Gulf Port Harbor Construction and ODMDS Designation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gulf Port Harbor Construction and ODMDS Designation


Discuss new Gulfport Offshore Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site designation ... Two projects are planned in support of the Gulf Port Harbor Construction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gulf Port Harbor Construction and ODMDS Designation

Gulf Port Harbor Construction and ODMDS
  • Public Workshop/Hearing
  • March 8, 2007

US Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District
  • Discuss Gulfport Harbor Federal Navigation
    studies and environmental impacts
  • Discuss new Gulfport Offshore Ocean Dredged
    Material Disposal Site designation
  • Receive comments on the Gulfport Harbor Federal
    Navigation project

Gulf Port Harbor Construction and ODMDS
  • Two projects are planned in support of the Gulf
    Port Harbor Construction
  • Gulfport Harbor Federal Navigation Channel
  • USACE lead
  • Designation of a new Gulfport Offshore Ocean
    Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)
  • USEPA lead

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Gulfport Harbor Navigation Channel
  • USACE completed a Feasibility Study Report in
  • Recommendations ( 36deep x 300 wide in
    Mississippi Sound and 38 deep x 400 wide at
    Ship Island Pass)
  • Channel improvements were authorized by Congress
    through the following legislation
  • Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1985 (Public
    Law 99-88)
  • Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (Public
    Law 99-662)

Gulfport Harbor Navigation Channel
  • USACE prepared a General Reevaluation Report in
    February 2003
  • Fifteen options were considered
  • Five channel depth alternatives (ranging from 36
    feet to 46 feet)
  • Three channel width alternatives (ranging from
    300 feet to 600 feet)
  • Construction of channel improvements could
    generate up to 89 million cubic yards of new
    dredged material

(No Transcript)
Gulfport Harbor Navigation ChannelProposed
Gulfport Harbor Navigation ChannelProposed
  • Changes in Mississippi Sound
  • Increase width by 80 for approximately 11 miles
  • Dredge 107 acres of undisturbed bottom
  • Changes in Ship Island Pass
  • Increase width by 100 for approximately 10 miles
  • Dredge 97 acres of undisturbed bottom
  • Dredged material disposal requirements
  • Generate slightly more than 3.8 million cubic

Gulfport Federal Navigation Channel Dredging and
  • Dredging methodologies
  • Hopper, hydraulic, and mechanical
  • Disposal areas
  • Littoral zone southeast of Cat Island
  • Open disposal areas for maintenance material
  • Proposed New Gulfport Offshore ODMDS for new

Regulatory Requirements
  • Compliance with 40 CFR 230
  • Section 404(b)(1) guidelines for specification of
    Disposal Sites for dredged or fill material
  • Special issues include conditions that
  • Cause or contribute (after dilution) to a
    violation of state water quality standards
  • Violate toxic effluent standards
  • Jeopardize continued existence of species listed
    as endangered or threatened under the ESA
  • Violate requirements of the Secretary of Commerce
    for protection of marine sanctuaries

Pre-dredging Characterization Studies
  • Characterization studies were performed 2005
  • Guidance documents and standard procedures for
    performing the studies are defined in
  • Inland testing manual
  • Ocean testing manual
  • QA/QC guidance for dredged material evaluations
  • Methods for Collection, Storage, and Manipulation
    of Sediment for Chemical and Toxicological

Characterization Studies
  • Collected sediment core samples at 15 locations
    from the harbor area out to Ship Island Pass
  • Collected sediment from 5 to 28 below the
    sediment/water interface
  • Characterized water column conditions during
  • Performed chemical analyses on water and sediment
  • Conducted chemical analyses on elutriate samples
  • Conducted toxicity tests on sediment and water
  • Performed bioaccumulation studies on sediments

Characterization Findings
  • Bulk sediment chemistry
  • All results were acceptable based on sediment
    quality criteria and compared closely with
    reference station results
  • Elutriate testing
  • All chemicals detected in elutriate samples were
    at acceptable levels
  • Toxicity testing
  • All water column and sediment testing achieved
    acceptable results based upon EPA acceptance
  • Bioaccumulation study
  • All uptake ratios for inorganic and organic
    chemicals were consistent with reference station
    results with the exception of selenium at one
    location near the harbor

