Title: GsLoc vehicle logistic and security solution
1Gs-Loc vehicle logistic and security solution
Ing. Michal Krausadmin_at_gs-nymburk.cz
http //www.gs-loc.cz
2Company profile
GS Nymburk, s.r.o.
- our company exists since 1989
- provides a various security solutions for
premises (design and installation using
Electronic Security Systems, Electrical Fire
Signalization and cams systems) - vehicle logistics and security solutions
(Gs-Loc) -
- 24 hours control of premises and vehicles in our
control centre - information technology security solutions
(secure network design, network control and
management etc.) - implementation of secured applications and
internet applications
ISO 90012000 certified
http //www.gs-loc.cz
Gs-Loc sophisticated system of car and vehicle
control and management
main features
- 24h on-line GPS / GPRS devices (tracking units)
are installed in the vehicles - communication system via APN (secured wireless
network of mobile provider and tracking units
) and high speed secured data tunnels - 24 hours management and connection check
(detection of inappropriate unit removal) in
our control centre - logistic softwares are installed at the
http //www.gs-loc.cz
4Security and car management features
security solution
Gs-Loc system
- various safety detectors (sensors of vertical
position changes etc.) - cars door opening sensors
- engine start detector
- 24/7 monitoring through the control centre are
placed in our firm
fleet car management
- logistic, user-friendly software
- business / private trips summary
- tracking unit user-defined outputs
(monitoring of special cars activity,
temperature) - fuel consumption control
http //www.gs-loc.cz
5Logistics software
Gs-Loc logistics software full control of your
- Microsoft Windows based user-friendly software
- actual on-line positions of the vehicles all
over the world on the map - detail representation of cars history movement
on the map - complete summary of business / private trips
- fuel consumption control
- service data control
- data representation in graphs
http //www.gs-loc.cz
6Actual on-line positions on the map
the detail vector map of Czech republic by PJSoft
real-time actual car position
http //www.gs-loc.cz
7Actual on-line positions on the map
representation details
street detail
town detail
http //www.gs-loc.cz
8History of cars movement
detail representation of cars history movement
on the map 19.9.2008
detail information about the cars state every
30 secs
start position of the day
end position of the day
http //www.gs-loc.cz
9History of cars movement
cars history movement from 18.9.2008 to
23.9.2008, day by day
start of the tripPrague Chodovská
end of the trip Loucen (town)102,8 kilometers
tachymeter correction
fuel filling in Nymburk filling station 12
http //www.gs-loc.cz
10Fuel consumption check
details and graph of fuel consumption
filled amount of fuel
average fuel consumption 9,3 liters between two
!!! Problem !!! too high average fuel
consumption 59,28 liters per 100km fuel lost -
stolen ???
http //www.gs-loc.cz
11Data representation in graphs
daily representation of data in graphs
graph of speed
graphs of tracking unit inputs activity
Fx graph of engine activity ON/OFF
http //www.gs-loc.cz
12End of presentation
http //www.gs-loc.cz