The explosion of mobile devices with various screen sizes and resolution brought challenge forweb publishers. Balancing web delivery of high quality images and fast performance without degrading user experiences becomes a hindrance for web publishers. Instart Logic developed a new technology called SmartVision that intelligently determines the ideal compression level for images, for every image on your site, processed in the cloud. Check out our Playground:
Fast image delivery and responsive web design has been an issue for most websites. At Instart Logic, the back-end infrastructure like Image Resizing and unique client-cloud architecture enables SmartVision. These optimizes the whole delivery pipeline around content being delivered, reduces load time and enhance user experience. Learn more about SmartVision technology at:
With SmartVision technology, Instart Logic optimizes the way images are delivered to preserve a strong Quality-of-Experience (QoE). This technology enables optimized delivery of image-rich web applications as a whole, while selecting individually-tuned settings for each image within a given web application. To know more about SmartVision, visit: Learn more about Image Streaming at:
Instart Logic unveiled a new interactive visual representation section called Playground. This demonstrates how Instart Logic's technology such as SmartVision, HTML Streaming and Image Adaptation interacts with various web page elements and enables users to play with these technology features in real time. Learn more about web performance solution:
According to HTTP Archive, the average web page has recently passed over 2MB thresholds in size, which is double the page size three years ago and majority of the web page content is images. The page load time to deliver content increases and affects the quality of user experience. Learn how Image Streaming technology, Nanovisor, SmartVision technology & image transcoding from Instart Logic optimizes image-heavy websites that accelerates web and application delivery. To know more about Instart Logic’s technologies:
Instart Logic has been working towards enabling its network to handle HTTP/2 client connections. As HTTP/2 has greater adoption, organizations will want to experiment with some of the more advanced features of HTTP/2 like priorities, dependencies and push. Read to know how HTTP/2 changes will impact Instart Logic customers.
Customers expect blazing fast web experiences, but 86% of online retailers do not deliver fast and responsive shopping experience. This causes customers to navigate to different websites or give up entirely causing real bottom line impacts to organizations. Take a look at this presentation to understand how understand how Instart Logic gives a huge boost in delivering consistent superior experiences to customers across platforms, anywhere in the world.
Instart Logic makes web applications more responsive with a software-defined architectural approach to application delivery. Our client-and server-side technologies enable our customers to deliver more responsive web applications and speed up the delivery of dynamic content. Here is what you need to keep in mind while deploying SPDY in an application in order to make web applications more responsive.