Title: Focus group Project Lidkping Travel Center
1- Focus group Project Lidköping Travel Center
Tora Gustafsson, traffic planner Lidköpings
2Gateway-Hinterland Modal shift in Freight
Passenger transport Lead partner Västra Götaland
3- The aim of the Focus group Project
- Determine the citizens expectations
- Provide an opportunity to listen and involve
- Their responses
- can serve to guide the construction process
- a step in an ongoing effort to communicate with
and engage the citizens
4- Jean-Noël Kapferer
- Brand Prism
- Physique
- Personality
- Culture
- Customer self-image
- Costumer reflection
- Relationship
55 groups 18-34, 35-65 years of age 2 groups
recruited from customer register of Västtrafik,
2 groups recruited from a random choice of
persons living in Lidköping One group, nr 3,
composed of the existing municipal reference
group in Lidköping for people with disabilities.
6- Skövde travel center a model, but not as big and
modern as Skövde - A hub, center for all kinds of traffic,
coordination between the timetables of the
different kinds of traffic - Indoor waiting place, telephones, toilet
facilities, ATM - Local tourist information office
- Connection to the town center and main square is
7- Woman, or man and woman
- Family
- Mother with children
- A safe place that is welcoming, relaxing,
nurturing - On holiday, travel by train with the family to a
big city - Group 5, (18-34)
- Unisex individual, adventurous, stress-tolerant
with good social skills
8- The things unique about Lidköping
- Lake Vänern
- Porcelaine ware, Rörstrand
- Kinnekulle nature preserve
- Läckö castle
- Swedish air force wing F7
9- To feel comfortable
- Easy to find your way around
- An intimate feeling
- Travel center not too large
- Safe, nurturing place
- Group 5
- To feel of happy
- It is fun to travel!
10- As a visitor it is important to feel welcome
- A sense of what the town has to offer
- The town characterised by simplicity and openess
- Group 4 (35-65)
- Visitors should feel curiosity and a sense of
surprise - Group 5 (18-34)
- Wanted the visitor to think Wow!
11- An everyday relationship
- The relationship shouldnt feel pushy
- People should feel free to come and go
- For some people this would meen a close
relationship - For others an undemanding one, a connection when
needed - A closer relationship to the center if there were
other interesting things there, e.g. an art
gallery or an Internet café
12- Hub (a centre for all kinds of travel)
- Easy to find ones way around
- Mothering
- Family
- Lake Vänern/ the water
- Nurturing
- Welcoming
- Everyday relationship when needed
13- Core values in communication
- Hub when entering the travel centre the whole
world will be at your feet - Easy to find your way around
- Welcome to feel at home, we are here to help you
- Welcoming, hosts and hostesses at the station
- Everyday relationship when you need us
14Communications strategy will be in accordance
with the vision set out by the municipality of
Lidköping, and the marketing strategy/plan of
- Overall communication messages
- Overall Targets
- Target groups
- Channels
- Actions