Title: Hangforrasok:
1- Hangforrasok
- A glottis (gegefo) (kvazi)-periodikus forras
magan- vagy fel-maganhangzokhoz - Az osszeszoritott beszedcsatorna (hangcso) es az
azon keresztul atpreselt levego aperiodikus
hosszu (kontinuans zongetlen massalhangzoknal)
vagy rovid (ploziv zongetlen massalhangzoknal)
idotartamu forras - Az elozo ketto kombinacioja (zongeses
massalhangzok) - Egyeb (csattanas, hehezet, stb.)
- A kulonfele hangok akusztikai jellegzetessegei
(hangkep, burkolatfluktuacio) termeszetesen
utalnak azok eszlelesenek hallasi
elofelteteleire, de azt is sugalljak, hogy a
beszedgerjeszto es a hallasi apparatusok
parhuzamosan es kolcsonosen egymast optimizalva
fejlodtek ki, pl. meg odaig is, hogy a lefele
meno F1-F2 formans par (a labializalas jele)
lassabban tortenik, mint az ellenkezoje, a
hallasi csatornak idoallandoinak megfeleloen.
2A beszed letrejotte (Rene Carre, CNRS Paris) A
Distinctive Region Model (DRM) Mrayati
Carre (1988) Minden a vokalis traktustol fugg,
ami egy 18 cm-es cso Az izmok a cso korul es a
cso plaszticitasa lehetove teszik, hogy
keresztmetszetet (area function) akarhol
megvaltoztathassa, es ezaltal rezonans/antirezonan
s uregeket (polusokkal es nullakkal)
letrehozzon. A csovet atalakito mozdulatok
(speech gestures) azok, amelyekbol a beszed
keletkezik. A beszed tehat egy dinamikus
jelenseg, a cso statikus allapotai csak
atmenetiek es kizarolag a dinamikabol folynak.
3The DRM a brief description
Deductive approach the characteristics of speech
signal are deduced from the characteristics of
the production and perception systems the
characteristics of the production and perception
systems are deduced from general principles
(maximum acoustic contrast, economy of effort,
simplicity) applied on an acoustic tube.
4Acoustic tube deformed by commands
5initial area function A0(n) of closed-open tube
corresponding sensitivity function for the first
formant S0F1(n). In the figure, as shown by the
arrow, an increasing ?A/A of 5 leads to positive
first formant variation
the initial area function A0(n) (thin line) and
the new shape A1(n) (thick line) obtained with
the algorithm
6the corresponding formant variations as a
function of iterations increasing solid line
decreasing broken line
Automatic deformations during 10 iterations of an
initial closed-open tube shape (neutral tube) in
order to increase or decrease F1 (logarithmic
7Automatic deformations of an initial closed-open
tube shape (neutral tube) in order to increase or
decrease F2
the corresponding formant variations during 10
8Automatic deformations of an initial
closed-closed tube shape (neutral tube) in order
to increase or decrease F2
the corresponding formant variations
9The DRM model with 4 regions
the formant variations associated with an
increase of the area of region
the corresponding schematic formant trajectories
in the F1-F2 plane. The DRM command formant
relation is pseudo-orthogonal
10Automatic deformations of an initial closed-open
tube shape (neutral tube with larynx cavity) in
order to increase or decrease F1
the corresponding formant variations
11Automatic deformations of an initial closed-open
tube shape (neutral tube with larynx cavity) in
order to increase or decrease F2
the corresponding formant variations
12Automatic deformations (10 iterations) of an
initial closed-open tube shape (neutral tube with
larynx cavity) in order to increase or decrease
both F1 and F2 the results are represented in
the F1-F2 plane
Same, but to increase F1 and decrease F2 or
13Deformation of a crude i configuration in order
to increase automatically F1
representation in the F1-F2 plane, note that at
the end of this deformation gesture a is
14The eight DRM regions and the vocal tract. R1
corresponds to the larynx cavity, R3, R4, R5, R6
to the tongue, R7 to the teeth and R8 to the lips
15The eight DRM regions and the vocal and consonant
places of articulation
16A masalhangzok kepzesi helyenek megkulomboztetese
egy harmadik formans jelenletet koveteli Mivel
ket formans kozel egymashoz perceptualisan
egybeolvadhat (pl. F1-F2 az /u/ vagy az /r/
eseten es F2-F3 az /i/ es az /l/ eseten), az
atmenet dinamikaja fogja a formans jelenletet
jelolni a hallgatonak
17Zajban tovabbadott beszed az elfedes
aszimmetriaja miatt leginkabb az F3-ra szorulo
massalhangzok eszleleset akadalyozza leginkabb A
beszed megerteset a beszed nagyfoku redundanciaja
segiti elo Redundancia fonetikai
szegmentalis szupraszegmentalis (hanglejtes,
hangsuly, prozodia) szemantikai helyzethez
kotott Informacio elmelet, kodolas Mindez
nagyon megserul egy koktelparti szituacioban,
ahol a zaj is beszed (beszed tomegzajban vagy
eros visszhangban)