Title: G4beamline Simulation Program for MatterDominated Beamlines
1G4beamline Simulation Program for
Matter-Dominated Beamlines Thomas J. Roberts1,
Shahid Ahmed1,2, Kevin B. Beard1, Dazhang
Huang1,2, Daniel M. Kaplan2 1Muons, Inc.,
2Illinois Institute of Technology
example2 describes a muon cooling beamline
concept consisting of 4 sets of liquid hydrogen
filled absorbers with aluminum windows,
solenoids, and RF cavities. The images at left
are from the G4beamline Open Inventor display
the ones on the right were taken from a root
ntuple that logged all particles passing through
one of the virtual detectors placed in the
model. G4beamline can read and write a number
of formats and can be used in combination with a
number of other programs.
- Introduction
- Open Source GPL license (free)
- Optimized for the design and evaluation of beam
lines - Based on the Geant4 toolkit 1
- Can implement accurate and realistic simulations
- Well suited for studies of muon collider and
neutrino factory design concepts - G4beamline includes a rich repertoire of beamline
elements - Use it directly, without C programming
- Large class of beamline and detector systems
- Available on Linux, Windows, and Macintosh
platforms - Undergoing constant active development
- Has both a line and a graphical interface
- Entire G4beamline input file example2.in
- example2.in 4/2/03 TJR Simple example
g4beamline file There are 4 Study2 cooling
cells. This version uses a Gaussian beam
trace the first 10 eventstrace nTrace10
QGSP is the "default" physics use-case for
HEPphysics QGSP disableDecaybeam gaussian
meanMomentum200 sigmaP-10 sigmaXp0.01 \
sigmaYp0.01 nEvents100 beamZ0 - reference particlemu referenceMomentum200.0
beamZ0trackcuts kineticEnergyCut50.0
killSecondaries1 define the solenoids (use
individual Focus solenoids for - alternate1 to work)coil default materialCu
dR5.0 dZ5.0 solenoid default alternate1
color1,1,0coil Focus1 innerRadius330.0
outerRadius505.0 length167.0 \ - maxR330.0coil Coupl1 innerRadius770.0
outerRadius850.0 length330.0 \
maxR770.0solenoid USFocus coilNameFocus1
current75.20solenoid DSFocus coilNameFocus1
current-75.20solenoid Coupl coilNameCoupl1
current-98.25 define a detector for the
center of each absorbervirtualdetector Det
radius179.9 length1 define the absorber with
flat Al windowstubs Win1 outerRadius180.0
length0.360 \ - materialAl color0.0,1.0,0.0tubs LH2
length350.0 outerRadius180.0 color1.0,0.0,1.0
\ - materialLH2 place the virtualdetector into
the absorber, so its front is in - the centerplace Det z0.5 parentLH2
color1,1,1group Abs radius0 place
Win1 place LH2 place Win1endgroup tune the
RF Gradienttune Grad z0100 z111300 initial15
step0.1 exprPz1-Pz0 \ - tolerance0.001 define the pillbox RF
cavity, and put 4 of them into a linacpillbox RF
innerLength466.0 frequency0.20125
maxGradientGrad \ irisRadius160.0
win1Thick0.300 \ - win2Thick0.700 \wallThick5.0 \ winMatBe
collarThick5.0 phaseAcc40.0 maxStep10.0group
Linac1 radius0 place RF renameRF
copies4endgroup define one cooling
cellgroup Cell length2750.0 place Abs
z-1033.0 place USFocus z-1291.5
renameFocus place DSFocus z-774.5
renameFocus place Coupl z342.0
renameCoupl place Linac1 z342.0
rename''endgrouptubs Spacer length200
outerRadius300 materialVacuumplace Spacer
z100 place 4 cellsplace Cell copies4
renameCplace Spacer
- A physicist-readable ASCII file specifies the
simulation - The complexity of the description is comparable
to the complexity of the system being simulated - A rich repertoire of beamline elements
- Can be combined to define new and customized
elements - A general set of initial beam specifications
- Including a cosmic-ray muon beam and external
files - Beam tracks can be input and output using several
formats including ASCII and Root 2 files - Visualization of the system is included, using
many viewers (OpenGL, VRML, Open Inventor, Wired,
DAWN, RayTracer, etc.) - Many parameters can be automatically tuned
- RF cavity timing and gradients, bending magnet
fields, etc. - Support for parallel jobs on multiple CPUs
- Includes the historoot program, which makes it
easy for non-experts to generate Root histograms
and plots
The MICE Beamline and Cooling Channel 3 The
MICE expriment currently under construction at
RAL will test muon cooling. The pion production
target is at the upper left, inside the ISIS
ring (not shown) Quadrupoles green (HF), blue
(HD) Bending magnets red Solenoids yellow Beam
pipes gray and white 2 RF Cavities
gray Calorimeter light blue
- Summary
- G4beamline has been in use for several years, and
is rapidly evolving - Half-dozen research groups
- Several dozen different systems
- The learning curve is short for a program of this
scope. - With sufficient attention to detail, the
simulation can be quite realistic. - The development of G4beamline is ongoing, and its
features and facilities are expanding. - Comments and suggestions from potential and
actual users are welcome - http//g4beamline.muonsinc.com
- The G4beamlineGraphical User Interface
- Interactive program control
- Comprehensive Help page
- Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
Acknowledgements Work supported by DoE STTR grant
References 1 http//geant4.cern.ch 2
http//root.cern.ch 3 http//mice.iit.edu