Cardiovascular Physiology Part Three - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cardiovascular Physiology Part Three


... transparent, slightly yellow or milky fluid is collected from interstitial fluid ... ending lymphatic caps that drain interstitial spaces join to form a treelike ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cardiovascular Physiology Part Three

Cardiovascular PhysiologyPart Three
  • Capillaries Microcirculation
  • Immune System
  • Regulation

Capillaries and Microcirculation
  • most tissues have extensive capillary bed no
    cell is gt 3-4 cells away from a capillary very
    NB as transfer of gases, nutrients wastes by
    diffusion is exceedingly slow process
  • just large enough for RBCs (erythrocytes) to
    squeeze through (sometimes WBCs leukocytes get

Microcirculatory beds
  • fig 12-35 p. 507 - microcirculatory bed
    arterioles are surrounded by smooth muscle which
    becomes discontinuous in metarteries ends in a
    smooth muscle ring called precapillary sphincter
  • capillaries single layer of endothelial cells
    surrounded by a basement membrane of collagen
  • a few elongated cells with the ability to
    contract wrap around caps pericyte cells

Microcirculatory bedscont
  • innervated smooth muscle of arterioles (i.e. the
    smooth muscle sphincter at junction of arteries
    arterioles) control blood distribution to each
    cap bed most arterioles innervated by
    sympathetic /NS a few in lungs innervated by
    para NS
  • precapillary sphincter appears to not be
    innervated but under local control its opening
    closing alters blood flow through cap. bed in
    certain specific places cap. either open most
    of time (e.g. brain) or closed (e.g. skin) for
    considerable times
  • all cap beds combined 14 of BV but with the
    opening/closing only 30-50 of all caps are
    open 5-7 total BV

Transfer of substances fig 12.36
  • endothelium much more permeable than epithelial
    cell layers allows substances to move with
    relative ease in out of caps. - caps in
    different tissues differ in permeability ( this
    difference in permeability is related to
    differences in structure!!) 1.Continuous least
    perm muscle, neuronal tissue, lungs, CT
    exocrine glands
  • 2. Fenestrated intermediate perm glomerulus,
    intestines endocrine glands
  • 3. Sinusoidal most permeable liver, bone
    marrow, spleen, lymph nodes adrenal cortex

Transfer of substances cont
  • 1. continuous capillaries least permeable in
    muscle, neuronal tissue, lungs, CT and exocrine
    glands substances move across either through or
    between endothelial cells (i.e. lipid soluble
    substances diffuse through cell membrane H2O
    ions diffuse through water-filled clefts between
    cells in brain, there are carrier mechanisms
    for transport of glucose some aas research
    suggests, substances are packaged in vesicles for
    transport) lower perm of brain caps is
    considered to result from tight junctions between
    endothelial cells

Transfer of substances cont
  • 2. fenestrated capillaries intermediate perm
    glomerulus, intestines endocrine glands perm
    to nearly everything except large proteins RBCs
    ultrafiltrate is formed across such a
    endothelial barrier very few vesicles
  • 3. sinusoidal capillaries most permeable
    liver, BM, spleen, lymph nodes adrenal cortex
    these cap beds have large paracellular gaps that
    extend through basement membrane no vesicles
    most transfer occurs between cells fluid
    surrounding caps in liver has much same comp as
  • inflammation or certain substances e.g. histamine
    increase size of openings at venous end of cap
    network making it very perm

The Lymphatic System
  • Lymph transparent, slightly yellow or milky
    fluid is collected from interstitial fluid in all
    parts of body returned to blood via lymphatic
    system (contains no RBCs only WBCs)
  • L system begins with blind-ending lymphatic caps
    that drain interstitial spaces join to form a
    treelike structure with branches converging from
    all tissues
  • Lymphatic trunks (larger lymphatic vessels)
    resemble veins empty via a duct into blood
    circulation at point of low pressure

The Lymphatic System cont
  • in mammals and other vertebrates, lymph vessels
    drain via a thoracic duct into very low pressure
    region of venous system usually close to heart
  • Returns excess fluid proteins that filter
    across cap walls into interstitial spaces back to
    blood large molecules (e.g. fats absorbed from
    gut some hormones) reach blood via lymphatic
  • Walls of lymph vessels single layer of
    endothelial cells basement membrane absent or
    discontinuous large paracellular gaps between
    adjoining cells

The Lymphatic System cont
  • Pressure lowers than surrounding tissue
    interstitial fluid passes easily into lymph
    vessels vessels are valved one way flow
    some large lymph vessels do have smooth muscle
    contract rhythmically driving fluid away from
    tissues squeezing by contractions in gut
    skeletal muscles ( general body movement)
  • Fats taken up from gut by lymph system rather
    than directly into blood (folds in gut wall
    villi each contain a lymphatic vessel central
    lacteal into which fats

The Lymphatic System cont
  • fat-soluble nutrients (e.g. Vit A, D, E K)
    pass from lumen of gut
  • Lymph flow NB in draining tissues of excess
    interstitial fluid (if lymph production exceeds
    lymph flow, severe edema can result)
  • Interesting variations in other species
    reptiles many amphibians have lymph hearts
    which aid in movement of fluid within lymphatic
    system fishes appear to either lack lymphatic
    system or only very rudimentary one

Circulation and the Immune Response
  • circulatory lymphatic system contribute to
    bodys immune response
  • lymphocytes (type of leukocyte aka WBC unique
    ability to recognize foreign substances
    (antigens) including those on surface of invading
    pathogens, virus-infected cells tumor cells
  • 2 main types of lymphocytes B lymphocytes
    (B-cells) T lymphocytes (T-cells subdivided
    helper T TH) cytotoxic T (TC) (see
    Pathophysiology Assignment posted notes for more

