REPLICATION OF DNA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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REPLICATION OF DNA ... The two strands could separate from one another, each ... DNA Polymerase I Studies on enzymology of DNA replication was first reported ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Watson and Crick were particularly excited about
    their model because the complementary nature of
    the DNA molecule suggested a way in which it
    might self-replicate. The two strands could
    separate from one another, each still containing
    the complete information, and synthesize a new
    strand. However, experiments still had to be done
    to prove that this model was true

  • DNA replication- When a new DNA strand is
    synthesized the parent DNA molecule is unwound
    and each parent strand is used as the template.
    Each replicated DNA molecule would consist of one
    old and one new strand which is called as
    semiconservative replication. In conservative
    replication the two new strands join together

  • In 1958, Mathew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
    provided strong evidence that cells use the
    semiconservative replication to produce new DNA.
  • They grew E.coli cells for many generations in a
    medium where 15NH4Cl was the only N source.
    Therefore the nitrogenous bases of all DNA
    contained 15N and can be distinguished from 14N
    containing DNA by the use of sedimentation
    equilibrium centrifugation (using CsCl more
    dense DNA reaches the bottom than the lighter
  • 15N cells were then transformed to a medium
    containing only 14NH4Cl, the time of transfer was
    taken as zero. E .coli cells were allowed to
    replicate over several generations, with cell
    samples removed after each replication cycle. DNA
    was isolated and subjected to sedimentation
    equilibrium centrifugation .
  • Fig 11-3 and 11-4

  • The experiment provided strong support for
    semiconservative DNA replication.
  • Using root tips of broad beans, Vicia faba,
    Herbert, Taylor, Woods and Hughes showed that
    semiconservative DNA replication occurs in

  • Origin of replication- The point along the
    chromosome where DNA replication is initiated.
  • Replication fork- The place along the chromosome
    where the replication is initiated, the two
    strands become unwound making a replication fork.
  • Starting from a point of origin, the replication
    is bidirectional creating two replication forks.
  • Synthesis of DNA in microorganisms- studies on
    DNA synthesis were first reported in E coli.
  • DNA Polymerase I Studies on enzymology of DNA
    replication was first reported by Arthur Kornberg
    and collegues in 1957. They isolated the enzyme
    called DNA polymerase I from E. coli that
    directed the DNA synthesis in vitro. The
    requirements needed to be satisfied for DNA
    synthesis to occur in vitro in the presence of
    DNA polymerase I are all 4 dATP, dCTP dGTP
    dTTP (dNTPs) (deoxyribonucleoside triphophates)
    and template DNA in the presence of Mg2

  • dNTPs are the precursor molecules for in vitro
    DNA synthesis. The enzyme DNA polymerase I adds
    nucleotides to an already existing DNA strand
    called a primer. These precursor dNTPs contains 3
    PO4 gps attached to the 5 carbon of d-ribose.
    Chain elongation occurs in a 3-5 direction- an
    exposed OH group at the 3 carbon and PO4 at the
    5 carbon joins together releasing 2 PO4s
  • However later it was found that a more complex
    nature and a large number of enzymes were
    involved in the replication of DNA in vivo.
  • The Enzymes of DNA Replication
  • DNA gyrase a member of DNA Topoisomerase is
    responsible for initiation of the unwinding of
    the DNA. The tension holding the helix in its
    coiled and supercoiled structure can be broken by
    nicking a single strand of DNA.
  • Helicase accomplishes unwinding of the
    original double strand, once supercoiling has
    been eliminated by the topoisomerase.

  • The two strands very much want to bind
    together because of their hydrogen bonding
    affinity for each other, so the helicase activity
    requires energy (in the form of ATP) to break the
    strands apart
  • DNA polymerase proceeds along a
    single-stranded molecule of DNA, recruiting free
    dNTP's . There are different forms of DNA
    polymerase , but it is polymerase III that is
    responsible for the processive synthesis of new
    DNA strands. It needs a primer with a 3'OH group
    onto which it can attach a dNTP. DNA polymerase
    is an aggregate of several different protein
    subunits, so it is often called a holoenzyme. The
    holoenzyme also has proofreading activities, so
    that it can make sure that it inserts the right
    base, and activation of nuclease (excision of
    nucleotides) can cut away any mistakes it might
    have made.

