Title: P1251328601wPZEq
1Workshop For a better use of geographical
information techniques in humanitarian
NGOs 9th January 2003, Brussels
2Workshop - Morning goals
To exchange information and experiences related
to the use of geographical information techniques
in humanitarian non-governmental
organisations. To analyse the requirements for
the future use of geographical information
techniques (follow-up of ISIS questionnaire).
3Workshop - NGOs morning
9h30 Opening session 10h00 NGO practice
with geographical information techniques
Open discussion
4Workshop - NGOs morning
- Why to use geographical information techniques ?
- Why to use maps, GPS, satellite images ?
- How to use these techniques efficiently ?
- What are the applications of geo-info techniques
? - How to deal with costs and funding ?
- How to deal with security of field teams ?
5Workshop - NGOs morning
11h15 Coffee break 11h45 NGOs needs and
requirements Open discussion
6Workshop - NGOs morning
- What are the needs and especially the
requirements of humanitarian organisations ? - How to send information to the field ? To
repatriate it ? - What about exchanging information between
participating agencies ? - Is there a way to share costs during operations
? What about competition between organisations ? - What about creating-using a humanitarian
information centre ? Nature, funding, data
ownership ?
7Workshop - Everybodys afternoon
14h00 Arrival and registration for
external 14h30 Introduction (H. Hansen
Keyobs) 14h45 The external vision Open
plenary discussion
8Workshop - Everybodys afternoon
15h45 Coffee break 16h15 The NGO
vision Open plenary discussion 17h15 C