Title: Preparing Educators for the Millennium Generation
1Preparing Educators for the Millennium Generation
Professor - Reading/Early Childhood/Technology
California State University, Long Beach
2Writing my own storyColleen
- The New Literacy begins at age three
3Writers Readersages 7 and 3
4Todays Focus
- How PBS Ready to Learn, that has produced Sesame
Street, Reading Rainbow and programs to interest
and light the fire of knowledge for preschool
youngsters, can now go the next step and empower
them as writers and readers. - How collaboration between educators and media is
our next most important challenge. - Language Processing makes Language Experience
work What I can say, I can write. What I can
write, I can read! (Van Allen, Casey)
5Important Facts
- The child has an absorbent mind ages birth to
seven (Montessori). Learns second language,
music, math, computers much more easily at that
age. - Small muscle coordination is developmental and
sometimes doesnt occur until 7 or 8 years of
age. - A pencil is a tool that needs small muscle
coordination to use. It is easier for a young
child to hit the a key on the computer than to
write an a. A computer is a sophisticated
pencil, a writing tool that works well for young
6Teacher Education and Technology
- Descriptive Study of the Reading Program in ABC
School District - Cerritos, California (Casey) - 21 Schools-qualitative and quantitative study of
the reading program in all classrooms - Teachers enthusiasm, love of learning and
expectations for students. - Simi Star Project - Research on early literacy
and technology (Casey) - 6 School Districts-26 classrooms-1000 writing
portfolios - Students with daily access to computers for
language processing all became readers and
7Research Support
- Simi Star Conclusions
- Teachers idea, administrator support.
- Students in the WTR classroom averaged two
writing levels higher and exceptionally high
reading attitude compared to control. - Sixth grade follow-up study-Students won the
county writing contests/their own website/all
were proficient writers and readers.
8Education Testing Service Evaluation of WTR
- 10,000 Kindergarten and Grade 1 students at 21
sites (R. Murphy and L. Appel) - Writing to Read (WTR) Three year study most
extensive research on computers and early
literacy - Children in WTR write better than comparison
groups - In Reading, Kindergarten WTR students have a
significant advantage over comparison students.
9NCLB and Technology
- NCLB requires teachers to integrate technology
into ongoing instruction and make technology a
part of the learning process. - The value of technology is knowing how to use it
to learn, the goal is for every student to be
technologically literate before entering
secondary education. (NCLB 2003)
10The Beginning - Failing at Five
- Codey (Age 5, Kdg.) was placed in the low group
in his class. - When asked to write, he avoided the task, because
he couldnt do well with a pencil. - The computer made a difference for him.
- He went from low group to author in one session.
11Codeys Literacy Success
- The computer empowered him to write.
- The computer proved to him that he was not dumb.
- The computer gave him a tool to type in any word
he saw and then hear it spoken to him. - It was his ticket to the Literacy Club
12Los Angeles Unified School District Waterford
and WTR
- Waterford Early Reading Program in 244 schools
- Waterford used by about 150,000 students at 1,600
schools in 40 states. - It puts the learner in control of his learning,
processing his own language experience stories. - It has the outstanding music, graphics, sound
educational materials for comprehensible input. - Its based on a good understanding of reading
development. (G.Reid Lyon, NIH)
13Estimate Brandons Level of Maturity
14Brandon, Age 6, Gr. 1
Brandon 12-13-95 It is raning hrd twoda. I lik
the ran bekaz I lik gateng wet. I lik plaing in
the ran.
15Anthonys Story (2 versions)
Version 1 Pencil and paper
Version 2 - Computer
16(No Transcript)
17Mini web, Multilingual, Maxi Learning Project
- Dr. Rachel Cohen - University of Paris, France
- Dr. Gloria Medrano - University of Zaragoza,
Spain - A network which links children aged 3 to 8 from
10 countries using 4 languages. - Research shows that using technology at an early
age, before children become candidates for
school failure, can indeed make a significant
18(No Transcript)
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23Davids Story (Age 6, diagnosed A.D.H.D.)
- 9-18 dinusors lift 200 yers a goe They had
fites. Evey day they had fites. One day a
dinusor was eating gras. And a dinosaur got in a
fites. The bigis dinnsor wan. it was nite time.
it was snowing for a week.the dinsaurs dide.
24More from David
- gorchwoshtin live he was the first presit.He
was born in ' 16-48.He was 1 yers old. He was
nise he noow lots of thing. he had fan win he was
2 yers old he had tlooes. Noul he is 3 yers old
he was omoste in pescol. noul he is 5 yers old he
is in cinagarn.noul he is 6 yers old he is in
fiest gard.
