Title: OtaSizzle and Sizzle Lab
1 Challenge Agile health services for hundreds
of millions
FinnWell Kiina-seminaari 16.12.2008 Matti
Hämäläinen Software Business and Engineering
Institute (SoberIT) Department of Computer
Science and Engineering CSE Helsinki University
of Technology (Aalto University)
2BackgroundTKK partners in China for IS ICT
related education and research
Tsinghua U CERNET
BUPT- Beijing U of Posts Telecom
Peking U
Renmin U
Shanghai Jiao Tong U
Tongji U
Fudan U
Xian Jiao Tong University
Southwest U of Fin Eco
FJUT Fujian U of Tech
eBEREA core partner
IS Serv. Sci. eHealth
Wireless Internet res.
Discussions initiated in 2007
Open Source Serv. Eng.
3BackgroundTKK partners in China for IS ICT
related education and research
Tsinghua U CERNET
BUPT- Beijing U of Posts Telecom
Peking U
Renmin U
Mobile services e.g. for earthquake relief.
Renmin U Doctors Work Station ProjectVisiting
Profs. 2008 HIT Gateway set-up collaboration.
eHealth and wellbeing related activities
Shanghai Jiao Tong U
Tongji U
Fudan U
Xian Jiao Tong University
Exchange w. TKK via Nordic center but not health
specific activities. To be developed in
collaboration w. U.Kuopio (and Savonia) and
Tampere U. who have activities there
Southwest U of Fin Eco
FJUT Fujian U of Tech
Mobile services e.g. for earthquake
relief. Image analysis research.
eBEREA core partner
IS Serv. Sci. eHealth
Wireless Internet res.
Discussions initiated in 2007
Open Source Serv. Eng.
4An extreme case for agile health services and
citizen participation A natural disaster
unexpected, situational and urgent need for
lightweight services
Source The New York Times
5Market opportunities under Chinas Development
and Reform Agenda and Beyond
- 2006 was the first year of the "11th Five-Year"
plan putting a major emphasis on infrastructural
development where the National Development Reform
Commission of China (NDRC) turns its focus on
construction towards the rural areas. - Preference will be given to projects promoting
rural social undertakings, including health. - To consider
- Would the rural and agile health (inc. personal
health) market be an option for collaboration
instead of heavy hospital systems? - Citizen centric approach less legacy
- Major potential for dual model
- Jointly towards 3rd markets
6Good Enough basis for agile services
7New World Order reverse globalizationinnovatio
n moves to new and emerging markets and
results will be reflected back
Interactive Capabilities increasing
participation and empowerment Web 2.0 and Social
Enablers lowering the threshold of becoming a
service provider/consumer SaaS -
Software-as-a-Service Cloud computing -
Infra-as-a-Service Open Source Service Oriented
Computing SOA
Pervasive Networks enabling to be connected
globally and locally More than 1 Billion People
online and 3,5 billion via mobile
- Not just potential big markets but also
- urgency of needs based solutions
- clean slate no extra baggage/inertia
- potential for industry disruption via inclusion
8When Good enough is actually better scale
down to scale up
good enough easy to use, cheap or for-free
solutions addressing the true need nothing more
or less and with ability to grow. Plant the
seeds Regions where prior services do not exist
and infrastructure is new and rapidly developing.
Emerging markets are prime example. Groups/needs
that are in the shadows not served in the
developed markets due to providers inability or
lack of incentive to scale down.
Interactive Capabilities increasing
participation and empowerment Web 2.0 and Social
Enablers lowering the threshold of becoming a
service provider/consumer SaaS -
Software-as-a-Service Cloud computing -
Infra-as-a-Service Open Source Service Oriented
Computing SOA
Pervasive Networks enabling to be connected
globally and locally More than 1 Billion People
online and 3,5 billion via mobile
9Example of a seed service solving relevant
needMaternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH)
Interactive Capabilities increasing
participation and empowerment Web 2.0 and Social
Enablers lowering the threshold of becoming a
service provider/consumer SaaS -
Software-as-a-Service Cloud computing -
Infra-as-a-Service Open Source Service Oriented
Computing SOA
Pervasive Networks enabling to be connected
globally and locally More than 1 Billion People
online and 3,5 billion via mobile
Source CelAmanzi 2008
10Good enough generalize across many health
well being services and beyond
Interactive Capabilities increasing
participation and empowerment Web 2.0 and Social
Enablers lowering the threshold of becoming a
service provider/consumer SaaS -
Software-as-a-Service Cloud computing -
Infra-as-a-Service Open Source Service Oriented
Computing SOA
Pervasive Networks enabling to be connected
globally and locally More than 1 Billion People
online and 3,5 billion via mobile
11Examples of Potential Projects
12Case Gansu Project - Main Project
Componentswith China Charity Foundation (CCF)
and The HIT Gateway
- CCF established in September of 2008 a Support
Programme for Health Systems Reconstructions and
Development with the main aim to support the
Gansu Province for its reconstruction and
development efforts of the healthcare systems in
the earthquake devastated area of the southern
Gansu (Gannan and Longnan). - Support Gansu Provincial Government in
- Project Preparation, Design and Implementation of
Healthcare Systems Reconstruction - Development of a Regional Centre for Rural Health
to Support and Strengthen Manpower Development
and Long Term Implementation Efforts (in
Cooperation with Tianshui No 2 Peoples Hospital).
13Case Gansu Project, cont.with China Charity
Foundation (CCF) and The HIT Gateway
- Efforts on supporting on the development and
design of standards for reconstruction of
hospitals and clinics - Support GHB of the development of a model
framework for developing standards for sustaining
a high quality curative and preventive services
through a programme for manpower training of
staffs at different levels of the healthcare
system (county-township-village). - To maintain these standards CCF/HRD will
specifically focus its efforts to build a long
term partnership with Tianshui Hospital to become
a key institution for capacity building.
14Case Zhejiang Projectwith the HIT Gateway
- Zhejiang province is launching a province wide
personal healthcare information system as a
model-testing project for China. - The project main goal is to establish a model
that will give the capability for each residence
of the province to have his/her own web based
health record that will be connected to the
different levels of healthcare providers. - The strategy planning, infrastructure design and
identification of needed solutions has been
started in 2008. The project will need product
solutions for integration and interoperability.
15The Gateway a hub for services collaboration
- HIT Gateway now finally launched. The
first version of the Gateway webpages have been
published on www.hitgateway.cn - This is closely related to Renmin U team
collaborationg w. TKK/SoberIT
16Call for Action Accelerating Open Source
Software Deployment in China
- International University research co-operation
and collaboration on select themes - Acceleration of company development and formation
through training and new investment structures - Formation of a taskforce to complement existing
structures and to run the acceleration themes
on a business like way. - To condsider
- This sounds like a good match for eHP
continuation (e-health as one acceleration
theme) e-health is one potential domain we may
choose for OSS approach to be promoted
especially when considering agile health
17Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Further informationProf. Matti
Hämäläinen Software Business and Engineering
Institute (SoberIT) Department of Computer
Science and Engineering CSE Helsinki University
of Technology (Aalto University) matti.hamalainen(