Title: The Abortion Debate
1 The Abortion Debate
- The TRUTH about abortion and what YOU can do
about it
- Hi, Im me
- Why am I doing this?
- Personal Reasons
- I believe God wants me to make a difference, and
this is a cause worth fighting for - The example of my mother as a pro-life advocate
- The encouragement of my husband Matt
- For my son Wesley
3Baby Wes on the inside (20 wks)
4Baby Wes on the inside (28 weeks)
5Baby Wes on the outside (newborn)
6Baby Wes on the outside (5 months)
7Can you prove something is morally wrong?
- There are no absolutes.
- I cant speak a word of English.
- Morals are just personal opinions, so you
shouldnt force your morals on people.
- Is that statement absolutely true?
- Arent you speaking English to say that?
- Whats wrong with forcing morals on people?
Thats just your opinion!
9Is there a moral difference?
10Conscience Test
- Morally GOOD or Morally BAD?
- Racism and slavery
- Killing innocent teenagers for fun
- Premarital Sex
- Living together before marriage
- Cheating on a test
What about ABORTION?
11How do we know whats morally right or wrong?
- Moral intuitions (conscience)
- The Bible
- Our society (parents, teachers, reformers)
- BUT, consciences can become insensitive and
perverted - BUT, Bible verses can be twisted out of context
- BUT society can be WRONG!
12Whats the solution?
- Be honest with yourself and with God.
- Conform your conscience to the BIBLE and to
TRUTH, NOT vice versa!
- The wrath of God is being revealed ..against
human beings who suppress the truth by their
wickedness Rom. 118 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Rom. 122
13There is Grace for those who have had abortions
- If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just
and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all
unrighteousness. - 1John
- Norma McCorvey (of Roe v. Wade) is now a
14Normas own words
- My conversion is one for the ages. The timing
was preciseOperation Rescue was next door to my
clinic for less than a year but it wasn't until I
had a regenerated heart that the truth of what
abortion does could find a place in my intellect.
Once that truth took hold, there was no turning
back. - "I'm one hundred percent sold out to Jesus and
one hundred percent pro-life," I like to say. "No
exceptions. No compromise." - http//www.leaderu.com/norma/
15Abortion affects YOUR generation
- 1/3 of your generation has been wiped out by
abortion - If you were born after 1973, you are a survivor
of the abortion holocaust - Will your generation CONTINUE the holocaust, or
STOP it?
16Abortion affects YOUR generation
- By age 15, only 13 of teens have ever had sex.
However, by the time they reach age 19, seven in
10 teens have engaged in sexual intercourse. - Nearly half (46) of all 15-19-year-olds in the
United States have had sex at least once. - Facts on American Teens' Sexual and Reproductive
17Abortion affects YOUR generation
- Each year, almost 750,000 women aged 15-19 become
pregnant - There were 214,750 abortions among
15-19-year-olds in 2002
18Abortion affects YOUR generation
- Nearly a third of all teen pregnancies end in
abortion. - 29 of pregnancies among 15-19-year-olds ended in
abortion in 2002, compared with 21 among all
19reasons teens give most for having an abortion
- concern about how having a baby would change
their lives - inability to afford a baby now
- feeling insufficiently mature to raise a child
20This is the HUMAN RIGHTS issue of our time
- Other Human Rights Issues
- 49,551,703 babies aborted in US since 1973
- 1.3 million per year
- 3,700 a day
- 6 million Jewish people killed in the Holocaust
- 7.8 million Africans brought as slaves to the
Americas -
- Unborn babies products of conception, blobs
of tissue, fetus, its - Abortion termination of pregnancy or
therapeutic abortion
- Jews inferior race, vermin, parasites,
disease - African slaves
- chattels,' 'property,' 'beasts'
- Native Americans
- "non-persons," "savages," and "Satan's
22Roe V. Wade - 1973
- Planned Parenthood used Norma McCorvey (Roe) as
their test case and said she was raped - The decision said abortion was only legal before
viability unless the mothers life or health was
in danger - The court claimed that an unborn child has no
- BUT, she wasnt really raped and DIDNT end up
having an abortion - Doe vs. Bolton said health of the mother could
be ANYTHING (abortion on demand) - The court later decided that rocks and trees have
rights, but not babies!