25Outcomes for David
- Without a classroom computer and a knowledgeable
teacherDavid would probably have spent the next
six years in a special categoryon Ritalin. - Without a classroom computer and a knowledgeable
teacherDavid would probably have been lost in
our one size fits all educational system. - With a classroom computer and a knowledgeable
teacherDavid became an early member of the
literacy club and, in the 7th grade, he designed
the Web Page for his class.
26The LakeChapter 1 by LibbyAge 5
27The LakeChapter 2 by LibbyAge 5
28The LakeChapter 3 by LibbyAge 5
29The LakeChapter 4 by LibbyAge 5
30The LakeChapter 5 by LibbyAge 5
31Outcomes for Libby?
- Without a knowledgeable teacherLibby will
probably hate being forced to read decodable
books and, as a result, will be bored with
school. - Without a knowledgeable teacherwho understands
about phonemic spelling as a first stage, Libby
will probably stop writing her novels. - There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the
difference between mediocrity and
accomplishment. (Norman Vincent Peale)
32Mat sat on a fat cat just wont hack it. It
failed with SWRL in 1970. It will fail again.
33Importance of Early Experiences
- Children who lack access to books, who are not
read to in the home, start school with a
significant disadvantage. - On-target students typically start kindergarten
with 3000 hours of pre-literacy activities in the
home. At-risk students start with just 50-250
hours of the same activities. (Adams, 1990) - Without effective intervention, this deficit
continues to increase yearly.
34Benefits of Computer Access for Young Children
- Empowerment and control of learning - accepts
computer as a lifelong learning tool - Interactive, visual positive feedback
- An experience that can support the development of
learning, logical thinking and ability to solve
and analyze problems
35Software to Review
- Dr. Peets Talk Writer
- Waterford Early Reading Program (Pearson)
- OpenBooksLearning
- Writing to Read 2000
- Write Outloud (Don Johnston)
- KidWorks Deluxe or KidPix
- Clicker 4
36Jessicas Story (WTR Age 5)
- The Vois Inside You
- One day Jenny seid to her mom I want to do
jimnastiks Her mom seid OK why dont you try out
for the Olimpiks? Jennys techer was tuf. it was
the day of the Olimpiks. Jenny was scard when it
came to her tern. Then she herd a vois it seid
you can do it. Jenny ran to the beem. - She did a back flip the vois cep saing you can do
it. Then it came agen you can do it. She one
the Olimpks
37Classroom Integration
- Six networked computers/Internet
connections/Teachers Computer - Computers integrated in writing process all day
long - 88 Classroom writing ideas in Creating the Early
Literacy Classroom (Casey)
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39Pre-school Teachers
- Model reading, writing and daily use of computer,
understand how to inspire and encourage children - Understand about providing writing and reading
experiences for at-risk students - Understand the needs of on-target students as
well as those leading the way and living in a
technology household
40Power of PBS Communication
- Ready to Learn resources for Parents and Teachers
need to be a part of home-school communication at
every school and in all teacher training - Generations of learners, because of programs like
Schoolhouse Rock, can recite the Preamble of our
Constitution. Now we need new programs like this
that highlight how young children can use the
technology as a tool to write, read and learn. - PBS should show children, parents and teachers
the value of computer technology in literacy
- PBS Ready to Learn - The next step Children as
Authors - Collaboration between university and K-12
educators, parents and media to give voice and
literacy to all preschool children - Human beings learn through interest and need to
know. They need role models that inspire them and
tools that empower them to become literate.
42Inspiring Friends to Use the Computer
- Federal mandates like Good Start, Grow Smart have
demonstrated great success with 3 and 4 year olds
literacy. - Preschool is a gift for a lifetime.
43Literacy Success for All Learners
- Anthony (Age 10, Gr. 5), Poor eye-hand
coordination - Brandon (Age 6, Gr. 1), Poor eye-hand
coordination - Codey (Age 5, Kdg), Teacher labeled him a
low-low - David (Age 6, Gr. 1), Diagnosed A.D.H.D.
- Jessica (Age 5, Kdg), Motivational Writer
- Libby (Age 5, Kdg), Gifted, GATE
- One hundred years from now it will not matter
what kind of car you drove or the sort of house
you lived in. - But the world may be different because you were
important in the life of a child. - Education is not the filling of a pail, but the
lighting of a fire. (W. B. Yeats)
45Dr. John Henry Martin
- The computer can give the learner the worlds
most beautiful feeling, the Greek Eureka I got
it, I know it, I can see it, I can understand it!
Thats a transforming feeling to be awakened
from dormancy, from sadness to strength, to
dignity. I can write, I can read!
46Where to get more information
- Early Literacy The Empowerment of Technology by
Jean M. Casey, Ph.D. (Revised Edition 2000) ISBN
1-56308-458-9 - Creating the Early Literacy Classroom by
Jean M. Casey, Ph.D. (2000) ISBN 1-56308-712-X - jeancasey_at_aol.com
- www.csulb.edu/jmcasey