Scientific Methodology PH351F/PH451F - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scientific Methodology PH351F/PH451F


7.1 Overview (what we do in these two lectures) ... Then, we will apply this new methodology to the historical case of the Copernican revolution. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Scientific Methodology PH351F/PH451F

Scientific Methodology PH351F/PH451F
  • Luca Moretti
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Aberdeen University
  • http//

Lecture 7Lakatos methodology I
  • Requested readings
  • I. Lakatos, Falsificationism and the methodology
    of scientific research programmes in his
    Philosophical Papers, vol 1, pp. 31-52, pp.
    68-73, and pp. 86-90.

7.1 Overview (what we do in these two lectures)
  • I will first outline Lakatos methodology of
    scientific research programs.
  • Then, I will apply this new methodology to the
    historical case of the Copernican revolution.
  • I will briefly describe the Ptolemaic research
    program and the Copernican research program.
  • We will learn why, according to Lakatos, the
    second became rationally preferable to the first
    in the first half of the XVII century.
  • Although Lakatos explanation is illuminating, it
    is not completely convincing.
  • The problem of explaining the Copernican
    revolution from the point of view of scientific
    methodology remains partly open.
  • Some of the problems depend on Feyerabends sharp
    criticism of Lakatos view.

7.2 Lakatos project
  • Lakatos aims essentially to provide a
    reformulation of falsificationism capable to
    lessen the subjective and arbitrary elements of
    Poppers methodology, which were introduced to
    cope with the Duhem-Quine thesis.
  • For Popper, a theory can be considered falsified
    and thus eliminated on the grounds of
    incompatible observations when the scientific
    community unanimously stipulates (?) that the
    (well corroborated) auxiliary assumptions
    necessary for the falsification are true.
  • Since any well corroborated auxiliary assumption
    might prove false, true theories might be
  • To avoid methodological anarchism (i.e. the view
    that no theory can ever be eliminated), Poppers
    falsificationism would seem to turn science into
    an arbitrary enterprise.
  • Lakatos intends to re-formulate falsificationism
    to the effect that the elimination of theories
    does not rest on subjective decisions but is
    empirically justified.
  • This requires focusing, not on theories, but on
    research programs conceived of as dynamic
    sequences or progressions of theories.

7.3 The decisions necessary to falsify a theory
for the falsificationist
  • On Poppers falsificationism (at least in
    Lakatos interpretation of it), scientists can
    falsify a theory on the grounds of observations
    only after taking certain methodological
  • There are three types of decisions (or
  • (i) Decisions about which type of statements are
    observation statements
  • As the range of what is observable has vague
    boundaries (something observable only by
    telescope is really observable?), a specific
    class of statements should be assumed to be the
    one of the observation statements.
  • (ii) Decisions about which asserted observation
    statements are true
  • This requires deciding that the tools (e.g.
    telescopes) used to make the relevant
    observations are reliable tools.
  • This in turn requires deciding that the theories
    about these tools are correct (e.g. optics).
    These theories must be corroborated by
    independent tests.
  • This also involves deciding that the conditions
    of correct functioning of the relevant
    observation instruments (e.g. absence of high
    temperature) are satisfied in the specific cases.
    These conditions must have been repeatedly
  • Finally, the accepted observations must have been
    repeated several times.

7.4 The decisions necessary to falsify a theory
for the falsificationist
  • (iii) Decisions about which theories are
    falsified by true observational statements
  • Suppose T (e.g. a theory of comets) entails O
    (e.g. The comet C will be seen in x at time t).
    Suppose Not-O is true. in this case O is false!
  • T entails O only in conjunction with auxiliary
    assumptions specifying at least
  • The initial conditions (A1) (e.g. the location
    of C in the past).
  • That there is no disturbing factor (A2) (e.g.
    no body close to C that disturbs C motion).
  • That the observation tools are reliable (A3)
    (e.g. telescope is reliable).
  • To conclude that the falsification of O, entailed
    by T A1 A2 A3 does falsify just T,
    scientists have to assume that A1, A2 and A3 are
    all true.
  • A3 has been already considered while speaking
    of decisions of type (ii).
  •   Scientists will assume that A1 is true after
    repeated tests of it.
  •   Scientists will assume that A2 is true after
    testing many conjectures about possible
    influencing factors.

7.5 Lakatos objections to falsificationism
  • According to Lakatos, falsificationism is
    affected by two general problems
  • (a) Falsificationism asks scientists to take
    decisions that may prove misleading.
  • Popper seems to think of that these decisions
    are irreversible.
  • Popper wants to secure the possibility of
    rejecting some theories to
  • allow for the possibility of scientific
    progress, but the risk is rejecting
  • the wrong theories!
  • (b) Falsificationism does not reflect what
    scientists really do.
  • In particular
  • The history of science shows that the
    methodological decisions of
  • type (i), (ii) and (iii) are continuously
    questioned and re-discussed in time.
  • Real scientists are much slower and more prudent
    than Popper believes.
  • Furthermore, real science is more complex than
    in Poppers picture because scientific disputes
    typically involve not one theory but two rival
  • For instance
  • Ptolemys theory versus Copernicus theory,
  • Cartesian mechanics versus Newtonian mechanics,

