Northwest Regional Accreditation: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Northwest Regional Accreditation:


Provoke thought and promote dialogue on effective self-study practices. ... So long as I sing with inflection. That makes you feel that I'll convey ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Northwest Regional Accreditation:

Northwest Regional Accreditation
  • Preparation for a Visit for Candidacy
  • Ronald L. Baker
  • Executive Vice President
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Highlight accreditation principles Articulate
the evaluation process and Provoke thought and
promote dialogue on effective self-study
  • To conduct an effective self study, you are
    strongly encouraged to . . .
  • do the right thing!

  • Chaos is come again.
  • Othello in The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of
    Venice (William Shakespeare)

Types of Accreditation
  • Regional (Institutional)
  • Diverse characteristics and missions
  • Comprehensive institutional review
  • Mission-based criteria
  • National (Institutional)
  • Single-purpose or thematic mission
  • Comprehensive institutional review
  • Purpose-based criteria
  • Specialized (Programmatic)
  • Specific program or school
  • Program-centered review
  • Discipline-based criteria

  • Regional accreditation is a voluntary,
    non-governmental process of self analysis and
    peer review that assures educational quality and
    encourages purposeful improvement through
    evaluations based on institutional mission,
    accepted academic standards, and expectations of
    the public.

  • Regional accreditation applies to the institution
    as a whole not units or individual educational
  • Is not partial
  • Is not for a fixed period of time

  • Comprehensive decennial evaluation
  • Regular interim evaluation at midpoint between
    comprehensive evaluations
  • Written Progress Report to address one or more
  • Written Focused Interim Report and onsite visit
    to address one or more issue
  • discretionary

  • Accredited institutions are expected to
  • Engage in ongoing planning that leads to
    accomplishment of identified outcomes
  • Evaluate how and how well outcomes are achieved
  • Use assessment results for improvement.

Accreditation Assurances
  • Intentions The institution has clearly defined
    and appropriate educational objectives consistent
    with its mission and characteristics.
  • Capacity The institution has conditions and
    resources to achieve its objectives.
  • Achievement The institution is substantially
    accomplishing its mission and purpose.
  • Sustainability The institution is organized,
    staffed, and supported to continue to do so.

  • What?
  • With What?
  • So What?
  • Now What?

  • NWCCU is recognized as a reliable authority on
    educational quality by
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • CHEA (Council for Higher Education
  • Institutions of higher education
  • State agencies
  • Public

Benefits of Accreditation
  • Eligibility for HEA programs
  • Eligibility for federal funds for categorical
    programs and services
  • Fosters transfer of credit
  • Continuous improvement from regular, systematic,
    and purposeful assessment

Regional Accrediting Agencies
District of Columbia Canal Zone Puerto
Rico Virgin Islands
Guam American Samoa Micronesia Other Pacific
Basin Countries in Asia
NWCCU Accredited Institutions
Degree Public Private Total A
69 2 71 B 5 13 18 M
13 24 37 D 17 11 28
104 50 154 Highest Degree Offered
NWCCU Candidate Institutions
Degree Public Private Total A
1 0 1 B 1 1 2 M
0 0 0 D 0 2 2
2 3 5 Highest Degree Offered
Distribution by State
Accredited and Candidate Institutions
Board of Commissioners
  • Baccalaureate/Graduate Institutions
  • Associate Institutions
  • General Public
  • Institutions from Other Regions
  • Chair
  • NWCCU President
  • Minimum of Seven

Accreditation Process
  • Application for Consideration
  • Candidacy
  • Initial Accreditation
  • Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Application for Consideration
  • Letter of Application
  • Response to Eligibility Requirements
  • Plans for Institutional Development
  • Catalog, other Documentation
  • Audited Financial Statement
  • Authorization/Charter
  • Application Fee

  • Comprehensive Evaluation for Candidacy
  • If granted, Candidacy is limited to 5 years.
  • Interim Candidacy Evaluation 18 months
    following receipt of Candidacy.
  • Interim Candidacy Evaluation 36 months
    following receipt of Candidacy.
  • Evaluation for Initial Accreditation must be
    approved by the Executive Director.

Initial Accreditation
  • Following receipt of accreditation, the following
    evaluations are conducted
  • Progress Report 3 years following receipt of
  • Comprehensive Evaluation 5 years following
    receipt of accreditation.
  • Other evaluations may be requested
  • Progress Report
  • Focused Interim Report and Visit

Reaffirmation of Accreditation
  • Scheduled Evaluations
  • Comprehensive every 10 years
  • Regular Interim every 5 years between
    comprehensive evaluations
  • Optional Evaluations (as requested)
  • Progress Report
  • Focused Interim Report and Visit

Accreditation Criteria
  • Eligibility Requirements - characteristics and
    conditions required for accreditation.
  • Standards - criteria by which quality and
    effectiveness are evaluated.
  • Related Policies - part of the Standards provide
    further definition to the Standard.

