Scaffold UserCompetent Person Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scaffold UserCompetent Person Training


Stairs are required on scaffolds over 60' and can be requested by the owner on ... Three point contact must be maintained while ascending or descending stairs. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scaffold UserCompetent Person Training

Scaffold User/Competent Person Training
  • Great Lakes Safety

Course Objectives
  • Lesson I Upon completion of this training the
    user will be able to inspect a scaffold prior to
  • Lesson II Upon completion of this training the
    user will be able to identify equipment used to
    access a scaffold
  • Lesson III Upon completion of this training the
    user will know the process required to modify a
  • Lesson IV Upon completion of this training the
    user will be able to work safely from a scaffold
  • Duration This course consists of four lessons
    that take approximately ten minutes per lesson to

Lesson I
  • After completing this lesson the user will be
    able to inspect a scaffold prior to use.

Lesson IPage 1 of 11
  • It is the intent that all personnel work off of a
    complete scaffold
  • All (working, walkway and rest landing) scaffold
    decks are required to have handrails, midrails,
    toe boards and gate entry access, unless they are
    tagged otherwise.

Lesson IPage 2 of 11
  • The footing or anchorage for scaffolds will be
    sound, rigid and capable of carrying the maximum
    intended load without settling or displacement.
  • Mudsills and base plates will be required on
    non-cemented surfaces. Base plates will be nailed
    to the mudsill.

Lesson IPage 3 of 11
  • A scaffold will have all structural pieces such
    as sway braces, couplers, locking pins, and
    ladders in their proper places and positions.

Lesson IPage 4 of 11
  • A scaffold must have the work platform fully
  • The use of ¾ plywood to deck around equipment
    when scaffold boards cannot be used is

Lesson IPage 5 of 11
  • All scaffolds shall be built in accordance with
    the OSHA loading calculations and identified on
    the ready for use tag as Light Duty (25
    lbs/sq.ft), Medium Duty (50 lbs/sq.ft) or Heavy
    Duty (75 lbs/sq.ft).
  • Maximum loading is three people and a dead load
    not to exceed 200 pounds or a total distributed
    load not to exceed 800 pounds.

Lesson IPage 6 of 11
  • The maximum loading for a suspended/swing
    scaffold is two people and a dead load not to
    exceed 200 pounds, or a total distributed load
    not to exceed 600 pounds.
  • Precautions must be taken to protect the
    integrity of the insulation, paint/coating of
    pipe or structure.
  • Prior to erecting or dismantling a cantilever
    (kick out) scaffold, the builder shall have a
    written procedure that addresses the safe
    installation and removal process steps for the
    workers and must be able to provide it upon

Lesson IPage 7 of 11
  • During use, building or dismantling of a
    scaffold, a tag system will be in place that
    provides the user information on completeness of
    a scaffold and any hazards specified to the
    scaffold that the user may be warned about.
  • The tag system includes a holder and a green and
    yellow Ready For Use warning tag.

Lesson IPage 8 of 11
  • The scaffold tag holder is required to be
    attached on all access points within 2 feet of
    the ladder access area stating the status of
    completion and hazards associated with the
  • Users are not to access the scaffold if they see
    only this holder on the scaffold. There is a
    Danger Do Not Use Scaffold message printed on the
    holder. The holder is made of plastic and is
    designed to accept the green and yellow Ready
    For Use insert.

Lesson I Page 9 of 11
  • The Ready For Use tag will be green and yellow.
  • Some of the information on the GREEN section of
    the tag indicates company, contact , requestor,
    day built, work order number, load rate,
    location, name of the competent person, etc.
  • The YELLOW section is used when caution is
    required. The user must read the yellow caution
    section to determine the precaution to be taken
    before using the scaffold. For example, if fall
    protection is required there will be a check mark
    in the first box labeled safety harness required
    under REASON FOR CAUTION. The remaining check
    boxes indicate various potential hazards
    overhead obstruction, hole in deck, short ladder,
    missing toe board(s), missing handrails and
  • If Other is checked then use the space below to
    explain the hazard. For example, Hot pipe next
    to handrail.

