Vedic Maths Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vedic Maths Training


Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras or principles. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways. In practice many applications of the sutras may be learned and combined to solve actual problems. These tutorials will give examples of simple applications of the sutras, to give a feel for how the Vedic Maths system works. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Vedic Maths Training

Vedic Math's Student Books
Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras or principles. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways. In practice many applications of the sutras may be learned and combined to solve actual problems. These tutorials will give examples of simple applications of the sutras, to give a feel for how the Vedic Maths system works. We make extraordinary Vedic maths student books for every child to get proper opportunity to get the benefits out of vedic maths learning. We supply on regular basis so that you run your business for long-term FREE from ROYALTIES and other restrictions. We also offer special feature of supplying these materials with your training centre LOGO and Address printed on the respective material to bring that personalized touch.You can ask us for these Kits in a bundle of 10 sets or 25 sets or 50 sets or 100 sets.  No.of Levels4   Cost of Each Book Rs.40  No. of Books5    Complete set Rs.200 Vedic Math Teacher Training "Math an interesting game but difficult for many" this perception has always made it a riddle for Math educators to make it easy and interesting for children. We have syncronised the best of the methods for children to learn easy, fast and accurate methods to do Math. We offer specialized trainings for individuals to start training kids on these methods. A very good business for dealing with kids of higher age group in schools and in your own private coaching center. Complete Training Available. No need to wait for training in phases
Vedic Maths -gtStudent Books
VEDIC MATHS SYLLABUS Vedic Addition 2 digit plus 2 digit number Vedic Addition 3 digit plus 2 digit number Vedic Subtraction 2 digit minus 2digit number Vedic Subtraction 3 digit minus 2 digit number Teaching Multiplication Tables up to 9 through Math Cards game Checking proficiency of children in tables through games Developing Concentration of children through Grid Game Higher Tables 11 x 11 to 99 x 19 without effort Division Finding squares up to 125 mentally Learning to find cubes up to 99 above Multiplication through First Formula Multiplication through Base Technique Multiplication through Criss-cross method One line mental Multiplication method. Real Magic of Division Finding Square Root by Visualization (By seeing). Finding Cube Root by Visualization (By Seeing). HCF LCM Polynomial Multiplication                                                                                                                               
Vedic Maths -gtStudent Books
Vedic Maths Teacher Manual Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras or principles. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways. In practice many applications of the sutras may be learned and combined to solve actual problems. These tutorials will give examples of simple applications of the sutras, to give a feel for how the Vedic Maths system works. This books very much useful to all students Teachers from 10yrs to Degree Level and also very much useful for various Competitive exams where Arithmetic, Algebraic calculations are involved. This book consists of so many Techniques explained in easy to under stable to way and contains practice problems at the end of every chapter making you to test your skills instantly after the chapter is completed. We're distributing this Most useful Book with a view to help students acquire the knowledge of simple techniques to solve problems in shortest time as time factor plays a lot of role in various examinations. Helps in increasing calculation Speed by almost up to 700. Helps in accuracy almost always up to 100. Improves Logical and Creative abilities. Eliminates Fear of Math (Number Phobia). Creates Love towards Mathematics. You can also Gift these books on occasions such as Birthdays, festivals, to friends, family, relatives, etc

Vedic Math Teacher Training
Vedic Math Teacher Training
Excellent Teacher Training course for anyone to learn and improve teaching portfolio by appending own skills as an Mental Arithmetic Trainer through Vedic Math. CODE Vedic Maths Teacher Manual                                           
Training Video (6 DVD)
Training Video (6 DVD) This is an invaluable DVD to aid in your preparation for CAT, GMAT, Math Olympiads or any competitive exam that tests your basic Math aptitude. This  25 hour 6-DVD brings the techniques from Vedic Mathematics and Trachtenberg System together. The DVD can be used as your personal coach, while the book can be used to practice and hone your skills. We have not attempted to do a comparative study of these techniques and make a judgment on which one is better. We have simply, presented the techniques in a sequence that makes most sense. There are inherent strengths in these two approaches. While looking at all the speed improvement techniques, we have ensured that we focus on techniques for defect prevention and error minimization as well. Speed coupled with improved accuracy must be our paramount focus during any problem solving process. This book attempts to elucidate several key techniques, examples and practice problem sets.
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