Creation of 12 training modules on IP aspects and 66 training events expected in ... ADMIRE. INNET pilot call for proposals for technology clusters and SMEs ( 5 M) ...
Le programme ' Capacit s ' du 7 me PCRD; les projet INNET et EUROPOLES ... du r seau des p les de comp titivit allemands), coordonne le projet EUROPOLES ...
Support for innovative FD programs across sites, e.g. Visual thinking program (NMP). Support for academic and clinical departments in organizing and providing FD ...
BNP 2006. Local, Regional, National, European Competitiveness. in a Global Perspective ... PRO INNO Europe. CLUSTER Alliance. European Cluster Conference. on ...
Economists would argue that all these indicators could fit well to the classic ... We are only now starting to unravel the middle, the 'black box', the ...
Investments are not easily or quickly disposed. Critical to long-term ... Increase in Net cash inflows. Cost Savings. Reduce Costs. Undiscounted Cash Inflows ...
Elle vote les principales d cisions qui engagent l'institution et se r unit en moyenne ... assurer l'' ancrage ' territorial de l'activit industrielle. ...
Renforcer la comp titivit et l'innovation en europe, Partenariat entre Commission et ... La cr ation d'un nouveau programme cadre Comp titivit -Innovation. ...