  • Primase is actually part of an aggregate
    of proteins called the primeosome. This enzyme
    attaches a small RNA primer to the
    single-stranded DNA to act as a substitute 3'OH
    for DNA polymerase to begin synthesizing from.
    This RNA primer is eventually removed RNAase H
    and the gap is filled in by DNA ligases
  • The roles of the 3 DNA polymerases (in
    prokaryotes) are
  • Poly I is thought to be responsible for removing
    the primer and gap filling (RNA priming)
  • Poly II is responsible for repairing DNA damaged
    by external factors ex. UV
  • Poly III is the enzyme responsible for
    polymerization essential to replication.
  • Both Poly I and III have 3-5 exonuclease
    activity providing proof reading function
    (exonuclease proofreading)

  • Ligase can catalyze the formation of a
    phosphodiester bond given an unattached but
    adjacent 3'OH and 5'phosphate. This can fill in
    the unattached gap left when the RNA primer is
    removed and filled in. The DNA polymerase can
    organize the bond on the 5' end of the primer,
    but ligase is needed to make the bond on the 3'
  • Single-stranded binding proteins are important to
    maintain the stability of the replication fork.
    Single-stranded DNA is very labile, or unstable,
    so these proteins bind to it while it remains
    single stranded and keep it from being degraded.

  • The Steps in replication
  • A portion of the double helix is unwound
    by a helicase and the replication fork progresses
    along the total length.
  • The enzyme primase (derived from RNA polymerase)
    lay down a a prime sequence of few nucleotides
    complementary to the template strand for DNA
    polymerase to start replication.
  • A molecule of a DNA polymerase binds to one
    strand of the DNA and begins moving along it in
    the 3' to 5' direction, using it as a template
    for assembling a leading strand of nucleotides
    and reforming a double helix.

  • Because DNA synthesis can only occur 5' to 3( in
    the new strand) , a molecule of a second type of
    DNA polymerase (epsilon, e, in eukaryotes) binds
    to the other template strand as the double helix
    opens. This molecule must synthesize
    discontinuous segments of polynucleotides (called
    Okazaki fragments). Another enzyme, DNA ligase
    then stitches these together into the lagging

  • Proof reading and error correction during DNA
    replication are carried out by the exonuclease
    activity of DNA polymerase I and III. They detect
    and excise any mismatched nucleotides.
  • Eukaryotic DNA synthesis The basic process is
    the same for the bacterial replication except for
    the complexity of the process due to the larger
    amount of DNA in eukaryotes.
  • Main differences are Eukaryotic chromosomes
    have multiple replication origins in contrast to
    a single origin in bacteria. As synthesis is
    triggered at each origin site double strands open
    up at A-T rich regions. Also the rate of
    synthesis by eukaryotic DNA polymerase is much
    slower- only about 50 nucleotides/second , a rate
    about 20 times less than the comparable bacterial
  • In eukaryotes the DNA polymerases are much more
    complex and six different forms have been
    detected. Of the six, three (Pol a, d and e) are
    considered essential to nuclear DNA replication
    in eukaryotic cells. Two other (Pol ß and ?) are
    involved in DNA repair and one (Pol ? ) in
    mitochondrial DNA synthesis.

  • In eukaryotes, initiation of DNA synthesis is
    made by a polymerase. Two of the 4 subunits of
    the enzyme function as a primase in synthsizing
    RNA primers another subunit elongates the RNA
    primer. But this enzyme is said to have low
    processivity, (reflects the length of DNA
    synthsized by an enzyme before it dissociates
    from the template) Therefore after a short DNA
    sequence is added to the RNA primer polymerase
    switching occurs.Then Pol a dissociates and Pol d
    is replaced. This has high processivity as well
    as 3-5 exonuclease activity. This has 100 fold
    increase in the rate of synthesis compared to Pol
    a. To accomodate the increased number of
    relicons eukaryotic cells contain many more DNA
    polymerase molecules than prokaryotes

  • DNA replication and Telomeres
  • Unlike the single circular chromosome of
    bacteria, eukaryotic chromosomes are linear and
    have the problem of filling the space of RNA
    primer at the end of the lagging strand. Fig
    11-16 and 11-17.
  • The RNA containing enzyme telomerase adds
    telomeres (repeats of short DNA sequence
    TTAGGGG in humans) to the ends of chromosomes
    which can make a hairpin loop and facilitate the
    gap filling. The presence of telomeres preserves
    the structural integrity of chromosomes. However
    normal somatic cells contain little if any
    telomarase, and as a result telomere length
    decreases by about 100 base pairs every time a
    cells divides and acts as a clock indicating the
    cell when to stop dividing attaining senescence
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