Title: New Mexico SEEDLOANS
- SEED Self Employment for Entrepreneurs With
- Disabilities
2Partnering With VRIn New Mexico
3VR Staff Members Serve On The Technology Council
4NM SEEDLOANS Program Personnel
- 1) Market program directly to VR Area offices
2) Orient VR counselors on NMSEEDLoans
3) Send email updates
4) Make personal appearances at regional meetings
to keep them up-to-date
5 NM SEEDLoans
Works with potential loan clients and refers them
to VR when appropriate
Has an advantage because NM DVR has a
self-employment focus
- Three out of last five loans have been made to
people with VR connections (active client, former
VR client, spouse who is client)
6Talking Points To Promote Loan Program to VR
-Helps borrowers build credit and can improve
clients credit rating
- Very low rates of interest (currently 2.25)
-VR funds can be leveraged with NM SEEDLoan funds
to pay for business expenses
-Provides more supports so clients may not need
to return to VR when business problems arise
-Allows VR counselor to purchase other services
that might be needed (and also to serve more
7 Road Blocks
-VR clients would prefer to receive free money
(VR grant) compared to taking out a loan and
having to pay it back
-Some VR Counselors interested in outside
services only if they are easy to access and will
make their job easier
-Counselors do not believe that clients can
afford loan- even a 50 loan payment for
equipment that would make the client money.
-Easier for Counselor to just buy the business
equipment outright than work with NM SEEDLoan
8- www.nmseedloans.org
- 800-866-2253
- Program Director andy.winnegar_at_state.nm.us
- Loan Council Member charlenechavez_at_state.nm.us
- Marketing Consultant ktjnorton_at_comcast.net