Title: QTL Mapping in Extended Halfsib Families
1QTL Mapping in Extended Halfsib Families
ADSA/ASAS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June
22-26, 2003
- Natascha Vukasinovic, Monsanto, Animal AG
- Mario Martinez, CGNLP/Embrapa, Brazil
2QTL search in outbred populations
Daughter design
Independent halfsib families
3QTL search in outbred populations
In reality Sires are related
4QTL search
- Halfsib analysis
- Independent families (often small)
- Imprecise estimates of QTL parameters
- Low power
- General pedigree analysis
- Considers relationships among all animals
- Can this provide better estimates and higher
5Simulation study
- 1 sire ? 1 dam ? 3 sons
- Each son ? 4 dams ? 12 grandsons
- Each grandson ? 25 dams ? 300 daughters
- 12 related halfsib families, 25 daughters each
- Available for analysis Sire and daughter
genotypes, daughter phenotypes.
6Full Pedigree
7Simulation details
- 60 cM chromosomal segment, 5 markers, 15 cM
apart - with 6 alleles each (polymorphic)
- with 2 alleles each (biallelic)
- 1 QTL with 5 alleles
- at 20 cM
- at 40 cM
- QTL accounts for
- 25 trait variance
- 5 trait variance
- h20.50, 50 replicates
8Statistical model
- Phenotypic value
- yij m QTLij polyij errorij
- Phenotypic variance
- Var (yij) s2 s2QTL s2poly s2error
- Covariance between two relatives j and j
- Cov (yij, yij) s2QTL rjj s2poly
- proportion of alleles IBD shared at
QTL (IBD probability) - rjj coefficient of polygenic
relationship between j and j
9Estimating pq Halfsib families
- Linear regression (Fulker Cardon, 1994)
- uses information on IBD proportion at two
flanking markers - E (pq p M1 p M2) a b1 p M1
b2 p M2 - p M1, p M2 - IBD proportions at 2 flanking
markers - b1, b2 - weights obtained as a function of
recombination between markers and putative QTL - Uninformative markers use average p ( r)
10Estimating pq General pedigrees
- Recursive deterministic method to calculate IBD
proportions (IBD probabilities) between
ancestors and descendants (Pong-Wong et al. ,
2001). - Requires known linkage phases (parental AND
grandparental origin of each marker allele) - Uses closest informative marker bracket.
- Uninformative markers skipped.
11Estimating pq General pedigrees
- IBD probabilities calculated separately for
paternal and maternal allele, for each
chromosomal position. - Linear transformation of gametic IBD
probabilities into individual IBD probabilities. - If no informative markers, IBD probs r.
12Data analysis
- ML method
- maximize likelihood function (w.r.t. unknown
parameters) for each position - obtain likelihood ratio (LR) test statistics
- position the highest LR ? most likely QTL
position. - Note Only offspring phenotypes and IBDs used in
actual analysis
13Results Polymorphic markers, h2QTL 0.25
QTL at 20 cM
QTL at 40 cM
14Results Polymorphic markers, h2QTL 0.05
QTL at 20 cM
QTL at 40 cM
15Results Biallelic markers, h2QTL 0.25
QTL at 20 cM
QTL at 40 cM
16Results Biallelic markers, h2QTL 0.05
QTL at 20 cM
QTL at 40 cM
17Results h2QTL estimates
- GP analysis superior to HS analysis regarding
precision and power - always, when QTL is large
- with polymorphic markers, when QTL is small
- GP analysis provides less biased estimates of QTL
heritability when QTL is small.
19Final remarks
- Considering relationships among daughter groups
(via GP analysis) could be a simple way to
increase efficiency of QTL mapping without
additional costs. - GP analysis requires considerably larger
computing resources than HS analysis. - Need to consider better algorithms ...
20Questions? Comments? Critics? Suggestions?
Correspondence Natascha Vukasinovic