PLOTTING LINES AND PLANES ON A STEREONET CONTD. Pages 698-704 Plotting a plane by its dip and dip direction on a stereonet Dip = inclination of the line of greatest ...
PLOTTING LINES AND PLANES ON A STEREONET CONTD. Pages 698-704 Plotting a plane by its dip and dip direction on a stereonet (also known as DIP VECTOR) Dip ...
Lower-hemisphere stereonet showing P-axes of deep (300-600 km) earthquakes in the Kurile-Kamchatka subduction zone. The axes mostly dip to the west, ...
GSA Salt Lake City. Pardee Keynote Symposium. Oct. 18, 2005 ... GSA Salt Lake City. Pardee Keynote Symposium. Oct. 18, 2005. Can we do better than the stereonet? ...
Some example problem and solutions. Lower hemisphere of a sphere projected onto a flat surface ... plot data on tracing paper overlaid on net. Elements of a Stereonet ...
... does not have a magnetic field Draw a representation of the intersection between a bedding plane and a fault on the stereonet below. RESULTS: DOMAIN ...
Model slope stability along a portion of the I-81 corridor in southwest Virginia. ... Stereonets were created for areas of potential instability on the Salem quad. ...
Orthographic projections (will use in lab a little, less ... Can use azimuth (200 degrees) or geographic (S20W) with stereonets. A NS plane ....and its pole ...
Sterionet projection of 3-D structural data Stereonet basics plotting lines and planes Some example problem and solutions Lower hemisphere of a sphere ...
With a lot of recordings we can reconstruct faults with any orientations ... synthetic seismograms and comparing them to the recorded data we use more ...
If we consider a strike slip earthquake on a vertical fault, then the ground motion can be divided into 4 quadrants - 2 with compression and 2 with dilation.
Bedding upright, dipping more ... fold axis using measurements of bedding from around the fold. Plot ... by intersections of bedding planes plotted on ...
Detailed structural analysis requires sampling of: Bedding in sedimentary rock ... symbols for the pole to folded bedding. Use symbol for the pole to folded ...
Friday 12:00 Geology Seminar Dr. Lucy Flesch, Purdue University Integration of Plate Boundary Observatory and USArray Data to Quantify the Forces Driving ...
An individual lava flow may not record an 'average' pole (secular variation), so ... Oriented (azimuth and dip) rock cores separated by up to a few meters are ...
Folds analysis techniques Goal: To apply some of the basic geometric techniques for analyzing folds and refolded folds. 1. Foliation bedding intersections Three cases ...
The core diameter and instrument gage pressure at failure are recorded. ... d= core diameter, Pg = instrument gage pressure at specimen failure, and Ar ...
How do we keep track of the faces of a crystal? ... Dodecahedron. 111. 111. 111. 111. 110. 101. 011. 011. 110. 101. Crystal forms. Forms can be open or closed ...
Topographic profiles across the Mars dichotomy are not consistent with ancient ... It is unlikely a giant impact resurfaced the N hemisphere of Mars. ...
... of curvature at two points on a parabola. ... a) The u-parameter curve, c(u, vo), is a parabola. b) The v-parameter curve, c(uo, v), also is a parabola. ...
The orientation of the maximum tensile stress in front of a single crack tip may ... Rotation is about an axis in the crack plane || to propagation direction ...
Testing the plate tectonics model ... Of particular interest are active subduction zones Volcanic arcs are typified by the Aleutian Islands and the Andean arc ...
Figure 1: Map of Southern Appalachians showing the Brevard Fault Zone and the ... showing foliation (black circles) and lineation (black stars) orientations. ...
... interaction can cause precipitation of new minerals and dissolution of early ... from StFX, whose advice and assistance, helped improve and give direction ...