Have you felt an pain in your chest? ( describe) ... up in the middle of the night with tummy pain? ... Stomachache, abdominal discomfort chest pain, warmth ...
... Hyperacidity H pylori Vascular anomalies Autoimmune Malignancy Ligament of Treitz Endoscopic Diagnosis Take home message Always think of hemodynamic ...
Post operative course was uneventful and patient was discharged two weeks later. ... Post- Operative and 3 Units of PRBCs. Post-Endocscopy and 3 Units of PRBCs ...
Ni os mayores: dolor epig strico o tor cico , rara vez hematemesis y anemia. S ndrome de Sandifer: -Contracciones t nicas con tendencia a opist tonos, ...
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule HPI 61 F presented with black stools & hematemesis, a week before was treated for gastric ulcer by cauterization Also gave Hx of abnormal ...
Hemetamesis and Hemetochezia (Acute GI Hemorrhage) Dr. Wu ShuMing GI Dept. RenJi Hospital Five Ways of GI Bleeding Hematemesis vomitting of blood of altered blood ...
Pt had episode of hematemesis and BRBPR prompting EMS activation and ED visit ... Neonatology 0.6% Rates of negligence did not vary with specialty (p 0.64) ...
List the structure and function of the circulatory system. ... Ecchymosis: Brusing. Hematoma: Bleeding beneath the skin. Hematemesis: Blood in vomit ...
Evaluate the safety of outpatient management of upper GI hemorrhage not ... 2.detailed anamnesis with age, sex, form of presentation of UGIH(hematemesis, ...
Blood loss of 1 L can be dangerous in adults; in children, loss of 100-200 mL is ... Hematemesis: Blood in vomit. Melena: Black, tarry stool. 28. Chapter 8: Bleeding ...
Blood loss of 1 L can be dangerous in adults; in children, loss of 100-200 mL is ... Hematemesis: Blood in vomit. Melena: Black, tarry stool. Signs and Symptoms ...
A yellowish discoloration of body tissues such as skin, sclera, ... Hematemesis- bright red or coffee ground emesis. Melena- FOUL smelling, tarry, black stools. ...
GASTRITIS dr. Saptino Miro, SpPD Subbagian Gastroentero-Hepatologi Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Unand * CONT . Obat-obatan : Penetral asam lambung ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Mi PC Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla Other titles
Hemabilia(biliary origin;Crohn`s disease;amyloidosis , ... Endoscopic view of the gastric antrum with watermelon stomach. The pylorus is at top center. ...
Management of upper GI bleeding Dr. Emmanuel E. Akpo MBBS, FMCS, FICS, DMAS Consultant Minimal Access Surgeon Department of Surgery, College of Medicine
... son HP- AINES Hemorragia digestiva alta Corresponde al 85% de las HVD Melenas 200 cc Menos de 100 cc sangrado digestivo ... sangrado, presenta ... alto riesgo ...
... Lower gastro-esophageal junction narrowings ACHALASIA Aperistalsis, failure of relaxation of LES & inc resting tone of LES dysphagia, regurgitation, ...
Describe the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the pediatric patient with ... Barium enema: intussusception, stricture. Abdominal US: portal hypertension ...
Clinical manifestations of GI bleeding depends upon extent & rate ... Mallory-Weiss tear. ETIOLOGY OF LOWER BLEED. Anal and rectal lesions. Colonic lesions ...
Acute GI Bleeding Louis Chaptini MD Forms of GI Bleeding Upper Lower Occult Obscure Acute GI bleeding 300,000 hospitalizations/year Mortality rate: 3.5%-7% with UGI ...
Title: Patolog a de Es fago Subject: UNIBE Author: MONIKA NUNEZ Last modified by: M nika Created Date: 9/12/1994 6:12:34 AM Document presentation format
... attacks and to prevent arterial thrombosis: 300-1200 mg a day in 2-3 doses. ... Toxic dose = 150 mg/kg. Minimal lethal dose = 450 mg/kg. Inhibici n del intercambio ...
Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding from a Dieulafoy Lesion in a Seven Year Old Boy Amana N. Nasir, Carolyn M. Wilhelm, Joel A. Levien, John N. Udall, Jr.
edad . en jovenes predominan los procesos inflamatorios. en persona mayores de 50 a os apaecen con mas frecuencia procesos neoplasicos sexo .en la mujer predomina el ...
Hemorragia DigestivaClasificaci n. Topogr fica: Hem. Digestiva Alta: Hemorragia intraluminal del T.D. cuyo origen se encuentra entre el EES y el ngulo de Treitz.
... in the epigastrium Rectal examination was followed by the passage of grossly bloody stool Impression- gastritis and/or stress ulcer Plan- close observation, ...
Special issues Avoided diagnoses Suicide AIDS Tuberculosis Drug/alcohol abuse ... with confirmation by ... 3 hours Child born of spontaneous delivery in ...
... & Long Term Follow Up Surgery Oncology Endocrine Surveillance Office visits Imaging Tumor markers Liver function testing ... Drive appropriate follow ...
Goal is to stabilize victim and summon help. Treat/monitor for shock. Look for distension. Confirm abdominal contour. Palpate for masses. Determine if guarding ...
INDICACIONES DE TTO QX - RGE de alto-riesgo vital. Crisis de Cian sis o ... Las principales indicaciones de Tto quir rgico son : Portadores de Hernia hiatal ...
Stools may not be seen for 4-6 hours because of slow GI transit in some patients ... Blood test for antibodies, Stool for Antigen, Biopsy or assume everyone positive ...
70F presented 3/24/06 with increasing abdominal pain, distension and weight loss ... calcified mass in L adnexa, cholelithiasis, obstruction secondary to 8.5 x 11 ...
Cavernous transformation of the portal vein associated to multiorgan ... Leptomeningeal angioma occurs in approximately 90 percent of cases when the port-wine ...