gantthead: over 115,000 members. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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gantthead: over 115,000 members.


direct mail list with over 70,000 records in the USA and Canada; ... 411 Mining/Oil/Gas. 530 Non Profit/Trade Assoc. 966 R&D. 2,091 State/Local Government ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: gantthead: over 115,000 members.

gantthead over 115,000 members. The largest
community of IT project managersanywhere. Thousa
nds of project decision-makers visit gantthead
every day to access articles, practical
downloads, advice and insight on everything from
software tools to training. With content updated
every day, gantthead members have good reason to
keep coming back. --------------------------------
--- Gantthead offers you the opportunity to
create an integrated media campaign on-site,
print, direct mail, email blasts. Leverage all
aspects of ganttheads brand to move customers
through the purchase cycle Awareness ?
Preference? Interest? Action. With
registration profiles of over 115,000 members,
gantthead is your direct connection to IT project
managers actively looking to make their IT
organization more successful. We take great
pride in generating highly qualified leads for
clients and exceeding their ROI expectations
through ? online advertising on
with over 115,000 members and 750,000 page views
a month ? ganttheadLITE newsletter to 85,000
subscribers, every other Wednesday ? direct
mail list with over 70,000 records in the USA and
Canada ? email list service (52,000 records)
which has provided significant results for
advertisers and 99 of advertisers who use it
once, use it in subsequent campaigns?
gantthead.mag, our magazine, to 80,000
Success is what happens when you use your head.
Who are ganttheads and why target them?
  • ganttheads (IT project managers) span all
    industries and across numerous job functions.
    What they have in common are
  • IT project managers are the key to success or
    failure of mission-critical systems with average
    budgets of 2M-25M.
  • IT project managers design and implement the
    systems that give smart businesses the
    competitive edge.

members by industry Information
Technology 34.1Business Services/Consulting 10.
7Finance/Banking/Accounting 6.2Manufacturing
4.8Telecommunications 4.5Health
Care 3.8Education 3.7Insurance/Finance 3.
1Federal Government 2.7Construction/Architect
ure/Engineering 2.5State/Local
Government 2.4Data Processing Services 1.7
  • IT project managers are the professionals who
    turn cost into benefit.
  • IT project managers make decisions about which
    technologies businesses embrace and which they
    pass over (IT-related purchases include a full
    range of Enterprise Software Packages--ERP, CRM,
    BI, EC, Project, Program, Portfolio Management,
    and others, hardware, network security, hosting,
    connectivity, training, web services, consulting,

gantthead members are actively involved in
setting goals, defining and actively planning
enterprise IT projects, and evaluating their
companies IT investments and portfolio.
I'm a member of gantthead and have used the
service extensively this past year. I just
started as a CIO and would like my staff to start
using gantthead too. Tony T., Chief
Information Officer
gantthead attracts these IT decision makers by
continuing to be the insight leader in areas such
as -Enterprise IT project management -Business
Intelligence and Analytics -Customer Relationship
Management -Application Development -Package
Selection Implementation -Resource and
Workforce Management-Program Management Office
(PMO) -E-Business -Knowledge Management -Project
Portfolio Management -Process Improvement -Softwar
e Change Management
  • The IS/IT Management category job titles tend to
    fall into four groups
  • Vice President
  • Director
  • Manager
  • Lead or Leader
  • Here are some examples
  • Senior Vice President and Chief Knowledge
  • Vice President, IS
  • Assistant VP, Client Services
  • Director, PMO
  • Director, Software Development
  • Enterprise Solutions Director
  • Technical Director, Enterprise Software
  • Practice Manager, BI
  • CRM Manager
  • Project Manager, eCommerce

membership by job function IS/IT
Management 77 Consultant/Systems Integrator 10
CEO/President/Owner 02 CIO 02
Engineering/Manufacturing Management 1.5
Other Corporate Management 01 Financial
Management 0.5 Communications/Network
Management 01 Marketing/Sales Management 01
Operations/Administration/HR 02
Internet/Interactive/New Media 01 Other 01

