Title: NEET 2018 | Preparation Tips And Strategy For NEET 2018
1Last 15 Days' Preparation Strategy For NEET 2018
2The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)
2018 is scheduled to be held on May 6th 2018.
3Candidates looking to secure admission to MBBS
and BDS courses at government, government-aided,
and some private institutes, can sit for the NEET
exam. Students aspiring to become doctors must
be all prepared for the NEET exam and the
preparations must be in their last phase.
4The few weeks before the exam are very crucial,
and it can make or break your performance in the
exam. Hence, you need to utilize the last few
days to the exam to the fullest in order to crack
the NEET 2018. Also, as the NEET exam date is
approaching fast and the NEET admit card is to be
released on second week of April, you need to be
smart in your exam preparations.
5Here are some steps that you can undertake to
make your last minute NEET preparations a success
6Don't Go Overboard With Your Studies
7The market is full of medical books from
different publication houses, but you should
focus only on authentic study material, like the
NCERT books. Moreover, as the NEET exam just
around the corner, it is time to brush up all
that you've studied. If you keep studying on
and on then you won't any time for revisions and
revision is an essential part of study.
Practice Previous Years' Question Papers
9Previous years' question papers give you an idea
about what you can expect from the NEET exam.
There are instances when questions from
previous years' question papers get repeated.
Previous years question papers will also help
you understand the latest trends of questions
featured in the NEET exam.
10Boost Your Speed And Accuracy
11Speed and accuracy are essential in order to get
a great score in any competitive exam. As you
are in the last leg of your preparations, you
should now work on your speed and accuracy.
Practice as many sample question papers as you
can in order to boost these traits.
12Practice Important Formulae
13Make note of the important formulae that most
commonly feature in the questions asked in the
NEET exam. Writing down such formulae will help
you to memorize them better and when you have
these formulae written at one place, you can
revise them at any time.
14Don't Begin Any New Topic
15As the exam date is approaching, you must build
your confidence on all that you've studied. Do
not start studying any new topics. Doing so can
create confusion and affect your exam
16Relax, sleep well, and eat healthy
17One of the most important aspects of doing well
in an exam is staying fit. In order to stay fit
you need to de-stress, and sleep and eat well.
Taking unnecessary stress can spoil your
preparations. Also, if you stay up late at nights
to study, you affect your sleep cycle, and in
turn your health. Eat a balanced healthy diet
for a healthy body and mind.
18As you have put your best efforts into coming
this far, you would want to do your level best in
the NEET exam. Download the NEET admit card and
follow these last minute tips to perform at your
19NEET 2018 (National Eligibility cum Entrance
Test) is not going to be very easy at all.
Chevalier education consultancy is the top
admission Consultancy cum Career Conseller From
last 17 years. We provide you with the exam
preparation tips and guidance to crack the NEET
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