... consider a new approach, LexRank, for computing sentence importance based on the ... that very high thresholds may lose almost all of the information in a ...
Recent advances in multi-document summarization Dragomir Radev University of Michigan, Ann Arbor radev@umich.edu Presentation at UC Berkeley SIMS, November 10, 2004
Current graph-based approaches to text summarization assume static graphs. A suitable evolutionary text graph model may impart a better understanding of the texts. ...
A special case of networks where nodes are words or documents and edges link ... Co-occurrence networks [Dorogovtsev and Mendes 2001, Sole and Ferrer i Cancho 2001] ...
algorithms: centrality, learning on graphs, spectral partitioning, min-cuts ... Cut-based classification takes into account both individual and contextual ...
put a book on the scanner, turn the dial to 2 pages', and read the result... Japanese email to the summarizer, select 1 par', and skim the translated summary. ...
Graph-based Algorithms in IR and NLP Smaranda Muresan Examples of Graph-based Representation Graph-based Representation Smarter IR IR retrieve documents relevant ...
Example: To find recipes for cookies with oatmeal but without raisins, try ... would find the nursery rhyme, but likely not religious or Christmas-related documents. ...
... method and re-rankers has an evident effect on summary outputs ... the MEAD methods is not evidently better, especially comparing to the Random method. ...
Note: Assignment 3 and Assignment 4 final due on April 27 in order to get some ... signature libraries, generalization and partonymic hierarchies, metonymy rules...
obtain root set (using a search engine) related to the input query ... The positive end of the third nonprincipal eigenvector gives pages about the car. ...