Project management is a multidirectional
discipline, and gantthead hits it head-on in
every direction.
gantthead number crunching Monthly Page Views
800,000 Unique Users 79,000 Total Registered
Members 115,000 Monthly User Sessions
210,000 Average User Session 13 Minutes Email
Newsletter Subscribers 85,000 Standalone Opt-in
Email 52,000 Direct Mail List 70,000 Magazine
subscribers 80,000 Web Traffic Data reported by
Web Trends. Male / Female 80 / 20 Average
Individual Income 75,000 Plus Average Age
40 U.S.A / Canada / International 80 / 5 /
15 Based on Gantthead user survey and
registration data
The Opportunities On-site
Advertising Banners (468x60)Skyscrapers
Text Ads (300 characters) Window ads (336x 280)
I like the email newsletter with teasers to alert
me there is something new that relates to me.
--Ray B.
Email Newsletter ganttheadLITE
  • Received every other Wednesday by 85,000
  • Multiple ad positions available (top banner,
    side tower, text ads)
  • HTML Text newsletter transmission (85/15)
  • Click-Through tracking.

I have to admit that the light-hearted humor
present in your newsletter keeps me coming back.
I'll open it up to check the quotes, and
invariably I'll find an article useful and
pertinent. It's a pleasure to read, and helpful
as well. --Tim M.
The Opportunities Email List Rental Service
  • 52,000 Opt-in email subscribers
  • Selects available
  • Industry, Geography, Job Function
  • HTML Text transmission
  • Click-Through tracking, file suppression, and
    personalization available for additional fees.
  • Minimum Order 5,000 Names

INDUSTRY Selects Aerospace 624 Agriculture/Forest
ry/Fisheries 126 Automotive 431 Business
Services/Consulting 5,596 Construction/Architect/E
ngineer 1,274 Data Processing Services 883 Distrib
ution/Supply Chain 567 Education 1,683 Federal
Government 1,389 Finance/Banking/Accounting 2,921
Health Care. 1,800 Information
Technology 16,466 Insurance/Finance 1,640 Insuranc
e/Real Estate/Legal 177 Manufacturing 2,290 Mark
eting/Adv/Entertainment 604 Mining/Oil/Gas 333 No
n-Profit/Trade Associations 284 Publishing 350 Re
search and Development 652 Retail 562 State/Local
Government 1,177 Telecommunications 2,165 Transpo
rtation 496 Travel/Hospitality/Recreation 272 Uti
lities 633 Other 5,080
Counts updated DAILY. Call or email for todays
counts (gantthead grows by 3000 new members a
A marketing manager recently said "I credit it
(gantthead email blast) as having generated
between 200-300 registrations" for our
webinar.The email to 12,000 recipients returned
a 2 REGISTRATION RATE (click through rate was
even higher).
The Opportunities Print
Success is what happens when you use your
head. gantthead is already making IT project
managers more successful. Now, we make them
smile, too. gantthead is bringing IT project
management professionals a whole new kind of PM
magazine--the kind they will actually read. Even
the most practical and insightful information is
useless if it stays locked in the pages of your
typical trade magazine. That's why gantthead
created a magazine that begs to be opened, shared
and read from cover to cover. gantthead.mag
provides IT leaders with tools to make solid
decisions, streamline their efforts and
communicate with their teams--all served with a
side of humor in a mercifully readable format. We
know that a little fun can add serious
value. Every issue also features Feedback Loop
- gantthead members sounding off about our
website, our magazine or anything else that's on
their minds. .COMmunity News- The latest from Center Stage - Project management
principles, processes and techniques. Cast
Crew - Managing the most important part of any
project--your team. The Payoff - The bottom line
on measuring, estimating and realizing ROI A
Word From Our Sponsors - News from the people
who make gantthead possible. At Last - The
lighter side of project management.
AL 974AK 84AZ 1,074AR 191CA 7,697CO 1,666CT
1,089DE 178DC 735FL 2,536GA 2,252HI 151ID 17
3IL 3,640IN 816IA 510KS 521KY 430LA 383ME 1
74MD 1,718MA 2,496MI 2,031MN 1,830MS 92MO 1,
145MT 76NE 513NV 225NH 291NJ 2,549NM 179NY
3,882NC 1,555ND 83OH 2,427OK 403OR 790PA 2,5
28RI 213SC 371SD 80TN 746TX 4,625UT 408VT 9
9VA 3,309WA 1,936WV 88WI 1,224WY 23
The Opportunities Direct Mail List Rental
Total Records in file 68,167 Total USA records
62,440 Total Canadian records 5,727
Breakdown by Industry 910 Aerospace 162
Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries 584
Automotive 7,022 Business Services/Consulting 1,3
66 Construction/Architect/Engineer 1,305 Data
Processing Services 842 Distribution/Supply
Chain 2,165 Education 2,153 Federal
Government 4,263 Finance/Banking/Accounting 3,147
Health Care 20,933 Information Technology 2,623
321 Ins/RealEstate/Legal Srvs 3,752
Manufacturing 1,078 Marketing/Adv/Entertain 411
Mining/Oil/Gas 530 Non Profit/Trade Assoc 966
RD 2,091 State/Local Government 2,920
Telecommunications 767 Transportation 404
Travel/Hospitality/Rec 991 Utilities 1,031
Retail 569 Publishing 4,861 Other
Minimum Order 5,000 Names
The Opportunities Sponsored Tools and
News to You
Sponsored Tools --You are one of 10 Featured
Tools on the front page of ganttheads tool
section. Includes your company and product name,
link to your website, and 175 character text
ad. --Tool name listed under Tools drop down
menu on ganttheads main navigation menu.
  • NEWS TO YOU sponsored email
  • Maximum of 5 Vendors per drop.
  • Our email list service is extremely effective
    and this is a new way of reaching those same
    subscribers while splitting the cost with other
  • Delivered to 35,000 subscribers in the US and
    Canada only.

