Lowtemperature Alinduced crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous Si1xGex 0'2x1 thin films Shanglon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lowtemperature Alinduced crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous Si1xGex 0'2x1 thin films Shanglon


... calculated frequency shifts (lines) for fully unstrained SiGe films (Eqs. ... shift of the Si Si,Si Ge and Ge Ge phonon modes for the unstrained Si1xGex layer ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lowtemperature Alinduced crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous Si1xGex 0'2x1 thin films Shanglon

Low-temperature Al-induced crystallization of
hydrogenatedamorphous Si1-xGex (0.2x1) thin
filmsShanglong Peng, Xiaoyan Shen, Zeguo Tang,
Deyan He Department of Physics, Lanzhou
University, Lanzhou 730000, ChinaReceived 14
August 2006 received in revised form 20 June
2007 accepted 17 July 2007Available online 25
July 2007
  • Adviser Dr. Hon-Kuan
  • Reporter
    Jheng-Jie Syu
  • Date

  • Introduction
  • 2. Experimental details
  • 3. Results and discussions
  • 4. Conclusions

  • Low-temperature formation of microcrystalline
    (mc-) or polycrystalline (poly-) Si1-xGex films
    on inexpensive substrates such as glass has been
    expected to realize advanced systems in displays
    and three-dimensional ultra large-scale
    integrated circuits.
  • Some low-temperature approaches such as solid
    phase crystallization and laser annealing have
    been carried out to crystallize amorphous (a-)
    Si1-xGex films. However,poly-Si1-xGex films with
    small grain (1 µm) were often obtained by these

3-(2003)-Laser-crystallized microcrystalline
SiGe alloys for thin film solar cells
2-(1999)-Solid-phase crystallization of
amorphous SiGe films deposited by LPCVD on SiO2
and glass
Fig. 4. TEM bright field images of LIC SiGe films
deposited at 4500C and laser crystallized at (a)
250C (b) and 7400C.
Fig. 3. Plain-view TEM images of the samples with
(a) x 0 and (b) x 038 crystallized at 5500C
on silicon dioxide.
  • Introduction
  • 2. Experimental details
  • 3. Results and discussions
  • 4. Conclusions

2. Experimental details
  • Al films (200300 nm thick) were firstly
    deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation on
    corning 7059 glass substrates.
  • Hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex films (10001200 nm
    thick) were then grown on the Al-coated glass
    substrates using a radio frequency (13.56 MHz)
    capacitively-coupled PECVD system.
  • The reaction gases were SiH4 (Ar dilution), Ar
    and GeH4 (H2 dilution) with a total flow in the
    range of 4050 sccm. The substrate temperature
    was fixed at 250 C. The base pressure and the
    deposition pressure were 3.010- 4 Pa and 150 Pa,
    respectively. The applied radio frequency power
    was 30 W.
  • The annealing temperatures were 300, 350, 400 and
    450 C,respectively, and the annealing time was
    kept constant for 3 h.

  • Introduction
  • 2. Experimental details
  • 3. Results and discussions
  • 4. Conclusions

3. Results and discussions
  • The peaks at 28, 47 and 55 can be seen when
    the sample was annealed at a temperature of 350
    C ,which correspond to the diffraction from
    (111), (220), and (311) planes of the
    crystallized Si1-xGex films, respectively.
  • Further increase in the peak intensity and
    reduction in the full width at half maximum can
    be found with the increase of the annealing
    temperature, indicating an enhancement in the
    film crystallinity.

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex
(x0.2) film as-deposited and annealed at several
temperatures for 3 h.
3. Results and discussions
  • We found that the three XRD peaks of (111),
    (220), and (311) in Fig. 2(a) are much stronger
  • those in Fig. 2(b), confirming that the Ge-rich
    sample is easier to be crystallized at the same
    annealing temperature.
  • The small shift of the peak position was
    observed, which results from the increase of the
    lattice constant with the increase of the Ge

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex
films with x0.5 (a) and x0.2 (b) annealed at
400 C for 3 h.
3. Results and discussions
  • Increasing the annealing temperature to 400 C,
    not only the Al layer disappeared, but also the
    structure of the SiGe film changed dramatically.
    We believe that Al atoms diffuse into the SiGe
    film and induce the film to crystallize by
    forming a mixture of Al and SiGe.
  • In the following phase the Si grains go on
    growing laterally only until they touch adjacent
    grains and form a continuous poly-Si film on the
    glass substrate.
  • It was reported that crystallization of a-SiGe
    needs much longer annealing time at low annealing
    temperature below 420 C (the eutectic
    temperature of binary of AlGe).

Fig. 3. Cross-section SEM images of hydrogenated
a-Si1-xGex (x0.2) film annealed at 300 C (a)
and 400 C (b) for 3 h.
3. Results and discussions
  • The three Raman broad peaks located at 300, 400
    and 500 cm- 1 can be clearly seen, which
    respectively correspond to the GeGe, SiGe and
    SiSi stretching mode s.
  • The Raman peaks of the GeGe and SiGe modes
    shift to higher frequency (blue shift) with the
    increase of the Ge fraction, however, the peak of
    the SiSi mode shifts to low frequency (red
    shift) in the Ge composition range under study.

Fig. 4. Raman spectra of the as-deposited
hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex films with x1, 0.5, 0.4,
0.33 and 0.2.
3. Results and discussions
  • It was reported that the increase of the
    crystalline phase leads to high-frequency shifts
    of GeGe and SiGe peaks.
  • Furthermore, it is known that the intensities of
    the peaks for crystallized Si1-xGex alloys depend
    on the composition x because the number of SiSi,
    SiGe and GeGe bonds scales like (1-x)2,2x(1-x)
    and x2 and therefore the relative intensities17.

Fig. 5. Raman spectra of hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex
films with x0.5, 0.4, 0.33 and 0.2 annealed at
350 C for 3 h.
3. Results and discussions
  • The Raman shift of the SiSi,SiGe and GeGe
    phonon modes for the unstrained Si1-xGex layer
    varies linearly with the Ge fraction according to
    the following relationships 1921
  • The little deviations may be due to the presence
    of tensile strain and the interaction of lattice
    phonons caused by residual Al-doping (Fano

Fig. 6. Experimental frequency shifts (squares
and dashed lines) of the SiSi (a), SiGe (b) and
GeGe (c) modes as a function of Ge fraction x
for the hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex films annealed at
350 C for 3 h. The corresponding calculated
frequency shifts (lines) for fully unstrained
SiGe films (Eqs. (1)(3)) are presented in
comparison with the experimental data.
  • Introduction
  • 2. Experimental details
  • 3. Results and discussions
  • 4. Conclusions

4. Conclusions
  • It is shown that the crystallization of
    hydrogenated a-Si1-xGex films begins at the
    Al/a-Si1-xGex interface and the Al-induced layer
    exchange significantly promotes the
    crystallization of the films.
  • The GeGe and SiGe peaks shift to a higher
    frequency with the increase of the Ge fraction.
  • With the increase of the Ge fraction and
    annealing temperature,there is an enhancement in
    film crystallinity and grain size.

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