An emotional yet funny take on life of engineers. Sometimes We think that life of engineers is awesome. They make cool things they are living cool life as they are paid highly. This video is myth buster for the above mentioned things. Being an engineer I think it is a challenging career. It not only takes from you your mental peace but more than that. Engineers also go through a lot of pain and agony as most of the things don't go their way. This video highlights few of them like going through breakup, searching for home,paying EMIs for flats and cars, thinking about changing their jobs. The video is funny but if you are engineer then it may be a emotional one for you as well.
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3-D ve hatta 3-DT g r nt ler. zerinde yapilabilmektedir ... Custom Convolution & Correlation, - Keskinestirme, Bulaniklastirma(Blur) - Gaussian Blur ...