Circulation and the Immune Response cont
  • other leukocytes neutrophils macrophages both
    of which can engulf microorganisms foreign
    particulate matter by phagocytosis these cells
    are mobile
  • Immune Response recognizing invader, marking
    destroying it recognition carried out
    exclusively by lymphocytes either lymphocytes
    or phagocytes can destroy must distinguish self
    from non-self failure to do so autoimmune

The Immune Response cont
  • Lymphocytes respond in 3 ways fig 12-40 p. 511
  • 1. B cells develop into plasma cells secrete
    antibodies that bind to pathogens marking them
    for degradation by phagocytes
  • 2. TC cells recognize tumor cells, including
    those infected by pathogens the recognition
    stimulates TC to mature into active cytotoxic T
    lymphocytes (CTLs) which destroy altered

The Immune Response cont
  • recognition of antigen by TH cells stimulates
    them to secrete cytokines, which in turn promote
    growth responsiveness of B cells, TC cells
    macrophages increasing strength of immune
    response to a pathogen
  • lymphocytes in lymph blood large s in lymph
    nodes located along lymphatic vessels lymph
    nodes filter lymph help bring antigens into
    contact with lymphocytes

The Immune Response cont
  • to get to areas where there is an infection,
    lymphocytes must be able to leave lymphatic
    circulatory systems process called
    extravasation vessels become inflamed at sites
    of infection producing signals inducing synthesis
    activation of adhesive proteins on blood side
    of endothelium as pas inflamed endothelium
    molecule called P-selection on blood-facing
    surface binds to slows a

The Immune Response cont
  • passing leukocyte interaction stimulates
    leukocytes to produce integrin receptors (e.g.
    LFA-1) which then bind with intracellular
    adhesion molecules (ICAMs) on surface of
    endothelium once adhered, leukocyte can move
    between endothelial cells migrate into infected
  • Fig 12-41 p. 512

Regulation of Circulation
  • 3 central priorities of CVS
  • 1. adequate blood supply to brain heart
  • 2. to other
    organs after brain heart supply assured
  • 3. control capillary pressure to maintain tissue
    volume composition of interstitial fluid within
    reasonable ranges

Control of Central CVS
  • Baroreceptors monitor BP info from
    baroreceptors info from chemoreceptors
    (monitoring CO2 O2 concentrations pH of
    blood) is transmitted to brain other sensory
    receptors are involved in reflex effects on the
    CVS including mechanoreceptors (respond to
    mechanical distortion pressure)
    thermoreceptors (responsive to temperature
    changes) all this info is integrated in a
    collection of brain neurons called medullary CV
    center (at the level of medulla/pons)

Control of Central CVS cont
  • Medullary CV center receives info also from
    medullary respiratory center, hypothalamus,
    amygdala nucleus cortex output from medullary
    CV center feeds into sym para autonomic motor
    neurons that innervated heart smooth muscle of
    arterioles veins
  • Stim. of sympathetic nerves increases rate
    force of heart contraction causes
    vasoconstriction marked increase in arterial BP
    CO in general, the reverse happens when stim
    para nerves ending in reduction of BP CO

 Medullary CV Center
  • 2 functional regions with opposing effects on BP
  • 1. stimulation of pressor center results in
    sympathetic activation rise in BP
  • stimulation of depressor center in parasym.
    activity drop in BP fig 12-42 p. 513
  • Role played by baroceptors which are widely
    distributed in arterial system show increased
    rates of firing with increase in BP

Arterial Baroreceptors
  • unmyelinated barorecptors (mammals, amphibians
    reptiles) respond only to pressures above normal
    initiating reflexes that reduce arterial BP
  • myelinated baroreceptors (only mammals) respond
    only to pressures below normal initiating
    reflexes that raise BP - many baroreceptors are
    located in carotid sinus in mammals, carotid
    sinus is a dilation of internal carotid artery at
    its origin buried in the thin walls are finely
    branched nerve endings function as baroreceptors
    ( inc. in BP stretches wall of carotid sinus
    causing an increase in discharge frequency)

Arterial Chemoreceptors
  • arterial chemoreceptors located in carotid
    aortic bodies NB in ventilation (later) but also
    have some effect on CVS when blood perfusing
    carotid aortic bodies has high levels of CO2 or
    low O2 pH, arterial chemoreceptors respond with
    increase in discharge frequency which results in
    peripheral vasoconstriction slowing of HR if
    animal is not breathing (e.g. submersion)
  • CO is reduced while birds mammals are diving

Arterial Chemoreceptors cont
  • Under these conditions, peripheral
    vasoconstriction ensures maintenance of arterial
    BP thus blood flow to brain (diving response)
  • Many interactions between control systems
    associated with respiratory CVS

Cardiac Sensory Receptors
  • atrial receptors (esp. mechanoreceptors in atrial
  • ventricular receptors (nerve endings of both
    myelinated mechanoreceptive chemoreceptive
    unmyelinated sensory afferent fibers imbedded in
    ventricles) together monitor venous pressure
    HR to ensure activity of heart is correlated with
    blood inflow from venous system blood outflow
    into arterial system

Additional Points
  • Neuronal control of microcirculation operates
    under a priority system if arterial pressure
    falls, blood flow to gut, liver muscles is
    reduced to maintain flow to brain heart (most
    arterioles are innervated by sympathetic nerves,
    whose terminals release the catecholamine
  • vasopressin (ADH) rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone
    system operate in conjunction with neuronal
    reflexes to maintain BV (review this material)
  • many special circumstances to accommodate e.g.
    inflammation, strenuous exercise, diving
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