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The shark is usually white on its under side and grey or dark blue on ... At birth, a 5-foot-long, 60 pound pup looks and acts exactly like a miniature adult. ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: APS Last modified by: APS Created Date: 5/19/2003 6:42:41 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
10/21/09 BR- Identify the (1)premises and the (2)conclusion in the following deductive argument. Is it valid or invalid? All fish need gills to breath water.
For a shark s defense, they bite. Sharks have really good teeth for biting and for protection and for guarding. Sometimes sharks sink their teeth into other animals.
SHARK Ricardo Bull sharks are the most dangerous shark in the world. His fin is as big as a person standing. Sharks have lived in the oceans for more than 350 million ...
Sharks! Great White Shark Anatomy Caudal fin: used for turning and propelling forward Dorsal fin: on a shark s back is used for balance. The second dorsal fin ...
Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the ... goblin shark has a large, pointed protuberance on its head; its purpose is unknown. ...
Sharks. Anatomy and Physiology. Body Shapes. Tail Shapes. Snout and ... Filter Feeding sharks such as the whale, basking, and megamouth sharks. Shark Digestion ...
Each year over 30 to 100 million shark are killed by nets, for food or for sport. ... Researchers combine shark cartilage and. cow collagen to make sheet to ...
A Great White Shark gives birth up to 2 14 baby sharks at one time. ... A Great White Shark eats seals, whales even people!!!! The Great White eats anything ...
There are many types of sharks. There are big ones, small ones, spotted ones and striped ones. ... Laura King. EDT 3470. Sharks! The Mysterious Killers by ...
Family Lamnidae (mackeral) white, mako, sand tiger, basking. hammerhead, bullhead ... You are more likely to be killed by a falling TV than being killed by a shark ...
studies on deep water lantern sharks, so named for their ability to glow in the ... The leopard shark, is a hound shark found in the coastal waters of the eastern ...
Some sharks have pointed bodies so that they move faster in the water. ... Some sharks are colors of gray, black, white, and blue. Most sharks are about four ...
Tiger Sharks are the most dangerous. Also the Tiger Shark is really fat! ... The Swell shark has oval eyes. It is brown. This shark has a lot of tiny teeth. ...
Sharks are different from all other animals in that their skeletons contain no bone. ... but when it does attack, it probably mistakes them for a sea lion or seal. ...
Most of the sharks are grey . They have a hard skin for chasing fish in the coral reef. Their scales are like little teeth. Food. They feed on plankton. ...
The biggest shark is called the Whale Shark. Appearance. SHARK look like a fish and sharks have ... Sharks have a triangle shaped fin on their back. Habitat ...
Sharks belong to a family called Chondrichthyes. The members all have cartilage. rather than ... Tiger Sharks. Garbage Cans of the Ocean. They eat anything ...
SHARKS. Zack, Chris, Dylan. Quadrilateral. A quadrilateral is a ... Tessellation. The repeated use of shapes to fill a flat surface without gaps or over laps. ...
Loan sharks are illegal lenders who lend money to people who are in need. They tend to target low income and desperate people because they know that these are the people who are more likely to go for their services. Loan sharks often seem friendly and inviting and probably seem like a great idea at first but borrowing money this way rarely turns out well
An angel shark has been around for millions of years. Eastern pacific, from southeast Alaska, USA, to ... The angel sharks predator is the great white shark.
Like all sharks, the whale shark is cold-blooded. ... Whale sharks are often confused with whales because of their size and non-violent tendencies. ...
The Shark Video directed and Edited By: Stacy Felasco Kim Lutz Austin Register THE SHARKS!! By: Denise Levertov Well then, the last day the sharks appeared. Dark fins ...
Anal Fin Present Yes No Yes Angel Sharks Squatiniformes Body flat and ray like No Dogfish Sharks Squaliformes Cow Sharks Hexanchiformes Yes One dorsal fin, six pairs ...
BULL SHARK BY: CODY JOHNSON ADAPTATIONS Physical Traits A gland in the dorsal fin that holds salt for when it goes in a freshwater source. Sensitive smell to track a ...
I designed and produced the Finger Shark as I believe passionately in aiding children and adults to carry out everyday tasks and writing without experiencing pain. The Finger Shark was designed to aid my own two children who have Hypermobility.
2.danger-The chance that something bad will happen. 3.lesson-Something to be learned, taught, or studied. ... 4.trouble-A difficult or dangerous situation. 5. ...
BULL SHARK (Carcharhinus leuca) ... Family/ carcharhinidae Genus/ carcharhinus Species/ c. leucas Male bull sharks can grow up to 7 ft and ... sharks, rays, dolphins ...
Analyze the average maximum wind speed per year by decade and the maximum wind speed per decade ... Trying to Summon Nikola Tesla? Number of Storms Through Time ...
5th Grade Science Week One: January 26-29 Introduction to the project Teams are formed by Mrs. K. and Mrs. Heeren Groups of 3 Homerooms are mixed so students work ...
Bull shark teeth are triangular, serrated (saw edged) and very sharp. As teeth are lost, broken, or worn down they are replaced by new teeth that rotate in to place. ...
Like all sharks, the whale shark is cold-blooded. The whale shark can be 18 meters in length and exceed 10 tons! The whale shark mainly feeds on plankton, ...
There are several reasons for the decline of shark populations around the world. ... Many shark species have declined as much as ninety percent with a number ...
Shark Tale. The theme---Nobody VS Somebody. Appreciate a ... hip hop fashion ... used to film 'Gone with the Wind' and photos of Hollywood past and present. ...
... (favorite:baby sandbar sharks) Dolphins. Rays. Mollusks. Crustaceans. Turtles ... Amazing facts. Bull sharks reach sexual maturity when they are 5-6 years old. ...
Shark Attacks. Alison Cottrell. EDU 290. Tuesday 4:00-6:50. Shark Attacks. Learning about sharks. Last Fatality. Total of attacks. If attacked, what to do ...
Most Whale Sharks are about 13-39 feet long. The largest Whale Shark was 45 feet long. ... Whale Sharks have over 300 teeth per jaw, but they are not a threat ...
All About Sharks. An ABC Slideshow. By Mrs. Madden's 2nd Grade. Spanish Immersion Students ... A basking shark is an unusual shark. U. is for very sharp. Sharks have ...
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Hunting A great white shark near Seal island which is off the coast of South Africa. Great White Shark Tiger Shark Tiger Sharks are mostly near Hawaiian islands.