Title: Heat Budget in the California Current
1Heat Budget in the California Current
- Kathryn A. Kelly
- Applied Physics Laboratory
- University of Washington
- Terms in the upper ocean heat budget
- Contributions of satellite data to terms
- Comparisons of surface heat fluxes
- Estimating advection geostrophic and Ekman
3Upper Ocean Heat Budget
In terms of mixed layer temperature
Surface heating
T mixed layer temperature h mixed layer
depth Qnet net surface heat flux
we entrainment velocity velocity geostrophic
4Surface Heating Term
- Net flux shortwave longwave latent
sensible - shortwave longwave from NCEP
- turbulent fluxes also computed with COARE
algorithm - wind speed NCEP or QuikSCAT
- flux alternatives NCEP, NCEP/COARE, or
5Net surface heat flux products
6Comparison with NCEP flux
7Effect of QuikSCAT winds on heat fluxes
8Evaluating surface fluxes with sea level
- heat content of the ocean
Expansion of a solid
Expansion of a fluid column
Net surface heat flux
Coefficient of thermal expansion
9JASON-1 in space
Radar altimeter launched August 2002
Successor to TOPEX/Poseidon (August 1992 -- )
10RMS Variability of Sea Surface Height
11Comparing SSH Anomalies with Heat Flux
time integral of net surface heat flux
12SSH response to net surface heat flux
13SSH response with mean flux removed
14Interannual and seasonal response to surface
15Advection Term
- Velocity geostrophic Ekman
- geostrophic velocity anomaly from the T/P
altimeter - mean sea surface height needed (altimeter mean
removed along with geoid) - mean SSH derived from mean drifter velocity,
assuming it is geostrophic - Ekman velocity alternatives NCEP or QuikSCAT
16- surface geostrophic velocity from sea surface
Plan view
17 Altimeter Ground Tracks
- all subtracks for 10-day repeat cycle
- shown with WOCE drifter tracks in the California
Current - TOPEX/Poseidon and JASON-1
- Two altimeters interleaved, as of August 2002
- Use climatological mixed layer depth (Levitus)
- Assume
19Heat Budget Lab
In terms of mixed layer temperature
geostrophic and Ekman advection
- Notes
- surface heating term (turbulent flux options)
- T from TMI (TRMM microwave imager)
- Ekman velocity from NCEP or QuikSCAT