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... placed into Mussolini's hands by the king, and was thus a legal seizure of power ... for workers to spend their leisure time (i.e. cheap holidays, libraries, etc. ...
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Title: Diapositiva 1 Last modified by: PRIVATE Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Calibri Arial Calibri Bold Times New Roman Arial Unicode MS ...
Cavour and the Italian War of 1859: The Unification of Italy Section 13.64: Italian Nationalism: The Program of Cavour Several small and large states in Italy existed ...
Constitutional monarchy proclaimed in Piedmont; in Rome, Republic proclaimed ... Engaged in conspiracies and propaganda. Superceded by Risorgimento. never succeeded. ...
Integrating Travel Planning and On-Tour Support in a Case-Based ... I like thai cuisine then: (city = TN) | (? , ? ,Thai) I would like a less expensive one: ...
Co-operative Enterprise Quiz Bringing co-operative values to education Question 1 Salud Co-op provide health services to over 4 million people in which country?