Agoraphobia. Specific Phobia. Social Phobia. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ... Agoraphobia ... Some persons develop Agoraphobia without ever having had a panic attack ...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a range of neurodevelopmental conditions. It affects the social, behavioural, and communicative abilities of the individual. It also impacts the cognitive abilities, focus, learning abilities, and motor skills of the individual.
Seizure - an uncontrolled paroxysmal discharge of the CNS that interferes with normal ... Atonic. Absence seizures (petit mal) CLASSIFICATION. Febrile seizure: ...
A seizure is a sudden attack of altered consciousness, motor activity, sensory ... Characteristics of convulsive seizures (tonic/clonic, grand mal, atonic) ...
Bipolar Disorder & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Nancy Rappaport, MD Harvard Medical School Bipolar Disorder Also known as manic depression, a mental illness that ...
Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) In 1943 Dr. Leo Kanner of the Johns Hopkins Hospital studied a group of 11 children and introduced the ...
Seizure Disorder Not the Cause, but the Symptom Nursing Care Airway management Ensure IV access patent Protect from injury, DO NOT RESTRAIN ...
Autistic Spectrum Disorders are the result of a Bowel Disorder? Diagnostic Problems. Multiple Diagnostic Criteria Overlap with Attention Deficit, Dyspraxia and ...
Endocrinology, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Renal/Urology Disorders, Rhythm Review Condell Medical Center EMS System ECRN CE Prepared by: S. Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P
Practical Neurology Seizure Disorders The most common Neurologic Problem in Small Animal Medicine Wendy Blount, DVM Types of Seizures Generalized Seizure Used to be ...
Seizures & Epilepsy Prof.Mohammad Salah Abduljabbar Simple partial In simple partial seizures, consciousness is not impaired. Patients can present with motor ...
... neurocutaneous features Neurological Other system as indicated E.g. Febrile convulsion, infantile spasm Epilepsy ... Definition Seizure (Convulsion) ...
SEIZURES Management New Options * * * * * * * * * * * in 13 tests covering the wide range of movement, posture and sensory functions which were assessed.
2. Does the patient have epilepsy. How to work up first seizure in an adult. Is it a seizure? ... cheek or tongue biting, salivation. loss of bowel, bladder control ...
... epilepsy is all-encompassing and says nothing about the type of seizure, however ... toxic screening - urinalysis. CAT scan. Urinalysis. Drug-toxic ...
Epilepsy is the second most common brain disorder (after stroke) ... Seizures cause temporary disturbances of brain functions such as motor control, ...
During a seizure (ictus), paroxysmal EEG activity may arise from either normal ... thus may seem to partially undress, true exhibitionism is extraordinarily rare. ...
... is diagnosed when 2 or more unprovoked seizures occur at interval greater than 24 hours apart ... There are two basic types of seizures caused by epilepsy : ...
Meniere s Disease Endolymphatic Hydrops Michael J Disher, MD Ear, Nose, and Throat Associates For Wayne, Indiana Vestibular Disorders Dizziness Imprecise Term ...
NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS I Myrna D.C. San Pedro, MD, FPPS MALNUTRITION A pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute deficiency or excess of one or more ...
Anxiety Disorders Prevalence Anxiety Disorders more prevalent than mood disorders- 18 % Primary gain: the individuals desire to relieve the anxiety to feel better ...
Electrolyte Disorders Resident Rounds Aric Storck February 26, 2004 Case 1 75 yo woman orthostatic presyncope x 2 days diarrhea x 1 week drinking 2-3 litres of tea a ...
EATING DISORDERS Resmy Palliyil Gopi OBJECTIVES Discuss the signs and symptoms of eating disorders, the appropriate evaluation, and treatment options: Anorexia ...
Thyroid Disorders Hasan AYDIN, MD Yeditepe University Medical Faculty Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Treatment of Riedel s Thyroiditis Thyroxine Surgery ...
CONVERSION DISORDER By Dr. Hena Jawaid Definition Term refers to a condition in which there are isolated neurological symptoms that can not be explained in terms of ...
Somatoform Disorders By Emily Mikel and Madison Lavigne Definition A category of psychiatric disorder characterized by conversion of emotional distress into physical ...
CONVERSION DISORDER Travis Phifer, M.D. Somatoform Disorders Definition taking the form of soma (w/ implication of nonsomatic) unexplained disorders A ...
BIPOLAR DISORDER Amol Pai and Wai-Kam Leong Bipolar What is Bipolar Disorder? Manic-Depression A brain disorder affecting moods and energy that effects over 2 ...
DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER Loss of unitary sense of self as a single human being with a single basic personality Arises as a defense mechanism Contradictory ...
SEIZURE DISSORDERS by Dr SBA Oseni Definitions: Convulsions are involuntary repetitive (clonic) or sustained (tonic) contractions of a group of muscles and can be ...
Congenital and perinatal disorders of brain Genetic disorders During pregnancy Encefalofacial angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber) Cutaneous haematoma in face Seizures Mental ...
Dutchess Neurology, PLLC provides patients throughout Dutchess County, NY the latest diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care for multiple sclerosis, migraines and other types of headache, Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss problems, sleep disorders and other neurological conditions.
Personality Disorders W Klugh Kennedy, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP, FCCP Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Psychiatry Mercer University, Savannah Georgia