Title: Welcome to AcademicallyIntellectually GiftedAIG at Noble Middle School
1Welcome to Academically/Intellectually
Gifted(AIG) at Noble Middle School!
- Wade Smith, Principal
- Andrea Krzyzewski, Gifted Education Specialist
2NHCS Mission Statement
- The mission of New Hanover County Schools, in
collaboration with our parents and community, is
to provide children an excellent education in a
healthy and safe learning environment where they
are prepared with the critical skills to reach
their full potential in a 21st century global
society. - Reaching children and equipping them to achieve
their full potential
3Nobles Mission Statement
- The mission of M.C.S. Noble Middle School is to
provide a quality education that prepares our
students to be productive and contributing
citizens of a global society.
4AIG Placement Criteria
- Aptitude-scores from a Standardized Test s
- Achievement-scores from a Standardized Test in
Reading and/or Math - Performance in Reading/LA and/or Math
- Observable Student Behaviors
- Interest and Motivation
- Four of the five areas must show a need for
differentiation to qualify for services.
5AIG Match Team determines the level of services
based on the established criterion.
- Standard Services are provided by the regular
classroom teacher. - Moderate Services are provided by the regular
classroom teacher with consultative AIG. - Significant Services are provided by the
regular classroom teacher with consultative AIG. - Extensive Services provided by the regular
classroom teacher and the Gifted Education
Specialist with possible placement in advanced
6Courses for all students
- All students take
- LA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and PE
Health - Students also chose electives
- Family Consumer Science
- Drama
- Technology
- Exploring Business
- Art
- Chorus
- Band
- Orchestra
7Clubs at Noble
- Art Club
- Green Team
- TSA Club
- Jazz Band
- Step Team
- Noble Newspaper
- Track Club
- Tennis Club
- Spanish Club
- Battle of the Books
- Math Counts
8AIG Cluster Classes
- consist of AIG identified students, other high
achieving students and teacher/principal
recommended students. - The classroom teachers have to teach their
standard course of study. - Within the cluster classes, the material is
differentiated...either by extension activities,
compacting and/or the use of higher level
- 6th Grade Math Placementall 6th grade students
take 6th grade mathematics.
107th Grade Math Placement
118th Grade Math Placement
Geometry is offered for those students who have
successfully completed Algebra I as 7th graders.
12My Role as the Gifted EducationSpecialist
- Instruction and support to students
- Support teachers
- Communication with parents/guardians
- Battle of the Books
- Geography Bee
- Science Fair
- Quiz Bowl
- Shakespeare Trial
- Literature Circles
- Art History Unit
- Poetry Live!
- Novel Units
- Storytelling
- Writers Workshop
- Mystery Unit
- Math Units
- Paideia Seminars
14What you can do to help your child be successful
- Encourage your child to use their Student Planner
- Monitor progress reports (not just report cards)
- Check teacherpages
- Be involved at school (volunteer opportunities,
school functions) - Establish routines
- Assist with time management (academics vs.
15 Communication
PTA Newsletters
16Communication with School
- Step 1 contact teacher individually (via email
or phone) - Step 2 set up meeting with teacher or team of
teachers - Step 3 contact school counselor
- Step 4 contact school administrator
17Nobles Academically/Intellectually Gifted
Program (AIG)
Andrea Krzyzewski, MSED, NBCT Gifted Education
Specialist 350-2112 ext. 245 akrzyzew_at_nhcs.net htt