23Whats behind the pro-choice agenda?
- Freedom to have sex without any consequences
- Attack on sex and the family as God created them
to be - Radical feminist agenda (think theyre helping
- Eugenics (get rid of certain races to have a
purer human race) - Money, money, money
- abortion doctors 200,000 a year
- Clinics 1 million/ year
- Planned Parenthood 300 million from taxes/ 1
million from abortions
24Margaret Sanger founder of Planned parenthood
- If we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic,
he can go among them with enthusiasm... His work,
in my opinion, should be entirely with the Negro
profession... We do not want word to go out that
we want to exterminate the Negro population...
letter to colleague Dr. Clarence J. Gamble
25Former Abortionists speak out
- There are two reasons why people get involved in
the abortion industry. The first is money. The
second is because they really feel that its
helping women. But even those people who get
involved because they think its helping women
at some point in time convert to the fact that
its all about money. Eric Harrah (abortionist) - I finally realized, we werent helping womenwe
were destroying them and their children. Carol
Everett (clinic owner)
26Whats the debate about?
- The key in the debate is whether or not an unborn
baby is a human person with rights or not - Pro-life argument
- 1) It is morally wrong to kill innocent human
life. - 2) Abortion kills innocent human life.
- 3) Therefore, Abortion is morally wrong.
- (The pro-choice argument challenges the 2nd
premise by saying babies in the womb arent fully
human or full persons with rights, so abortion
isnt murder.)
27Whats the debate about?
- Premise 1
- It is morally wrong to kill innocent human life.
- This premise is a basic moral principle. It does
not require justification. - Premise 2
- Abortion kills innocent human life
- Lets see if abortion fits this description
- Abortion is killing something
- That something is not guilty of any crimes
- So the only question left is Is the unborn child
a human life?
28Arguments for the Pro-life position
- Life begins at conception (science and the Bible)
- A baby is a human being with potential, not a
potential human being.
- The only difference between an unborn baby and
you is time, location and development
29The Baby in the womb
- 1st trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
- Types of abortions done during each trimester
30Abortion Myths
- A baby is just a blob of tissue
- Abortions dont hurt the mother
- There are no long term effects of abortion
- The choice is between a woman and her doctor
- A woman has a right to do whatever she wants with
her own body - You cant have an abortion for any reason
- Abortion isnt an issue for guys
31 Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen
- I am happy to be alive. I almost died. Every day
I thank God for life. I do not consider myself a
by-product of conception, a clump of tissue, or
any other of the titles given to a child in the
womb. I do not consider any person conceived to
be any of those things. - Today, a baby is a baby when convenient. It is
tissue or otherwise when the time is not right. A
baby is a baby when miscarriage takes place at
two, three, four months. A baby is called a
tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes
place at two, three, four months. Why is that? I
see no difference. What are you seeing? Many
close their eyes... - Testimony of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen
before the Constitution Subcommittee of the House
Judiciary Committee on April 22, 1996.
32Former director of abortion clinics Carol
- Every woman has two questions, Is it a baby?
and Does it hurt? The abortionist must (lie and
) answer No. The women were told that we were
dealing with a product of conception or a glob
of tissue. They were told that there would be
only slight cramping, whereas, in reality, an
abortion can be excruciatingly painful. - from physiciansforlife.org
33Just a blob of tissue?
- I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion
wasn't about 'products of conception.' It wasn't
about 'missed periods.' It was about children
being killed in their mother's wombs. All those
years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was
wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was
wrong. No more of this first trimester, second
trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion--at
any point--was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully
clear. - Norma McCorvey
34What about guys?
- Ive seen guys drop girls off at the abortion
clinic, pay for the abortion, sit around and wait
until they hear the suction machines start then
they know its over and theyre gone. Wont even
take her home! - What I did see was this little game that was
played, where the men would come in with these
girls and say, "Oh, honey, right now is not the
right time to have the baby, but go ahead and
have the abortion and well have another baby and
get married soon." Then, as soon as the abortion
was over with, hed dump her. - former abortion doctor, now Christian, Eric
Harrah - (Abortionfacts.com)
35Guys can make a difference for good
36Answering Pro-Choice arguments
- People seeds /violinist arguments
- We cant know when life begins
- What about rape, incest and the life of the
37Is it wrong to kill your kid?
