Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer


MATLAB IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLBOX Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer Introduction MatLab : Matrix Laboratory A high-level language for matrix calculations, numerical analysis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer

  • Gulsah Tumuklu Ozyer

  • MatLab Matrix Laboratory
  • A high-level language for matrix calculations,
    numerical analysis, scientific computing
  • Programming
  • Can type on command line, or use a program file
  • Semicolon at end of line is optional (suppresses
  • Control flow (if, for, while, switch,etc) similar
    to C
  • Differences from C no variable declarations, no

MATLABs Workspace
  • who,whos - current variables in workspace
  • save - save workspace variables to .mat file
  • load - load variables from .mat file
  • clear all - clear workspace variables

Matlab Basics
  • Everything is a matrix
  • a variable is a 1x1 matrix
  • Initializing a matrix
  • Example my_matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • Accessing a matrix (row, column)
  • my_matrix(1,2) has the value 2
  • Colon operator generates a range
  • Example 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • mytest(1, 24) is equivalent to mytest(1,2 3 4)
  • mytest(3, ) refers to all elements of row 3

my_matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Basic Operations on Matrices
  • All the operators in MATLAB defined on matrices
    , -, , /, , sqrt, sin, cos etc.
  • Element wise operators defined with
  • preceding dot ., ./, . .
  • size(A) - size vector
  • sum(A) - columns sums vector
  • sum(sum(A)) - all the elements sum

Logical Conditions
  • , lt , gt , (not equal) ,(not)
  • find(condition) - Returns indexes of As
    elements that satisfies the condition.

Logical Conditions(cont.)
  • Example
  • gtgt A 1 2 3 4, I find(Alt4)
  • A
  • 1 2
  • 3 4
  • I
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Flow Control
  • MATLAB has five flow control constructs
  • if statements
  • switch statements
  • for loops
  • while loops
  • break statements

Scripts and Functions
  • There are two kinds of M-files
  • Scripts, which do not accept input arguments or
    return output arguments. They operate on data in
    the workspace.
  • Functions, which can accept input arguments and
    return output arguments. Internal variables are
    local to the function.

Visualization and Graphics
  • plot(x,y), plot(x,sin(x)) - plot 1-D function
  • figure , figure(k) - open a new figure
  • hold on, hold off - refreshing
  • mesh(x_ax,y_ax,z_mat) - view surface
  • contour(z_mat) - view z as top. map
  • subplot(3,1,2) - locate several plots in figure
  • axis(xmin xmax ymin ymax) - change axes
  • title(figure title) - add title to figure

The Image Processing Toolbox
  • The Image Processing Toolbox is a collection of
    functions that extend the capability of the
    MATLAB numeric computing environment. The
    toolbox supports a wide range of image processing
    operations, including
  • Geometric operations
  • Neighborhood and block operations
  • Linear filtering and filter design
  • Transforms
  • Image analysis and enhancement
  • Binary image operations

MATLAB Image Types
  • Indexed images m-by-3 color map
  • Intensity images 0,1 or uint8
  • Binary images 0,1
  • RGB images m-by-n-by-3

Read and Write Images
  • I imread(colors.jpg')
  • imshow(I)
  • Indexed Image
  • x,map imread(color.png')
  • imwrite(I, newim.jpg)

Image Display
  • image - create and display image object
  • imagesc - scale and display as image
  • imshow - display image
  • colorbar - display colorbar
  • getimage- get image data from axes
  • truesize - adjust display size of image
  • zoom - zoom in and zoom out of 2D plot

Image Conversion
  • gray2ind - intensity image to index image
  • im2bw - image to binary
  • im2double - image to double precision
  • im2uint8 - image to 8-bit unsigned integers
  • im2uint16 - image to 16-bit unsigned integers
  • ind2gray - indexed image to intensity image
  • mat2gray - matrix to intensity image
  • rgb2gray - RGB image to grayscale
  • rgb2ind - RGB image to indexed image

  • Geometric Operations
  • Image resizing imresize(I,x y,method).
    Method is bilinear, bicubic or nearest
  • Image rotation imrotate(I,angle,method) method
    is same as before. Zero padding in the rotated
  • Image cropping Jimcrop

  • Neighbourhood Processing
  • To speed up neighbourhood processing transform
    every neighbourhood to column vector and perform
    vector operations.
  • The borders are usually padded with zeros for the
    computations of the edges neighborhoods.
  • Linear filtering can be done with convolution
  • - conv2(Img, h) or correlation
  • - filter2(Img, h).
  • Nonlinear filtering nlfilter(I,sx sy,func)
    where func is a function that recieves the
    windows and returns scalars.

  • Transforms
  • Fourier and inverse Fourier transform
  • Ffftshift(fft2(f)) F is a complex matrix
  • Frealreal(F)Fimagimag(F)Fabsabs(F)Fphsangle
  • imshow(Freal)
  • fifft2(F)
  • DCT and compression
  • Iimread(cameraman.tif)
  • Iim2double(I)
  • Tdctmtx(8)
  • Bblkproc(I,8 8, P1xP2,T,T)
  • mask1 1 1 0 0
  • B2blkproc(B,8 8,P1x,mask)
  • I2blkproc(B2,8 8,P1xP2,T,T)
  • It is also possible to use dct2 and idct2.

Analyzing and Enhancing Images
  • pixval returns the value of a pointed pixel and
    the distance between two pointed pixels.
  • impixel returns the data value for a selected set
    of pixels. The set can be pointed by the mouse or
    by coordinates.
  • imcontour plots the contours of the image.
  • imhist(I,n) plots the histogram of I with n bins.

  • Edge detection
  • edge(I,sobel)
  • edge(I,canny)
  • Or by fspecial(sobel) and conv2.
  • Image Enhancement
  • Histogram stretching
  • imadjust(I,low high,bottom top)
  • Gamma correction
  • imadjust(I,,,gamma_coef)
  • Histogram Equalization
  • histeq(I)

  • Noise removal
  • To add noise to an image
  • imnoise(I,type,coef) type can be salt n
    pepper, speckle, gaussian for SP,
    multiplicative and additive noise.
  • Averaging or gaussian filtering
  • Ffilter2(fspecial(average,3),J)
  • Median filtering
  • Fmedfilt(J,3 3)

Morphological Operations
  • Dilation imdilate()
  • Erosion imerode()
  • Closing imclose()
  • Opening imopen()

  • The available colorspaces
  • RGB, NTSC (US televisions), YCbCr (Digital
    video), HSV.
  • Transformations between the spaces
  • rgb2ntsc, hsv2rgb,

  • Questions?
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