Environmental Impacts
  • Based on the results of the characterization
    study, the removal and discharge of dredged
    material would not
  • Cause or contribute (after dilution) to a
    violation of state water quality standards
  • Violate toxic effluent standards
  • Jeopardize continued existence of endangered or
    threatened species
  • Violate requirements to protect marine

Environmental Impacts
  • Other key resource issues reviewed in the EIS
  • Cultural resources
  • Ship Island
  • Ship wrecks
  • Submerged aquatic vegetation
  • Salinity changes
  • Essential fish habitat
  • Commercial and recreational fishing

Conclusions in the EIS
  • All impacts would be minor and short term
  • Approximately 204 acres of previously undisturbed
    bottom would be dredged
  • Dredged area overlaps with essential fish habitat
    and habitat of the Gulf sturgeon
  • Gulf sturgeon is a federally listed threatened
  • USACE and the NOAA Fisheries are addressing
    Gulf sturgeon issue

Designating an ODMDS
  • The process involves both the USACE and the USEPA
    and is defined in 40 CFR 220-229
  • USACE identifies prospective areas, evaluates
    environmental conditions, and makes
  • USEPA reviews the findings and recommendations
    and designates the site
  • USACE initiated the Gulfport ODMDS site
    identification process in 2003

New Gulfport Offshore Ocean Dredged Material
Disposal Site Designation
  • Selection and designation requires
  • Environmental studies of each site, regions
    adjacent to the site, and on historical knowledge
    of the impact of dredged material disposal on
    areas similar to such sites in physical, chemical
    , and biological characteristics
  • USACE developed procedures for completion of
    designation surveys

New Gulfport Offshore ODMDS
  • Dredged material disposal site requirements
  • Within 10 miles of the channel entrance
  • Capable of handling up to 89 million cubic yards
    of new dredged material
  • Maintain adequate water column over disposal site

USACE Identified Prospective ODMDS Areas
  • Conducted a zone of siting feasibility
  • Based on five general and eleven specific
    screening criteria
  • Navigational restrictions
  • Political boundaries
  • Local of fishing, recreation, shipping, mineral
  • Distance to continental shelf
  • Feasibility of surveillance and monitoring
  • Operational and transport costs
  • Other factors (dredging requirements, water
    depth, biological resources)

Zone of Siting Feasibility
Site Investigation
  • Area B considered best option
  • Two data collection cruises were conducted (March
    and October 2004)
  • Physical, chemical, and biological parameters
    were evaluated
  • Water quality
  • Bathymetry
  • Sediment quality
  • Biota (infauna and epifauna)

Simulation Of Disposal Activities
  • Computer modeling was conducted using MPFATE and
  • Assessment of short-term outcome of multiple
    placements in ODMDS on an annual basis
  • Assessment of long-term trends in dredged
    material mound

Findings of Investigation
  • Results of field investigations indicate there
    are no unique physical, chemical, biological
    features in the area
  • No perceived threatened or endangered species or
    cultural resource impacts
  • No indication of water or sediment quality
    issues associated with disposal

Findings of Computer Modeling Simulations
  • All dredged material can be accommodated within
    proposed site
  • Sediment movement tends towards the southeast as
    a result of currents and seasonal weather

New Gulfport Offshore ODMDS
  • USACE prepared a Draft Environmental Impact
    Statement (EIS)
  • EPA is performing a detailed review of the Draft
    EIS prior to release for public comment
  • Report will be updated as necessary and released
    for public comment

Gulfport Harbor Federal Navigation Channel
Comment Process
  • Comment period ends April 2, 2007
  • Provide comments tonight that will be captured by
    the court reporter
  • Fill out comment sheets provided at the meeting
    and leave them with us
  • Fill out comment sheet at home and then mail to
    the address on the sheet, fax to the number on
    the sheet, scan and email to the email address
  • Provide written comments via the project web site
  • Contact Linda Brown, USACE 251-694-3786
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