Title: SiDUK Introductory Meeting
1SiD-UK Introductory Meeting
Philip Burrows John Adams Institute Oxford
- ILC project status
- International planning for detectors
- UK strategy for involvement in ILC detectors
- SiD UK
3GDE RDR / RD Organization
FALC Resource Board
GDE Directorate
GDE Executive Committee
GDE R D Board
GDE Change Control Board
GDE Design Cost Board
Global RD Program
RDR Design Matrix
RDR Management Group
4 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
5Official release of RDR, August 2007
6ILC Reference Design
- 11km SC linacs operating at 31.5 MV/m for 500 GeV
- Centralized injector
- Circular damping rings for electrons and
positrons - Undulator-based positron source
- Single IR with 14 mrad crossing angle
- Dual tunnel configuration for safety and
Reference Design Feb 2007
Documented in Reference Design Report
7RDR Design Parameters
8 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Engineering Design
9EDR definition
- Goal The primary goal of GDE activities will be
to advance - the technology,
- the design and
- the construction plans
- so that approval for construction can be sought
in 2010. - EDR will
- explain the capabilities of the technology at
that time, - detail the design of the machine and the
construction plans, and - will present an updated value estimate.
10 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Engineering Design
11 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
LHC Physics
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Engineering Design
12 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010
Global Design Effort
LHC Physics
Baseline configuration
Reference Design
Engineering Design
ILC RD Program
Expression of Interest to Host
International Mgmt
13Nice, but what about Orbach?
Completing the RD and engineering design,
negotiating an international structure, selecting
a site, obtaining firm financial commitments, and
building a machine could take us well into the
mid-2020s, if not later,
- Our technically driven time-scale is
- Construction proposal in 2010
- Construction start in 2012
- Construction complete in 2019
(Barry Barish)
14Detector Concepts
15Detector Concepts Report (DCR)
- Editors Behnke, Damerell, Jaros, Miyamoto
- Make the case that detectors can do the ILC
physics - Show detector designs are within our reach
- Show where we are in detector developments and
where we are going - NOT a complete description of any detector
- NOT a comparison of ILC Detector Concepts
16Contents of DCR
- Challenges for Detector Design and Technology
- Detector Concepts
- Machine Detector Interface
- Subsystem Design and Technologies
- Sub Detector Performance
- Integrated Physics Performance
- The Case for two Detectors
- Costs
- Options
- http//www.linearcollider.org/cms/
17ILC Detector Strategy
- The interaction region (IR) should allow for two
experiments .. the two experiments could share
a common IR, provided that the detector
changeover can be accomplished in approximately 1
week. (ILCSC Parameters Group) - Calls for Letters of Intent expected soon
- - to be submitted September (?) 2008
- Two concepts expected to be selected to be
carried forward for EDR on similar timescale as
machine 2010 - Research Director for physics/detectors TBA
18Ch. 8 The case for two Detectors
- Competing, cross checking of results, scientific
redundancy for precision measurements. gt1
analysis teams for 1 detector does not create the
needed level of competition and redundancy. - The collider luminosity is split, but the
scientific productivity would be significantly
increased - Maximal participation of the global particle
physics community. One detector will not satisfy
the interest - Ensures the backup if one detector need
significant down time - Numerous historical examples where complementary
experiments were critical - a lots more reasons are listed and emphasized
19UK Strategy (1)
- UK has made strategic investments in detector
- Internationally recognised
- Put UK in strong position
- Need to optimise alignment with international
situation - expected call from WWS for detector concept
LoIs - (Autumn 2008)
20UK Strategy (2)
- LCUK collaboration meeting RHUL 13/4/07
- UK should aim to take leading positions in TWO
of the - current detector concepts
- (GLD LDC agreed to merge!)
- Contact persons Mark Thomson (GLDC)
- Philip Burrows (SiD)
- explore opportunities coordinate UK
involvement - (UK leadership of key systems based on technical
21SiD-UK organisational task force
- Philip Burrows
- Paul Dauncey
- Joel Goldstein
- Andrei Nomerotski
- Marcel Stanitzki
- Mike Tyndel
- Steve Worm
- http//hepwww.rl.ac.uk/SiD/
22 Agenda
- 13.30 P. Burrows Welcome and introduction
- 13.45 M. Stanitzki Overview of SiD concept
- 14.15 S. Worm, J. Goldstein VXD tracking
system opportunities - 14.45 P. Dauncey Calorimetry and UK
opportunities - 15.15 A. Nichols Mechanical integration
issues - 15.45 Tea/coffee
- 16.15 D. Urner Machine/detector interface
- 16.45 A. Nomerotski, T. Lastovicka Physics
benchmarking studies - 17.25 All Discussion
- 18.00 Adjourn
23Discussion Points
- Status of interests/involvements
- Additional groups areas of interest
- (GLDC meeting Cambridge September 19th)
- LCUK Meeting Liverpool September 25th
- Announcement on Research Director LoI process
- signing up for LoIs
24IR Engineering Workshop
ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design
Workshop September 17-21, 2007Stanford Linear
Accelerator CenterMenlo Park, California
25Next International Physics/Detector Meeting