Lesson IPage 10 of 11
  • On the backside of the Ready For Use tag is a
    sign-off location that allows the contractor
    competent person to document their inspection
    after installation.
  • Inspection occurs once per shift or after any
    occurrence which could affect a scaffolds
    structural integrity.
  • Each employee shall inspect each scaffold prior
    to use. The employee does not sign onto the
    inspection card as a competent person inspector.
    The employee is only inspecting the scaffold for
    their personal use.

Lesson IPage 11 of 11
  • Area Hazards
  • No scaffold shall be erected closer than 9 feet
    from the center of the railroad tracks without
    permission from the Rail Operations. If the
    scaffold straddles the track, the first deck must
    provide a clearance of 22 6 form the top of the
  • When erecting scaffolds within 10 ft. of the edge
    of the electrical distribution right-of-way, a
    safe work permit must be obtained from Electrical
  • Scaffolds shall not be built within 10 ft. of any
    energized non-insulated electrical lines unless
    proper insulating barriers are erected.

Scaffold Inspection Checklist
  • Check scaffold tag for details and potential
  • Is scaffold plumb and level?
  • Is bracing in place?
  • Is scaffold decked properly?
  • Are all handrails in place?
  • Are toeboards in place?
  • Are all materials in good shape?
  • Is the ladder secure and bolts tight?
  • Is scaffold erected on level and stable ground?
    If not, are mud sills and screw jacks used?
  • This is a suggested checklist for prior to use
    inspections of scaffolds.

Lesson II
  • After completing this lesson the user will be
    able to identify ways to access a scaffold.

Lesson IIPage 1 of 4
  • Gates will be designed so they include a toe
    board protection at the bottom and installed at
    each scaffold deck for ease of access.
  • Gates shall always open to the inside of the
    scaffold and never to the outside.

Lesson IIPage 2 of 4
  • Straight ladders are standard equipment on all
    stack up scaffolds.
  • Three point contact must be maintained while
    ascending or descending this ladder.
  • Note Three point contact is referring to
    body contact with the ladder while climbing
    two feet and one hand, or two hands and one

Lesson IIPage 3 of 4
  • Stairs are required on scaffolds over 60 and can
    be requested by the owner on elevations lower
    than 60.
  • Rest landings are required at 35 foot maximum
    vertical intervals for all scaffolds over 35
  • Ladder access must alternate to require the
    individual to exit the ladder on the platform
    before accessing the next ladder in their
    ascent/descent for safety reasons.
  • Three point contact must be maintained while
    ascending or descending stairs.
  • Gates are required at rest landings where

Lesson IIPage 4 of 4
  • Retractable lanyards and davits will be used with
    straight ladders on all system scaffolds over 14
  • The user will wear a full body fall protection
    harness with the retractable hook attached
    directly to the D Ring, located between the
    shoulder blades.
  • There will be a small rope attached to the
    retractable lanyard to pull the cable down to the
  • The retractable lanyard will be maintained by the
    scaffolding contractor.
  • It is the users responsibility to report a
    retractable lanyard that has been deployed or is
    not in proper working condition to the scaffold
    contractor for a replacement.

Lesson III
  • After completing this lesson the user will
    understand the process to modify a scaffold.

Lesson III Page 1 of 1
  • Completing this training course will allow you to
    be a competent person that is capable of
    inspecting scaffolds for your personal use,
    identifying hazards and having the authorization
    to take corrective measures to get them repaired.
  • Remember a scaffold can only be erected,
    modified, removed or dismantled by a trained
    scaffold builder under the direction of a
    competent scaffold person.

Lesson IV
  • Upon completion of this training the user will be
    able to work safely from a scaffold.

