Illiopsoas and Adductor Strains of the Hip Anatomy of the Hip Hip muscles and action Hip flexion iliopsoas group rectus femoris Hip extension gluteus max. and hams ...
Muscular System Mader Study Questions 11-15 11. Which muscles of the neck & trunk flex & extend the head? (p. 121) Table 7.3 Sternocleidomastoid (named for ...
Muscles Origins and Insertions Muscles from pg. 44-45 in text Neck Muscles Thoracic Cage Muscles Back Muscles Thoracic Cage Muscles Thoracic Cage Abdominal Muscles ...
Functional Anatomy Section One: The Skeleton Functions of a Skeleton 1.3 Axial and Appendicular Skeleton All the bones of the skeleton are divided into two main groups.
... Ilium Ischium Pubis Hip Joint Ball and Socket Joint Head of the femur- Convex Acetabulum of the pelvis- Concave Highly Stable from a bony perspective; ...
Hip flexors 1) Iliacus, 2) Psoas majora/minora. What and Where they Are ... The Psoas Majora, the second of the hip flexor muscles, starts at the lumbar ...