- Since Roe v. Wade, child abuse has increased
proportionately with the skyrocketing rate of
legal abortions - David Reardon
- After all, if its all right to brutalize ones
offspring before birth, why not after? - Francis Beckwith
Two-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony, allegedly
killed by her mother Casey
From Politically Correct Death by Francis
38I believe this is a CAUSE Jesus wants US to be
involved in
- For the love of Christ compels us
- 2 Cor. 514
- Whatever you did for the least of theseyou did
for me Matt. 2540 - Rescue those being led away to death Proverbs
39will You speak for our smallest people?
- A persons a person no matter how small.
- Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who
40Will you be an abortion abolitionist?
- Quote from William Wilberforce
- The grand object of my parliamentary existence
is the abolition of the slave trade. Before this
great cause all others dwindle in my eyes. - If it please God to honor me so far, may I be the
instrument of stopping such a course of
wickedness and cruelty as never before disgraced
a - Christian country.
41How can You get involved?
- Promote abstinence (and practice what you
preach!) - Encourage pregnant friends to choose life
(adoption, keep the baby) - Start a pro-life club
- Help out at a crisis pregnancy center
- Get involved in the pro-life movement
- Abort73.com
- Rock4life
- Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
42Teens Choosing life!
43Pro-Life activist Kortney Blythe
- Myspace.com (prolife kortney)
- U tube (survivorsclt)
- PO Box 5278 Riverside CA 92517 (Checks to
Survivor Kortney Blyte on rememberance line)
44(No Transcript)
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
47Why would doctors do abortions?
- The average doctor who does abortions one day a
week at a clinic averages 25-40 abortions. - The average abortionist makes 100,000-250,000 a
year. - An average clinic that performs roughly around
8,000 abortions will gross approximately 1
million a year. - Planned parenthood gets over
- 300 million a year from taxes
- Abortionfacts.com
48Abortion in China
- 7 million abortions per year
- 69 of single women have had premarital sex
- 20-55 of single women surveyed have had at least
one abortion - Some women surveyed have had six or seven or more
abortions - One child policy ratio of 119 boys per 100 girls
under age five (as high as 130100) - From Asia Times Online
49Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen
- I have met other survivors of abortion. They are
all thankful for life. Only a few months ago I
met another saline abortion survivor. Her name is
Sarah. She is two years old. Sarah also has
cerebral palsy, but her diagnosis is not good.
She is blind and has severe seizures. The
abortionist, besides injecting the mother with
saline, also injects the baby victims. Sarah was
injected in the head. I saw the place on her head
where this was done. When I speak, I speak not
only for myself, but for the other survivors,
like Sarah, and also for those who cannot yet
speak ...
50The Truth aboutPlanned Parenthood
- Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood
- Launched birth control movement because of her
biases on class and race - Opened her first clinic in a poor section of
Harlem - Published on the concept of eugenics (trying to
improve the human race by selective breeding
like Hitler) - If we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic,
he can go among them with enthusiasm... His work,
in my opinion, should be entirely with the Negro
profession... We do not want word to go out that
we want to exterminate the Negro population...
letter to colleague Dr. Clarence J. Gamble
51The Truth aboutPlanned Parenthood
- In 2003, Planned Parenthood Federation of
America extinguished the lives of 244,628 unborn
babies making the organization more deadly than
leukemia, brain cancer, skin cancer, diabetes,
car accidents, Alzheimers disease, and HIV/AIDS
combined. In the seven years from 1997 to
2003, Planned Parenthood received more than 1.49
billion from American taxpayers. Tragically, in
its annual reports, the organization also admits
that it has performed 1,398,574 abortions during
that time period alone. - "Making a Bloody Fortune Profiling Planned
52The Truth aboutPlanned Parenthood
- Has performed 3.5 million abortions since 1970
- 1/3 of Planned Parenthood's annual income comes
from abortions (surgical abortions accounted for
104 million of the 302.6 million its offices
brought in) - Tax dollars accounted for 265.2 million in 2003
- Total profits over 18 years 538 million
- For every adoption referral made, it performed
138 abortions - Abortiontv.com