Title: Gourdous Income Producers
1Gourd-ous Income Producers
- How gourds can be grown and marketed for fall
decorations and value added products.
- Fall decorating ranks just behind Christmas in
money spent 586 million - Fall decorations and Indian corn
- Art and humor have value
- 44.00 spent/household
3Topics of Discussion
- Gourds
- Corn Shock
- Pumpkins
- Cushaws
4Types of Gourds
- Lagenaria sp. bottle gourds
- White flowers
- Hard empty shell
- Used for birdhouses, dippers, containers
- Ornamental gourds Cucurbita pepo
- Coarse foliage yellow flowers
- Luffa vegetable or sponge gourds
5Hard-Shell Gourds Can Be Sold As a Raw or
Finished Product
6Kettle and Dipper Gourds
7Hard Shelled Gourds
- Long growing season so usually set as transplants
after frost free date - Plant after soil temperature of 60F
- Rows 6 12 ft apart
- Plants spaced 3 -6 ft apart
8General Gourd Production
- Select sunny well drained soils
- Apply no more than 100 lb N /ac
- Practice crop rotation
9The Gourd en of Eden
- Hand painted apple gourd.
10Value-Added Kettle Gourds
11Dried Gourds Can Be Painted Etched or Burned to
Produce Works of Art
12African Kettle Gourds
13Gourds Sell Well As Part of Any Fall Promotion
14Decorative Gourds Make Attractive Fall Displays
15Ornamental Gourds
- Grown primarily for fall decorations
- Plant 90-95 day cvs. early to mid June
- Plant 100-115 day cvs. late May to early June
- Warm season annuals
- Require full sun
- Require soil pH 6.4 7.0
16Ornamental Gourds
- 1 2 lb. seed/acre
- Space rows 6 -8 ft apart
- Thin to 3 6 ft apart in row
- Plant seed 1 2 in. deep
17Fall Displays Can Be Varied
18Fall Craft ideas from the web.
19Ornamental Corn
20Corn Shock Production
- 36 in. Rows, 8 in. Plant spacing
- 21,782 plants/ac
- 80 useable gives 17,425 plants
- 60 stalks/shock or 290 shocks/ac
- 30 stalks/shock or 580/shocks/ac
21Fall Corn Shocks, Irrigated
22Cutting Corn for a Shock
23Proper Display at Your Market Helps Sell Product.
24Fall Mums Make Roadside Markets Attractive and
Improve Sales
25Study to Find New Trends
- Check popular web sites for ideas
- Ivillage.Com
- MarthaStewart.Com
- Watch the home and garden channel on TV
- Read home decorating magazines
26Useful Information Sites
- The American Gourd Society, 317 Maple Court,
Kokmo, In 46902-3633 - www.americangourdsociety.org
- Kentucky Chapter
- www.kygourdsociety.com/index.html
272002 Pumpkin Cultivar Trial - Quicksand
Shape 1flat, 2blocky, 3round Stem color
lglight green, mgmedium green, dgdark green,
282002 Pumpkin Cultivar Trial - Quicksand
Shape 1flat, 2blocky, 3round Stem color
lglight green, mgmedium green, dgdark green,