , Vowpal Wabbit, GNU Octave, CMSR Data Miner, Mlpy, MALLET, Shogun, Scikit-learn, LIBSVM, LIBLINEAR, Lattice Miner, Dlib, Jubatus, KEEL and more
in Medical Diagnosis W odzis aw Duch Dept. of Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toru , Poland ... Computational Intelligence What do these methods do?
Understanding of complex data. using Computational Intelligence methods. Wlodzislaw Duch ... Fine Needle Aspirate of Breast Lesions, red=malignant, green=benign ...
Understanding of complex data using Computational Intelligence methods W odzis aw Duch Dept. of Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toru , Poland
Results are displayed in form of a histogram, called a psychogram' ... Psychogram. Psychometric data. 1600 cases for woman, same number for men. 27 classes: ...
Applications: psychometry, medical diagnosis support, hematology project, Bayer Diagnostics. ... Psychometry. There is no simple correlation between single ...
What am I going to say. Selection of information. Information theory - filters ... Information gained considering attribute Xj and classes C together ...
Understanding of data using Computational Intelligence methods ... Dept. of Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus ... Applications: psychometry, medical diagnosis ...
Genes in rows, samples in columns, DNA/RNA type. Selection of information ... State-of-the-art methods. 1. FCBF, Fast Correlation-Based Filter (Yu & Liu 2003) ...
Microarray matrices Genes in rows, ... (Weka), Naive Bayes with single Gaussian kernel, or discretized prob., k-NN, or 1 nearest neighbor algorithm ...
Measurements of chemical compound concentrations using Energy Dispersive X-ray ... on chemical analysis of the archeological glass was funded by the Austrian ...
What is data mining? W odzis aw Duch Dept. of Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toru , Poland ISEP Porto, 8-12 July 2002
What is data mining? W odzis aw Duch Dept. of Informatics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toru , Poland ISEP Porto, 8-12 July 2002