2003 Rate Card(Proforma) All rates are net to
Above the Fold Advertising 468x60 top banner 80
CPM category/issue/geography targeted
25 120x600 skyscraper 80 CPM
category/issue/geography targeted 25 336 x 280
window ad 100 CPM Text Advertising Sponsored
Announcements and Special Offers text ad
section 300 characters (including spacesURL
embedded) Minimum 500,000 impressions a month
(15 CPM) Rate 7500/month   Gantthead.mag
magazine (quarterly) Circulation 80,000 4 color
rates (excluding frequency discounts) Cover Rates
and Premium Positions also available. Full
page 12,000 2/3 page 9,000 Half page
7,200 Sponsored Tool 1 month 1100/month 3
months 950/month. 6 months 950/month plus a
Text ad in ganttheadLITE (an extra 2000 value).
ganttheadLITE email newsletter currently goes
to 85,000 subscribers every other Wednesday (per
issue) Top banner 6500 120x600 ad 6500
Text ad (300 characters including spaces and
URL) 2000 Email List Service 52,000 Opt-in
email subscribers 500 CPM includes
transmission Selects 10 CPM (geographystate,
country industry) Direct Mail List 70,000
subscribers 275 CPM Selects 10 CPM
(geographystate, country industry) NEWS TO
YOU sponsored email Rates 5000 for ads 1
and 2, 4000 for ads 3 and 4, 3000 for ad
We look forward to working with you soon and
gantthead becoming your best source for qualified
leads. Please contact Gina Jones, Director of
Sales, at or 703-272-6763 for
a proposal customized to your goals and
creatives and to schedule your campaign.
Praise from a few of our members
gantthead is in my top handful of resources on
IT issues and project management. I always find
useful things to apply and motivate. Daniel W,
President I find gantthead's articles to be
very timely and appropriate. Often times, I'll be
pondering an issue and see an option or two in
the next gantthead e-mail. I find it very
useful. Megan B, Senior Project Manager I
believe that looking at what else is going on in
the industry is healthy, and keeps me on my toes.
I consider myself a professional PM, and
therefore work to contribute my knowledge in a
number of the forums. I enjoy gantthead. It is
more than a diversion it is helpful and useful.
John Z, Project Office Manager I love your
articles. I share them with colleagues and they
end up all over the company. Nancy W, Senior
Business Consultant I use gantthead as a
weathervane for trends in managing the
development of software. Steve H, Software
Engineer Good work folks - I personally find
your site the best source for Project Management
on the web at this point. It has evolved
considerably in the last year in terms of scope
and content while at the same time maintaining a
good level of informality and humor. Good Work!
Barry D, Software Development Manager
Over the last 2 years since discovering
Gantthead I have found it to be useful in my
work. The frequent changes in articles means that
the site is always fresh, so I will return every
couple of days to check it out. Malcolm B, IT
Consultant I love Gantthead, I most
always find resources I'm looking for or
direction to the resource I need. Keep up the
great work! Katherine S, IT Director
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