Title: FreeOpen Source Software FOSS Projects Mpefa Maria 1118 mmpefaccf'auth'gr
1Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) Projects
Mpefa Maria 1118mmpefa_at_ccf.auth.gr
2My projects
- My usename maraki16
- Notepad.NET
- https//sourceforge.net/projects/notepaddotnet
- XULPlayer
- https//sourceforge.net/projects/xulplayer
- Wisterer NG
- https//sourceforge.net/projects/wisterer-ng
- LikeEternalAndRealNeurons (L.E.A.R.N)
- https//sourceforge.net/projects/myriapodes
- Notepad.X
- https//sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-x
Notepad.NET is a text-editor based on
office 2007, like GUI and a tab based editor.
- General Features
- Members 1
- Activity 99.01
- Rank 1,956
- Registered 2007-08-20
- Latest File 2007-09-21
- Downloads 269
- Project Details
- Developers 1
- Development Status 3-Alpa,4-Beta
- Operating System 32-bit MS
- Windows (NT/2000/XP)
- Programming Language Visual
- Basic .NET
- Translations English, French
- Version Alpha 3
- Bugs found 4
- Bugs fixed 2
- Feature Request 2
- Open Discussion 1
- Change Priority 1
- Replies 5
- Version Beta 4
- Bugs found 1
- Bugs Fixed ?
- Change Priority 1
- Replies 2
- Bugs Replies
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
986808aid1782887group_id203740 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
986808aid1782892group_id203740 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
986808aid1782897group_id203740 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
986808aid1789574group_id203740 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
- Feature Request Replies
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?funcdet
ailaid1797426group_id203740atid986811 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?funcdet
ailaid1797435group_id203740atid986811 - Forum
- https//sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id
8Notepad.NET - CRASH
- XULPlayer is a media player built on Mozilla XUL
and - MPlayer.It intends to be a flexible,
user-friendly and - web-enabled media player with support for
playback of - most popular audio and video formats.
- I started testing this project but nobody
answered - So I didnt insist for a long time
- Bugs 1
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?funcdet
- General Features
- Members 4
- Activity 99.85
- Rank 294
- Registered 2007-06-08
- Latest File 2007-09-30
- Downloads 11,101
- Project Details
- Developers 4
- Development Status 3-Alpa
- Operating System All 32-bit MS
- Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
- Programming Language C,
JavaScript - Translations English, Chinese,
- Korean, Slovak
11Wisterer NG
Wisterer is a calendar, address and notes manager
and diary.
- General Features
- Members 1
- Activity 80.92
- Rank 37,768
- Registered 2007-03-23
- Latest File 2007-06-29
- Downloads 756
- Project Details
- Developers 1
- Development Status 2-Pre-Alpa
- Operating System 32-bit MS
- Windows (NT/2000/XP)
- Programming Language Visual
- Basic .NET
- Translations English, German
12 Wisterer NG
- Bugs 6
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
940798aid1790172group_id192290 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
940798aid1790174group_id192290 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
940798aid1790181group_id192290 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
940798aid1790183group_id192290 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
940798aid1790199group_id192290 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
13Wisterer NG
- I realised that nobody had posted his comments
and I - thought that it would be a could idea if I
summarized all the - bugs in one sentence and send an e-mail to the
developer. -
- The project's main website is http//www.wisterer.
info/ - E-mail info_at_wisterer.de
- I never received an answer instead of my efforts!
- Maybe its a died project
14LikeEternalAndRealNeurons (L.E.A.R.N)
It is like a Chess game with mathematical
approach. Includes documentations, tools,
library. But it has no rules until now
- General Features
- Members 1
- Activity 94.69
- Rank 10,510
- Registered 2006-03-13
- Latest File 2006-07-04
- Downloads 410
- Project Details
- Developers 1
- Development Status 2-Pre-Alpa
- Operating System 32-bit MS
- Windows (NT/2000/XP), Linux
- Programming Language C, Java,
- OCaml
- Translations English, French
15LikeEternalAndRealNeurons (L.E.A.R.N)
- I posted two bugs that I found
- Bugs 2
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
824470aid1790226group_id162611 - https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
824470aid1790339group_id162611 - but I thought that this project wasnt very
active and I decided to search for something
16Notepad X
- The Notepad X is a simple and powerfull notepad.
With it you can edit and read multiple text files
by using the tab system, and find and replace
- General Features
- Members 2
- Activity 98.79
- Rank 2,391
- Registered 2007-08-08
- Latest File 2007-09-16
- Downloads 1,677
- Project Details
- Developers 2
- Development Status 3-Alpa,4-Beta
- Operating System Win2K, WinXP
- Programming Language Visual
- Basic .NET
- Translations English, Greek
17Notepad X
- At first I posted one bug to the projects
website to - sourceforge...
Then I visited the project's main website
I realized that it has a really active forum so
I posted my Bugs and Ideas there!
18Notepad X
- Bugs 1 3 4
- Replies 5
- Feature Request 1
- Replies 2
19Notepad X
- Bugs Replies
- https//sourceforge.net/tracker/?funcdetailatid
982290aid1791956group_id202614 - http//notepad-x.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.p
hp?t58 - http//notepad-x.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.p
hp?t60 - http//notepad-x.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.p
hp?t61 - Feature Request Replies
- http//notepad-x.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.p
- Bugs 51624 18
- Feature Request 21 3
- Change Priority 2 ( from 5 to 9 )
- Replies (Bugs) 6 5 11
- Replies (Feat.Req.) 2
21My journey to the F/OSS Community
- I tested five projects
- The three of them were not very active..
- But the other two were very interesting and I
really - enjoyed testing them and finding more and more
- bugs or improvements that should be made
- It was definitely a different project
- I believe that I will continue to be a member of
the - F/OSS community because its very nice to help,
- see and test a project from the generation to
the - production!