Title: Hot Penny Stocks Today Look At ONTY, PBMD, PANL.
1Penny Stock Research The Truth About Penny Stocks
2- Welcome to Penny Stocks Research. Every day we
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3- Hi, My name is Aaron and Im with Penny Stock
Research, today were reviewing our recently
published article
4Hot Penny Stocks Today Look At ONTY, PBMD, PANL
5Todays Hot Penny Stocks ONTY, PBMD, PANL
Whats going On?
6I told you Id do it. A few days ago I posted an
epic article about hot penny stocks that show up
in the markets.
7I shared with you why to keep watch I told you
what makes them hot I even shared how to find
them. But instead of making you do the work, let
me do it for you thats what they pay me for
after all!
8Let me highlight a few hot penny stocks then
share a hot penny stock list I put together.
9Just keep in mind, all of this information Im
finding in May of 2015 so if youre reading this
down the road, search the site for more recent
updates or do your own research! Now, lets look
at what Ive uncovered
10One Hot Penny Stock Today Oncothyreon ONTY
11Ok, the first hot penny stock to jump out at me
is Oncothyreon To be honest, whoever named this
company should be shot I cant pronounce that
goblyegook of letters so Im just going to call
them ONTY
12ONTY is looking like a Hot Penny stock right now
due to great news. Just look at the chart.
Thats a huge gain of over 71 in just a few days.
13 14Like I said the company has been getting some
good press. You see management is presenting at
the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting
in a few days. Our friends at ONTY are presenting
and investors are assuming theyll have good news
to announce.
15Shareholders should keep their fingers
crossed! This is a hot penny stock to watch for
certain great news and the stock could rocket
higher. So, what else is moving this week
16A Second Hot Penny Stock Today Prima BioMed
17Another Biotech stock, hot off the presses
18 19Look at that penny stock price jump
20Biotech stocks can be the hottest penny stocks in
the market driving them higher you just need
news, or rumors. In the Case of Prima BioMed, it
was outstanding news skyrocketing this penny
21Straight from the wire
22Prima Biomed announces that the final CVac data
from the Phase II CAN-003 ovarian cancer clinical
trial has shown a trend for a clinically
meaningful improvement in Overall Survival over
standard of care in second remission patients.
23In other words, Phase 2 data shows the drug they
are testing works. Thats why the stock is up
could it go higher? Possibly
24The company is now on the radar for having a
successful drug. They could be the target of a
buyout by a larger firm or might have more good
news to come.
25They did just lock down a Japanese partnership,
and a significant investment. But be warned
theres still a long way to go to get though
phase 3 trials. And that brings us to the next
company to catch my eye
26The Third Hot Penny Stock Today Pangaea
Logistics Solutions Ltd. PANL
27Ok, enough of the Biotech plays heres a stock
in a normal industry Shipping. Headquartered
out of good old Rhode Island, Pangaea Logistics
is a dry bulk shipper whos stock spiked in the
last few days.
28 29This companys story is all about the
numbers. They just announced earnings and
results were strong.
30Bottom line, management pushed net income higher
by 15... Cash flows climbed by 7 and theyre
seeing more voyage days being booked.
31Best of all, they just took delivery of two new
ships adding to their stables. Clearly a strong
improvement in the global economy is helping
shipping stocks in general, and PANL specifically.
32Now there are other hot penny stocks making
33Heres A Hot Penny Stock List Heres a quick
list of 10 hot penny stocks to keep an eye on
34Uranium Energy UEC Golden Star Resources
35Blue Earth BBLU Banro BAA eMagin EMAN U.S.
Auto Parts Network PRTS LoJack (LOJN
36So there you have a list of 10 hot penny stocks
today. Remember to do your research and study
these stocks and their businesses before putting
your chips on the table!
37If you own any of these stocks let me know.
Leave your comments on the blog, or shoot me an
email. Good trading
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