For more course tutorials visit SOC 308 Week 1 DQ 1 Constructing Race SOC 308 Week 1 DQ 2 Implications of Anglo Dominance in the United States SOC 308 Week 2 DQ 1 Legacy of Slavery SOC 308 Week 2 DQ 2 Hispanic Culture SOC 308 Week 2 Ethnic Group Evaluation SOC 308 Week 3 DQ 1 English as the Official U.S. Language SOC 308 Week 3 DQ 2 Hate Crime
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at A sociologist must be able to analyze racial and ethnic differences in different national contexts.
Review the Conflict Map to prepare for this discussion. Based on your review of the information provided in the conflict map site, analyze the impact of ethnic conflict in the world today. Examples include: Sudan Eastern Congo/Rwanda Iraq Sri Lanka Former Yugoslavia (Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia)
Please visit Hate Crime Statistics, 2009 as you prepare for this discussion. Click through the Hate Crimes website, following your curiosity. Based on the information you gleaned from the FBI website above, discuss a statistic, study, or other fact that surprised you or has affected your community and what the numbers say about offenses against this specific protected class. What do these crimes say about our society and what steps need to be taken to prevent them?
Check this A+ tutorial guideline at Review the PBS website RACE – The Power of an Illusion as you prepare for this discussion. This site offers many examples of how the science of human difference contradicts ordinary ideas of race.
Listen to or read Dr. King’s speech, I Have a Dream. Then, respond to the following: Dr. King’s famous speech envisions a future in which the racial distinction established by slavery and segregation is no more. Evaluate the ways in which the legacy of slavery has prevented the United States from building a more just society, supporting your evaluation with the textbook and additional sources. Define what Dr. King’s refrain, “free at last,” looks like to you and how our society will need to change in order to achieve it.
Jose Vasconcelos proposed the assimilation of ethnic groups in Mexico into a new "cosmic race." This concept is discussed in the readings as well as in The Cosmic Race. More information can be found with a web search.
Please watch Prof. MriduRai: Caste system in India. Then, compare India’s caste system with racial/ethnic stratification in the United States. What are the similarities and how do the differences create the potential for upward mobility in the U.S.? Based on your review of the video, why does the caste system remain so powerful in India?
Please visit Poll: Should English Be the United States’ Official Language? As you prepare for this discussion and participate in the poll. After reading the argument for making English the official language of the United States and participating in the poll, assess the merit of this argument in context with the results of the poll. Why is this argument valid / invalid and how would establishing an official language affect the status quo?
Since the European settlement of North America, white, Anglo Americans have dominated the political landscape. Define, in your own words, Anglo dominance and describe how Anglos built and have maintained said dominant system. Assess whether or not Anglos will continue to dominate the political landscape in the United States and what changes are necessary to establish a more equitable sharing of power.
2. Network Analysis - Introduction and History. Relations vs. Attributes ... Ties are often among those of the same sex, ethnicity, social class, and so on. 14 ...
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6. When to write the OAT, and how to prepare for it! 7. Asking for ... Dr. Bill Taylor (Relaxed, straightforward, ... Christian Jacobson. Breakdown: ...
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