The ppt gives an insight into the Glinides group of medicines for treatment of Diabetes. It provides information about the working of Glinides as to how these are glucose lowering medicines and that they act by releasing insulin. It provides information about three medicines under the Glinide group – Repaglinide, Nateglinide and Mitiglinide. Repaglinide and Nateglinide can be added as second medicine to Metformin for treatment of diabetes. Along with diet and exercise, these medicines can help lower blood sugar effectively.
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The birth pills or contraceptive pills are of various types, for example, monophasic, biphasic or the triphasic pills. The triphasic contraceptive pills have consistent or fluctuating estrogen levels and progestin levels in the whole cycle. The biphasic pills contain steady measure of estrogen and somewhat low progestin/estrogen proportion in the initial 21 long periods of the menstrual cycle and a slight higher apportion in the second 50% of the cycle. Monophasic pills discharge same measure of progestin and estrogen consistently.
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Diabetes & Insulin Diabetes Mellitus I Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects the way your body handles energy you get from the food you eat Normally, the food ...
Any weight loss helps blood glucose control. All diabetes is serious. ... If you switch to insulin from pills, you have now developed Type 1 diabetes. ...
Engaging in an unusual amount of exercise that burns up the glucose ... Treatment begins with diet and exercise, then pills to later insulin. Easier to control ...
Diabetes Update Facts, Trends and Observations Bruce Bode, MD, FACE Atlanta Diabetes Associates Relative Risk of Progression of Diabetic Complications Lifetime ...
Insulin helps get sugar from blood stream into cells ... Exercise. Living with Type 2. Regular physical activity. Weight control. Sometimes insulin is necessary ...
of patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes today already have complications ... Casual BG greater than 200mg/dL, with symptoms, repeated on another day. ...
Provided Courtesy of Where health care professionals go for information Diabetes ABCs Review Date 8/09 D-0549 Contributed by Shawna Gornick-Ilagan, MS, RD, CWPC
Diabetes 101 Janet Renaldi, RN, CDE St Luke s Magic Valley Diabetes Education Program Prevalence of Diabetes 23 million in the US with Type 2 diabetes 1 million in ... Diabetes Type 2 - Help safely lower blood Glucose levels Hb A1C with natural products made from the Moringa Tree. Health Benefits of Moringa: The Miracle Tree