Title: 325: paapt d
1??? 325 ?pa?a??pt???? ????d??
- ??d?s??? ???st?? ?a?a???t??
2?pa?a??pt???? ????d??
- ?? e??a? a??????µ??
- ???????µ?? e??a? µ?a se??? ap? saf? (unambiguous)
ß?µata ta ?p??a ?????? ??a p??ß??µa.
- Saf? ß?µata (e?t????)
- ??s?d?? ?? e?d?? ?a? e???? t?? ded?µ???? e?s?d??
?a p??pe? ep?s?? ?a e??a? saf? - ? a??????µ?? µp??e? ?a pe????afe? µe p??????
t??p??? (d?a??aµµat???, ?e?d?-??d??a?) - ?p??e? ?a ?p?????? p????? a??????µ?? p?? ??????
??a p??ß??µa - ?p??e? ?a ????? p??? d?af??et??? ap?d?s?
(ta??t?ta ep???s?? ? apa?t?se?? µ??µ??) -
4??? 325 ?pa?a??pt???? ????d??.
- A. Levitin, Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Ed. - ?e?????? µa??µat??
- ?p?p??s?ete? ?????f???e?
- www.eng.ucy.ac.cy/christos/courses/ECE325
5- ?e? ?p???e? (?a? de? µp??e? ?a ?p???e?) ??a?
???????µ?? p?? ?a ???e? ??a ta p??ß??µata!
- ??e?te t? µ???st? ????? d?a???t? (greatest common
divisor) µeta?? d?? a???a??? a???µ?? m, n. - ??s?d??
- ???d?? z // µ???st?? ?????? d?a???t??
7???????µ?? 1
- Find the prime factors of m
- Identify all common factors that appear in both
- Compute the product of the common factors
8???????µ?? 1
- Find the prime factors of m
- Find the prime factors of n
- Identify all common factors that appear in both
- Compute the product of the common factors
9???????µ?? 2
- t minm, n
- If m mod t 0 Goto 3, Else Goto to 4
- If n mod t 0 return t
- Set t t-1 and Goto 2.
10???????µ?? 3 (???????µ?? t?? ????e?d?)
- gcd(m, n)
- If n0 Return m
- gcd(n,m mod n)
11????? ?p???s?? ???ß??µ?t?? µe ???????µ????
- ?ata???s? t?? p??ß??µat??
- ???a? ad??at? ?a ??sete ??a p??ß??µa e?? de? t?
?ata??ßete! - ???pe? ?a ???ste? epa???ß?? t? s????? ???? t??
p??a??? e?s?d??. - ???at?t?te? t?? µ??a??? p?? ?a ??se? t?
p??ß??µa - ??? ?a ???e? st? ???? t?te de? µp??e? ?a ??e?
pe??ss?te?a ap? µe????? de??de? ß?µata. - ??a? ?p?????st?? de? ??e? ?pe??? ?p?????st???
12????? ?p???s?? ???ß??µ?t?? µe ???????µ????
- ????ß?? ??s? ? ??s? ?at? p??s????s? (exact or
approximate algorithm) - ?e???? p??ß??µata de? µp????? ?a ?????? a???ß??
- ??a a???ß?? ??s? µp??e? ?a s??ep??eta? te??st??
?p?????st??? f??t? se a?t??es? µe µ?a
p??se???st??? ??s? ? ?p??a µp??e? ?a e??a?
?p?????st??? p??? p?? ap?d?t??? - ? s??d?asµ?? p??se???st???? ??se?? µp??e? ?a µa?
d?se? t?? a???ß? ??s?
13????? ?p???s?? ???ß??µ?t?? µe ???????µ????
- ???te??p???s?
- S?ed?asµ?? t?? a??????µ?? ep???s?? t??
p??ß??µat?? - ?e????af? t?? a??????µ??
- ?????s? t?? ????t?ta? t?? a??????µ??
- G?a ??a ta p??a?? ded?µ??a e?s?d??
- ?a??µat??? epa???? (mathematical induction)
14????? ?p???s?? ???ß??µ?t?? µe ???????µ????
- ?????s? t?? ap?d?s?? t?? a??????µ??
- ?pa?t?se?? µ??µ??
- ?p??t?ta (simplicity)
- ?p??? a??????µ?? ?ata?????ta? ?a? ???p?????ta?
e?????te?a -
- ??a? a??????µ?? p?? ?aµß??e? ?p??? ??e? t??
p??a??? e?s?d??? µp??e? ?a e??a? p??? p??
p???p????? ap? ??p???? ???? ? ?p???? µp??e? ?a
a???e? se????a ta ?p??a ?a µ?? eµfa?????ta? p???
s????. - ???p???s?
15??p?? ???ß??µ?t??
- ???ß??µata ?a????µ?s?? (sorting)
- ???ß??µata ??a??t?s?? (searching)
- ?pe?e??as?a se???? s?µß???? (string processing)
- ???ß??µata se ???f??? (graph problems)
- S??d?ast??? ???ß??µata (combinatorial problems)
- Ge?µet???? ???ß??µata (geometric problems)
- ????µ?t??? ???ß??µata (numerical problems)
16???ß??µata ?a????µ?s?? (sorting)
- ?ed?µ???? e??? s?????? ap? st???e?a ta????µ?ste
ta se µ?a se??? µe ß?s? ??p??? ??e?d? (key). - ?? ??e?d? ?a p??pe? ?a ??a??p??e? µ?a s??s? p??
