Title: Rolvenden Primary School
1Rolvenden Primary School Accessibility Plan
2- Influencing factors
- Admissions policy
- Curriculum policies
- Equal opportunities policy
- Inclusion policy
- Teaching and Learning policy
- Sports provision
- Clubs and activities
- School trips residential trips
- SATs
- Secondary transfer
- Lunch time and playtimes
- Bullying policy
- Asthma Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Finance Policy
Planning Group The school has established an
Accessibility Planning Group (APG) Trevor Lodge
(Chairman) Barbara Scott (headteacher) Gillian
Standring (Chairman Governors AEN
committee) Georgina Lowe (Chair of Governors)
- Function of the Group
- Audit the existing provision/condition
- Set targets and time frames
- Consult on plan
- Publicise the plan
- Implement and monitor
- Report to governors
- Review and extend plans for future
3Accessibility Plan
- Background
- A disabled person is someone who has a mental or
physical disability that has an effect on his/her
ability to carry out normal, everyday activities.
The effect must be substantial, long term and
adverse. - The government s commitment to preventing
discrimination is demonstrated by - Disability Discrimination Act 1995
- Special Education Needs and Disability Act 2001
- Inclusive schooling 2001
- Evaluating Inclusion OFSTED
- In summary
- It is unlawful for a school to discriminate
against a disabled pupil in school life and
schools are encouraged to go beyond mere
compliance. - All schools must ensure that disabled pupils are
not treated less favourably and must take
reasonable steps to avoid putting such pupils at
a disadvantage. This is known as reasonable
adjustments duty.
4Audit Physical Environment
P physical V visual H hearing
Observation with regard to Accessibility
Car park
Needs a marked disabled bay P
Ramp at gate
Difficult to negotiate P
Main gate
Latch too high to reach from wheel chair P
(countered by security of pupils)
Mats at entrances Coconut
matting too thick for a wheelchair P
Toilets class 1 Step
down to area difficult to negotiate and too
narrow to turn wheelchair P
Toilets Boys and girls Not large
enough to turn and no disabled facilities e.g.
bars/hoists P
Toilets Staff Not
large enough to turn and no disabled facilities
e.g. bars/hoists P
Entrance from hall to class 4 Difficult to
negotiate P Acoustics poor H Architraves need
painting V
Class 4 Cloaks Mats
difficult to negotiate P Lighting poor V
Activity area
Cluttered and not enough space to turn P
Path at front of school Adverse
camber P Shrubs overgrown P
Swimming pool Steps
into changing rooms P Poor lighting in changing
rooms camber V (alternative
entrance available via gate) Activity area
Mats difficult to
negotiate. Ramp needed to get out of building
through this door P Classrooms
Some windows need blinds to reduce
glare V Redecoration in contrasting colours
needed V Acoustics poor in class 1 and 4
partially done
5Rolvenden Primary School Accessibility Plan 2005
Short term
1. Increase laptop provision. 2.i) Mark disabled
bay in car park. ii) Replace coconut matting with
asthma friendly flat mats iii) cut back
shrubs 3.i) Refurbish cloakroom ii) Put blinds in
hall class 4
1. Increase disabled participation in school
curriculum P V H 2. Improve access to school P 3.
Improve physical environment with colour contrast
and blinds P V H
A.P.G. Headteacher AEN Govs Curriculum
Govs Buildings Govs. Finance Govs
Increased access to NC Accessibility increased
Visual/auditory environment improved
1.From NGfL 2.i) 60 maintenance budget ii) 300
p.a. iii) 0 3. 5000 Capital funding
1. April 2003 2. Spring 2003 3. Spring 2003
Medium term
1. Increase access to school information V
H 2. i) Improve physical environment P V H
1.i) Produce prospectus on CD rom ii).
Review documents and increase font size 2.i) Put
cambered threshold in class 4/hall ii) Decorate
class 1 and 4 with colour contrast and blinds
1.10 2. i) c. 100 ii) c. 500
maintenance budget
1. Autumn 2003 2.i) Autumn 2003 ii) Summer
A.P.G. Headteacher Buildings Govs. Finance Govs
Increased access to school information Accessibili
ty increased Visual/auditory environment improved
1. Increase disabled participation in school
curriculum P V H 2. Improve access to school
P 3. Improve physical environment with colour
contrast and blinds P V H
1. Extend use of sound field system to all
classrooms and hall 2.i) Ramps/handrails to all
doors ii) Disabled toilet
facility iii) Refurbish pool
area 3. Refurbish air raid shelter for storage to
clear activity area
Increased access to curriculum Accessibility
increased Visual/auditory environment improved
1. 3000 (grant may be
available) 2. i) c. 2000 ii) c 10000
iii) c. 4000 3. c. 13500
1. Autumn 2004 2. i) Autumn 2006 ii) Autumn
2006 iii)Summer 2005 3. Spring 2004
A.P.G AEN govs. Headteacher Curriculum
Govs Buildings Govs. Finance Govs
Long term
6Audit Delivery of Information
P physical V visual H hearing
Observation with regard to Accessibility
School Prospectus Policies Annual Report Govs to
May not be accessible to visually impaired
parents and pupils V
Newsletters Admission forms School
May not be accessible to visually impaired
parents and pupils H
Do not include space to indicate
disability/requirements e.g. large print V
May not be accessible to hearing impaired
parents and pupils H
7Audit - Curriculum
P physical V visual H hearing
Observation with regard to Accessibility
Training Classroom organisation Lesson
planning Diversity Groupings P.E. Music
Drama Special adaptation ICT Visits Expectations
Removal barriers to learning
Training is put into place as need identified and
in advance of need Classroom organisation would
accommodate need of pupils Lesson planning
already reflects need for appropriate
differentiation Diversity is recognised and
celebrated in the school (Learning styles)
Teachers use variety of groupings plus
successful Buddy system Inclusive policy plus
alternatives when necessary e.g. PE
activities Makaton training has taken place.
Staff aware of need to adapt Provision will
need developing for students with disability e.g.
wide screen V Visits will be made accessible
for all pupils Expectations remain high for all
pupils Whatever the problem, the school policy is
the removal of barriers to learning wherever