Title: Sai Angan — The Most Favourite Playschool Of Odisha
1The Most Favourite Playschool Of Odisha
Sai Angan, located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is one
of India's most recognised playschools. The
school is noted for its innovative teaching
methods, which include a multisensory approach.
Through a holistic approach, the multisensory
approach to learning focuses on the development
of all seven skills of a kid.
3These are some of the Top reasons why Sai Angan
is regarded as one of the best playschools in
- The classrooms are designed to provide each kid
with the much-desired 360-degree learning
experience, motivating them to become lifelong
and qualitative learners.
- The school is known for its amazing program,
which includes well-planned activities that
enable, empower, and encourage young learners to
think critically, motivate them to ask questions,
and provide them with a sense of purpose in their
4These are some of the Top reasons why Sai Angan
is regarded as one of the best playschools in
- Sai Angan also uses a multisensory approach to
learning focuses on the development of all the
seven skills of a child through a holistic
- The school aims for the children's overall
development so that they are prepared to handle
the challenges that they will experience in
elementary school and throughout their lives.
5These are some of the Top reasons why Sai Angan
is regarded as one of the best playschools in
- Sai Angan's curriculum also strives to improve
the children's communication abilities, and the
specially created activities are tailored to
instil a spirit of discovery and questioning the
unknown while refining their analytical skills.
6SAI Angan follows learning and growing through
Multi-Sensory Approach, which incorporates eight
major intellectual domains and provides
opportunities for each student
Sai Angan unique methodology ensures the
enhancement of all the skills such as intra and
interpersonal, visual, kinesthetic, linguistic,
logical, naturalistic and musical through
activity based teaching in their specially
designed classrooms. This ensures the 360 degree
development of each child. This makes sai Angan
One of the best Play schools in Odisha.
8Thank you