?a ep?t??pe? t?? ta????µ?s? - G?at? e??a? s?µa?t??? ?a d?at????µe ta????µ?µ??e?
??ste? -
- ?p???e? ??a? µe????? a???µ?? ap? a??????µ???
ta????µ?s??. G?at? - ?d??t?te?
- ??sta?e?? (stable) a??????µ?? ta????µ?s??
- ???????µ?? p?? de? ??e?????ta? ep?p??s?et? µ??µ?
17???ß??µata ??a??t?s?? (searching)
- ??a??t?s? e??? ? pe??ss?t???? st???e???
(a?t??e?µ????) se ??a s????? s?µf??a µe t? ??e?d?
a?a??t?s??. - ?????? f???? ta p??ß??µata a?a??t?s?? µp??e? ?a
s??d?ast??? µe d?? ???a p??ß??µata -
- ???ß??µata ße?t?st?p???s?? µp????? ?a d?at?p?????
sa? p??ß??µata a?a??t?s?? - ??e?te ta st???e?a t?? s?????? ??a ta ?p??a µ?a
s????t?s? pa???e? t? ß??t?st? t?µ? (e????st? ?
18???ß??µata se ???f??? (graph problems)
- G(V,E)
- ???s?µ?p?????ta? e????? ??a t? µ??te??p???s?
p????? p??ß??µ?t?? - ???ß??µata ße?t?st?p???s?? µp????? ?a d?at?p?????
sa? p??ß??µata se ???f??? s??d???ta? ta t??a µe
??p??? ??st?? ? ß???? (cost or weight).
19S??d?ast??? ???ß??µata (combinatorial problems)
- ???ß??µata p?? s?????? ??t??? t?? e??es? t??
s??d?asµ?? a?t??e?µ???? p?? ??a??p????? ??p?????
pe?????sµ??? (constraints) ?a? p?? ße?t?st?p?????
??p??a s????t?s? ??st???. -
- ?a??de??µa
- ??a? ßa?????? p??pe? ?a pe??se? ??a ????, µ?a
?ats??a ?a? ??a µa????? ap? t?? µ?a ???? t??
p?taµ?? st?? ???? ???s?µ?p????ta? µ?a ß???a st??
?p??a µp??e? ?a ????se? µ??? ??a a?t??e?µe??! - ????? ?? pe?????sµ?? ?a? p?? µp??e? ?a t?
20Ge?µet???? ???ß??µata (geometric problems)
- ???????µ??? ??s? ?e?µet????? p??ß??µ?t??
- ?a p??ß??µata a?t? eµfa?????ta? s???? se d??f??e?
efa?µ???? ??µp?t????, ??af????, t?µ???af?a? ??p. - ?a?ade??µata
- ?e????? t?? p?? ???t???? s?µe??? (closest-pair
problem) - Convex hull problem (p??? t? µ????te?? µ???? e???
f???t? p?? ?a eµpe????e?e? ??a s????? ap? s?µe?a) -
21????µ?t??? ???ß??µata (Numerical problems)
- S?µpe???aµß????? ??a µe???? e???? p??ß??µ?t??
- ????? ap? a?t? ta p??ß??µata ?????ta? (se
?p?????st??) ?at? p??s????s? af?? ??a?
?p?????st?? ??e? pe?????sµ??? a???ße?a e?? ??
????t?? a???µ?? ??e?????ta? ?pe??? a???µ? ??f???. - ? a???µ?t??? p??s????s? ???? t?? st???????p???s??
a???µ?? µp??e? ?a d?µ??????se? p??? µe???a
sf??µata ?d?a?te?a se epa?a??pt????? (iterative)
? a?ad??µ????? (recursive) a??????µ???!
22???ß??µata ?p?f?se?? ?a? ?e?t?st?p???s??
- ???ß??µata ?p?f?se?? (Decision Problems)
- ???ß??µata t?? t?p?? a?t?? e??a? d?at?p?µ??a µe
t?t??? t??p? ?ste ? ap??t?s? pa???e? t? µ??f?
(?a?/???, yes/no, 1/0). - ?a??de??µa
- ?e?t??????? ???ß??µata (function problems)
- ???ß??µata sta ?p??a ? ap??t?s? de? e??a? t??
µ??f?? ?a?/??? - ?a??de??µa
- ???ß??µata ße?t?st?p???s??
23???ß??µata ?p?f?se?? ?a? ?e?t?st?p???s??
- ???ß??µata ße?t?st?p???s??
- ?p???ste p?? X ap?te?e? t? s????? ???? t??
p??a??? pe??pt?se?? (st??µ??t?p??) e???
p??ß??µat??. - C(X)?? e??a? ?p?s????? t?? ? µe ??a ta st???e?a
p?? ??a??p????? ????? t??? pe?????sµ??? t??
p??ß??µat??. -