Lesson IV Page 1 of 6 Potential Hazards
  • A competent person must inspect scaffolds and
    evaluate the area
  • surrounding scaffolds for potential hazards prior
    to performing work
  • from scaffolds.
  • Potential hazards may include
  • Overhead or nearby electrical lines
  • Vehicle traffic
  • Objects falling from above
  • Falls
  • Handling Material on scaffolds
  • Do not overload
  • Do not use for storage

Lesson IV Page 2 of 6 Special Requirements
  • Modifications to scaffolds are only allowed to be
    completed by a scaffold builder.
  • 100 fall restraint is required on incomplete
  • All scaffolds that have tarps, coverings or
    windscreens installed shall be assessed by a
    competent person knowledgeable of wind loading
    prior to construction to withstand the
    anticipated loads that may be imposed upon the
    scaffold system.
  • Prior to construction or dismantling of a
    temporary enclosure using scaffold framework and
    covering material such as tarps or plastic, the
    covered area should be evaluated as per the
    facility permit requirements for entry into the
  • Areas beneath scaffolds must be barricaded if the
    area can be entered by workers.

Lesson IV Page 3 of 6
Safety Rules (Section J)
  • Platforms - Makeshift platforms, such as stacked
    material, chairs, boxes or drums shall not be
  • Rolling platforms shall be utilized according to
    the manufacturers recommendations, not altered
    in any way.
  • No one can ride on platform while it is being
  • 2. Scaffolds - Users of scaffolds must be trained
    in scaffold access by either taking a computer
    course or Scaffold User training at the Great
    Lakes Safety.
  • Only trained competent scaffold builder personnel
    shall erect, move, dismantle or modify scaffolds.
  • Scaffolds must be inspected prior to use.
  • All work levels of a scaffold, if practical, must
    be full planked. Fall protection is required if
    working from an incomplete scaffold.

Lesson IV Page 4 of 6 Dow Safety Rules (Section
J), cont.
  • 2. Scaffolds, cont.
  • E. Access/egress shall be by an access ladder or
  • F. Scaffolds should not be used as material hoist
    towers or for mounting derricks without first
    determining the loads and stress involved.
  • G. Maximum loading for a standard scaffold
  • Three people and a dead load need to exceed 200
    pounds or a total distributed load not to exceed
    800 pounds.
  • The maximum loading for a suspended scaffold is
    two people and a dead load not to exceed 200
    pounds, or a total distributed load not to exceed
    600 pounds.

Lesson IV Page 5 of 6 Dow Safety Rules (Section
J), cont.
  • 2. Scaffolds, cont.
  • H. All scaffold platforms shall be free of tools,
    trash, etc. before calling in for scaffold
  • I. Scaffold tubes are not to be used to store
    tools. (knives, wrenches, welding rods, etc.)
  • J. All scaffolds shall be equipped with
    handrails, midrails, and toe boards except on
    owner representatives written approval.
  • K. A tagging system will be used to identify
    hazards on complete and incomplete scaffolds.
  • L. When toeboards are missing the area around the
    scaffold must be barricaded with warning tags
    stating Danger overhead No toeboards on

Lesson IV Page 6 of 6 Dow Safety Rules (Section
J), cont.
  • 2. Scaffolds, cont.
  • M. Rolling tower scaffolds must be free of
    personnel, material and equipment before being
    moved. Caster brakes on rolling tower scaffolds
    must be locked while in use.
  • N. Scaffolds shall not be erected closer than 9
    feet from the center of the railroad tracks
    without permission from the Rail Car Handling
    Department. If the scaffold straddles the
    railroad track, the first deck must provide a
    clearance of 22 feet, 6 inches form the top of
    the rail.
  • O. Authorization must be obtained from the
    Electrical Distribution Department before
    erecting scaffolds within 10 feet of the edge of
    an electrical distribution right-of-way.

Revision History
The following information documents at least the
last 3 changes to this document, with all the
changes listed for the last 6 months.
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