7.6 How Falsificationism should be reformed
according to Lakatos
  • Lakatos proposes the following rules
  • (Theory acceptance) A new theory T should be
    accepted if and only if (a) the unrefuted (but
    not the refuted) predictions of its immediate
    predecessor T are derivable from T, (b) T
    makes new predictions with respect to T, (c) some
    of these new predictions are verified.
  • (Theory rejection) A theory T should be rejected
    if and only if there is new theory T such that
    (a) the unrefuted (but not the refuted)
    predictions of T are derivable from T, (b) T
    makes new predictions with respect to T, (c) some
    of these new predictions are verified.
  • Note that the falsification of T is neither
    sufficient nor necessary for the rejection of T.
  • It is not sufficient because T cannot be rejected
    on the grounds of incompatible observation
    statements if no better theory T is available.
  • It is not necessary because T can be rejected
    just because there is a new theory T with
    additional and verified predictions.
  • Note also that the new theory T can be accepted
    even if some of its new predictions prove false.

7.7 How falsificationism should be reformed
according to Lakatos
  • To lessen the arbitrary or subjective component
    of falsificationism and to explain how
    methodological decisions are continuously
    re-discussed by scientists, the rules of
    acceptance and rejection should be applied to
    theories in conjunction with all their auxiliary
  • Let us call the theories of this type theoretical
    systems or just systems.
  • Consider a series of systems S1, S2, S3, of
    this type, and suppose that each system results
    from changing only the auxiliary assumptions of
    the former system in order to accommodate its
    empirical anomalies.
  • A series of this type is theoretically
    progressive if each system in the series makes
    new predictions.
  • A theoretically progressive series is also
    empirically progressive if, for each system in
    the series, some of the new predictions are
  • A series of systems that is both theoretically
    progressive and (at least intermittently)
    empirically progressive is said progressive,
    otherwise it is said degenerating.
  • Note that if a series of systems is progressive,
    it has been constructed in perfect accordance
    with Lakatos rules of theory acceptance and
    rejection (applied to systems).

7.8 How falsificationism should be reformed
according to Lakatos
  • Lakatos suggests that, to cope with
    falsifications, scientists should construct (and
    that they do construct) a series of systems of
    this kind in which the auxiliary assumptions are
    continuously modified with the purpose of making
    the series progressive.
  • (Note that this seems to correspond to what Kuhn
    calls puzzle solving activity of scientists,
    which characterises normal science).
  • For instance, consider a system S equivalent to
    the conjunction T A1 A2 A3, where A1, A2
    and A3 are the auxiliary assumptions. Suppose
    that S entails the observational statement O,
    which turns out to be false.
  • In this case, S is false too.
  • To cope with the falsification of S, the
    scientists will modify A1, A2 or A3 to prevent
    the deduction of O, but they will try not to
    touch the theory T, central to the whole system.
  • Modifications of A1, A2 or A3 are tolerable as
    non-ad hoc if they make the series of
    succeeding systems at least theoretically
  • Any series of systems which is not at least
    theoretically progressive should be considered

7.9 How this makes falsificationism less arbitrary
  • If falsificationism is reformulated in this
    fashion, the only arbitrary decisions that
    scientists have to take concern the
    identification of the class of the observation
  • All other assumptions and decisions of scientists
    will be empirically tested again and again, and
    so (to a good extent) justified, while developing
    the series of systems to cope with
  • Suppose again T (e.g. a theory of comets) entails
    O (e.g. The comet C will be seen in x at time
    t) in conjunction with the auxiliary assumptions
  • (A1) The initial conditions. (Earlier locations
    of C).
  • (A2) That there is no disturbing factor. (No
    unknown body is close to C).
  • (A3) That the observation tools are reliable.
    (Telescope is reliable).
  • Suppose O is false.
  • To cope with this falsification, scientists will
    replace A1, A2 and A3 in turn with alternative
    assumptions and they will test each new systems
    so obtained.
  • Any rejected auxiliary can always be reconsidered
    in combination with new auxiliaries
  • The ideal goal is to maintain the sequence of
    systems progressive.

7.10 Lakatos demarcation criterion
  • While Poppers demarcation criterion focuses on
    single theories (a theory is scientific if and
    only if it could be falsified by observations
    describable with precision in advance), Lakatos
    demarcation criterion focuses on sequences of
    theories or systems
  • Any series of systems which is not at least
    theoretically progressive is pseudoscientific.
  • One can already guess from this why Lakatos
    thought that the scientists were rationally
    justified in switching from the old Ptolemaic
    view of the heavens to the new Copernican.
  • No system of the series
  • Eudoxus theory -gt Apollonius theory
    -gt Hipparchus theory -gt Ptolemys theory
  • probably predicted any new fact.
  • The whole series became very soon
    pseudoscientific an enormous sequence of ad-hoc
  • This explains Copernicus feeling that the
    Ptolemaic system was nothing but a (rational)

  • End Lecture 7
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