Title: IPT2007 Project 1 Segmented Sounding Rocket
1IPT2007 Project 1 Segmented Sounding Rocket
As the demand for larger sounding rocket payloads
and higher altitudes grows, the number and size
of available low-cost surplus rockets have
diminished. The Segmented Sounding Rocket (SSR)
project will design a new solid propellant
sounding rocketstage for the NASA Wallops Flight
Facility. The new stage must be integrated into
a current configuration of a launch vehicle and
meet realistic trajectory, operations, and cost
Annette Wilson Team B UAH Student Leader
Brandon Henderson Team B UAH Student Leader
Ashley Jones Team A UAH Student Leader
Chuck Brodell Project Customer NASA Wallops
P.J. Benfield, Project Instructor UAH
Robert Frederick Review Board Chair UAH
Propulsion Research Center
2IPT2007 Project 2 Shackleton Crater Rover
As part of the new national Vision for Space
Exploration, humans will be returning to the
lunar surface. The Shackleton Crater Rover (SCR)
project will design a robotic rover to search the
sun-less regions of the lunar South Pole for
signs of water ice. By sending a rover to this
site and performing chemical analyses on lunar
samples, scientists and mission planners can know
once and for all if there are any usable water
supplies on the moon.
Mathew Thomas Team E Student Leader
Jacob Shook Team F Student Leader
Erick Ordonez Team D Student Leader
Dr. P.J. Benfield Project Customer UAH CMSA
Carolyn Greiner Review Board Chair SAIC
Thomas Percy Course Instructor SAIC
3IPT2007 Project 3 AHS Reconnaissance UAV
There is a need for systems to support military
reconnaissance, homeland security, and search
rescue operations. Students in this project will
develop a system including a small ground
launched, teleoperated, vertical takeoff and
landing UAV and a ground control station. The
team will participate in the American Helicopter
1st Responder Competition
Dr. Brian Landrum Course Instructor UAH
Dr. Jeff Cerny Project Customer American
Helicopter Society
4IPT Educational Objectives
- To Develop
- System-Level Perspective
- Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Teamwork Character Qualities
In an International, Teamwork Environment
5IPT Sponsor Affiliates
IPT Industrial Affiliates Foundation
The UAH Foundation has established an IPT
Industrial Affiliates Account in which
corporations or individuals can make a
tax-deductible donation to promote workforce
development through these projects. The
short-range goal is to have moneys to support
student travel to professional meetings,
recognition events for students, professional
symposia at UAH, and outreach to attract K-12
students to aerospace careers. The IPT Program
has longer-range plans that include developing a
new 1,000,000 Product Team Design/Rapid
Prototyping Laboratory at UAH.
25,000 over the past five years
5,000 Joining the Team in 2006
5,000 Joining the Team in 2006
10,000 Joining the Team in 2006