Title: Der Unterschied zwischen RDF/S und OWL Author: Marcel Rasinger Last modified by: Marcel Rasinger Created Date: 11/13/2004 10:25:32 PM Document presentation format
rdfs:comment property: a human-readable description of a resource ... Specifying that a given property is a unique identifier (or key) for instances ...
CORES Schema Creation and Registration Workshop, 6/7 March 2003. Tim Berners-Lee vision ... Tim Berners-Lee: ... to make the extra effort [Tim Berners-Lee] ...
RDFTL: An Event-Condition-Action Language for RDF. George Papamarkos. Alexandra Poulovassilis. Peter T. Wood. School of Computer Science and Information Systems ...
Title: RDF Version 1.2 and 1.3 Transfer of Information Author: Simon Whitworth Last modified by: Mike Miller Created Date: 8/29/2001 10:01:29 PM Document presentation ...
RDF Briefing Frank van Harmelen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam W3C Stack XML: Surface syntax, no semantics XML Schema: Describes structure of XML documents RDF ...
Title: RDF Briefing Subject: RDF Briefing for Elsevier Author: Frank van Harmelen Last modified by: Frank van Harmelen Created Date: 10/3/2004 5:30:29 PM
M s que un modelo de metadatos. Infraestructura para describir recursos en la web e intercambiar metadatos. RDF (2) ... Suele abreviarse con el prefijo: rdfs ...
Metamodellazione in RDF Tesina del corso di Seminari di Ingegneria del Software Alberto Cerullo Overview RDF/RDFS Metamodellazione in RDF Esempi di metamodellazione ...
RDF Triple Stores. Nipun Bhatia. Department of Computer Science. Stanford University ... Better performance of native stores points to that direction. ...
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Aplica ii Web Semantice Curs 3 RDF/XML Varianta clasic Foarte greu de citit de utilizatorii umani Gre eal clasic ...
IEEE LTSC Learning Object Metadata (P1484.12.4) IEEE P1484.12.4 LTSC. LOM RDF Binding WG ... Study on multi-lingual issues to be circulated (Jake Knoppers) ...
Correspondencia de grafos RDF Claudio Guti rrez C mo determinar si dos archivos RDF representan lo mismo? Problema: pueden representar el mismo modelo pero este ...
June 19, 2002. IEEE LTSC Learning Object Metadata (P1484.12.4) Agenda ... Matthias Palm r Robby Robson. Wolfgang Nejdl Alex Voichenko. Stefan Decker Thomas Enzi ...
Title: A Discussion of Some Intuitions of Defeasible Reasoning Author: ics Last modified by: tim finin Created Date: 5/4/2004 4:01:26 PM Document presentation format
... (t1, t2, t3), wobei t1 entweder URI oder Variable t2 entweder URI oder Variable t3 entweder URI, ... Links Dia UML Modeling Tool: http://dia-installer.de ...
rdf:Resource everything that can be identified (with a URI) ... Restricts the type of resources that may be the value of a specific property. range ...
ISO 15926 and RDF statements DEPUIS - Rome 14th, 15th May David Leal, CAESAR Systems Limited Using emerging technologies Identifying things by HTTP URIs getting data ...
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Presented by: Jonathan Catlett Presentation Topics Background Overview Example What is RDF? History Syntax Conclusion Background ...
an XML document: single root element. well formed XML document: if it has matching tags ... sub-tasks (e.g. HTML for rendering) or specific sub-communities ...
The Jena RDF Framework Konstantinos Tzonas Contents What is Jena Capabilities of Jena Basic notions RDF concepts in Jena Persistence Ontology management Reasoning ...
... into other tools to generate a dynamic list of related links as a user marks up a page ... elephant, and the virtual portal can provide a link to a picture ...
Medical/Surgical supplies. Pharmacy go-bag. RDFs responsible for storage. Re-supply process has been developed. Whenever the RDF deploys the Go-bags deploy with them ...
Resource A resource can be anything that has identity. ... 'Of all the canaries, how many live in cages?' RDF Schemas. Semantic networks on the Web ...
'eve has a sister who is a 98 year old woman'. The brackets introduce an anonymous resource. 'eve believes that her age is 100'. The braces introduce a reified ...
Learning Ontologies from RDF Annotations. Alexandre Delteil, Catherine ... a method to learn ontologies from RDF annotations by ... Hierarch Based on ...
Supports RDF, RDFS and OWL. In memory and persistent storage (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL) ... read RDF and saves optimized snapshot. Written in C , optimized for speed ...
Tim Berners-Lee's original proposal for the Web (1989) envisioned a web of ... In 1992, Gopher helped you find the right file on the Internet by browsing directories ...