Title: Shintakemonitor and the background estimation
1Shintake-monitorand the background estimation
Taikan SUEHARA (The University of Tokyo)
2Shintake-monitor upgrade
- Shorter wavelength
- Use 2nd harmonics of YAG laser (532nm)
- FFTB used 1st YAG (1064nm)
- Fringe stabilization
- In FFTB, 17 nm jitter in 6 sec. 22 nm in 25
sec. - Some feedback system ?
- Moving fringe pattern
- in FFTB, they moved electron beam instead of
fringe. - Use pockels cells or delay line (planning)
- ?-ray detector
- Compton energy is very low (28MeV max.)
- Background is more severe
- The FFTB Shintake-monitor arrival from SLAC (June
05) - Background study _at_ ATF ext. line (June 05)
- Shintake-monitor optics electronics test
(August 05) - Shintake-monitor upgrade (fall 05)
- Install on beam line (summer 06 ??)
- Beam ON (?)
4Interaction of beam halo with beam pipe
- Charge distribution of the beam (x y)
- Center of the beam gaussian
- Beam tail also gaussian ?
- If gaussian, interaction is negligibly small
(with proper distance of materials from beam
line) - Measurement of charge of beam halo_at_ ATF ext.
line - Using wire scanner
- Measure charge of 5 10 s
- We use s as that of center of the beam(gaussian
5Beam halo meas. result
Gaussian distribution damps a factor of 1000 for
every sigma, but it only damps s-4
6Integral beam halo estimation
Beam halo seems not to be negligible, We need
some beam collimeter optics ! (they did in FFTB)
7Radiation from beam dump
- Background measurement from beam dump
- Using CsI calorimeters installed around dump.
- Time distribution monitored via oscilloscope and
compared with Monte Carlo simulation. - Distance and angle dependence of charge and
timing of signal also checked.
Detector position
8Raw signal
100ns grid
Beam timing
CsI output
PMT without CsI
Prompt Peak
Delayed Peak
9Monte Carlo simulation(GEANT4)
prompt peak
delayed peak
Prompt delayed peak observed in both
measurement and simulation.
10Position dependenceof each signal
- Prompt signal
- Bigger signal near beam dump
- Timing is faster at upstream of beam line
- ?Combination of photons from beam line and
beam dump - Delayed signal
- Delay is larger at detector far from dump
- Interaction of slow neutron around detector
- Not affect for Shintake-monitorbecause of large
time delay(we can easily eliminate this by
timing gate)
11 Next beam time (6/6)
- To measure beam halo (confirmation)
- Distribution of vertical beam halo
- Energy of beam halo no idea
- Outside 10 sigma Inside 5 sigma
- Difference between MW(04)X
- Dependence of beam parameter(Charge,Beam size, )
12 Next beam time (6/6)
- To understand signal around beam line beam dump
- Timing separation of prompt signal
- Plastic scintillator ? (use XTFs ?)
- Air-cherenkov detector ?
- Lead glass detector ?
- Beam line signal (far from dump)
- Attenuation of distance
- Direction of particle
- Simulation
- Effect of shield
- Position dependence on prompt signal