  • The criteria form a flexible framework of
    qualitative, catalytic, non-prescriptive
    statements that enables institutions with
    divergent missions, philosophies, and
    characteristics to exhibit essential principles
    of quality and effectiveness.

  • Accreditation criteria are not prescriptive.
    They do not
  • Stipulate planning or evaluation methods
  • Specify the nature of assessment data
  • Define "adequate, appropriate, or sufficient
    since they are influenced by institutional

Mission-Centered Standards
Taxonomy of a Standard
  • Standard Number and Title
  • Standard Element Identifier and Title
  • (Conceptual Framework)
  • Standard Element Narrative (Philosophy)
  • Standard Indicator (Declarative Statement of
    Quality Indicators)

Key Areas Of Interest
  • Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
  • (Standard Element 1.B)
  • Educational Program Planning Assessment
  • (Standard Element 2.B Policy 2.2)
  • General Education/Related Instruction
  • (Policy 2.1)
  • Distance Education
  • (Policy 2.6)
  • Advertising, Recruitment, and Representation of
    Accredited Status
  • (Policy 3.1)

Key Areas Of Interest (continued)
  • Faculty Evaluation
  • (Policy 4.1)
  • Governance System, Board, and Administration
  • (Standard Elements 6.A, 6.B, 6.C)
  • Financial Planning, Adequacy, and Management
  • (Standard Elements 7.A, 7.B, 7.C)
  • Contractual Agreements with External
  • (Policy A-6)
  • Teach-Out Responsibilities
  • (Including Policy A-13 Teach-Out Agreements)

Institutional Planning/Effectiveness
  • Each institution is expected to
  • Engage in ongoing planning to achieve its mission
    and goals
  • Evaluate how and how well it is accomplishing its
    mission and goals and
  • Use results for broad-based, continuous planning
    and evaluation.

Educational Assessment
  • The institution's processes for assessing its
    educational programs are clearly defined,
    encompass all of its offerings, are conducted on
    a regular basis, and are integrated into the
    overall planning and evaluation plan. Expected
    learning outcomes are identified and published
    for each degree and certificate program.

Educational Assessment
  • Regular and systematic assessment documents that
    students who complete programs, no matter where
    or how offered, have achieved these outcomes.
  • The institution provides evidence that its
    assessment activities lead to the improvement of
    teaching and learning.

Student Information and Practices
  • All candidate and accredited institutions, or
    individuals acting on their behalf, must exhibit
    integrity and responsibility in advertising,
    student recruitment, and representation of
    accredited status.

General Education
  • Baccalaureate and transfer associate degree
    programs must include a substantial core of
    collegiate level General Education with
    identifiable outcomes in
  • Written and oral communication
  • Quantitative reasoning
  • Critical analysis and logical thinking and
  • Literacy in the discourse or technology
    appropriate to the program of study.
  • Outcomes should be stated in relationship to
    institutional mission and goals.

Related Instruction
  • Programs of study for applied or specialized
    associate degrees or for certificate programs of
    45 (q) / 30 (s) credits or more in length require
    recognizable a body of instruction in
    program-related areas of
  • Communication
  • Computation
  • Human Relations
  • Additional topics as appropriate

Related Instruction
  • Related instruction content may be
  • Embedded within program curricula or
  • Taught in block units of instruction.
  • Regardless of approach, it must be
  • Clearly identified
  • Pertinent to the program of study and
  • Taught by faculty who are clearly and
    appropriately qualified.

Distance Education
  • This policy is intended to apply to the broadest
    possible definition of distance delivery of
  • Degree programs and credit courses may or may not
    be delivered exclusively via telecommunications.

Faculty Evaluation
  • Institutions are expected to conduct some form of
    substantive performance evaluation of all
    faculty members at least once within each
    five-years of service. The evaluation should be
    collegial, participatory, and use multiple
    indices of assessment.

Contractual Agreements
  • An accredited or candidate institution may not
    lend the prestige or authority of its
    accreditation to authenticate courses or programs
    offered under contract with other organizations
    unless it demonstrates oversight and
    responsibility for those offerings in compliance
    with Commission standards, principles, and

Teach-Out Requirements
  • An institution is required to provide equitable
    treatment of students if it closes or
    discontinues an educational program before all
    students enrolled in the discontinued program
    complete it.
  • It may offer the remaining portion of the program
    for enrolled students or enter into a teach-out
    agreement for completion of the program through
    another institution.

How does this talk grow corn? Hopi Saying
Barometer Of Change
  • You can judge your age by the amount of pain you
    feel when you come in contact with a new idea.
  • Pearl Buck

Shift In Expectations
Outcomes Implied ? Explicit Achievements Assum
ed ? Assessed Effectiveness Inferred ? Evidenced
  • I believe in looking reality straight in the eye
    and denying it.
  • Garrison Keeler

Attendant Tenet
The secret of success is sincerity Once you can
fake that youve got it made. Jean Giraudoux
  • It doesnt matter what I say,
  • So long as I sing with inflection
  • That makes you feel that Ill convey
  • Some inner truth of vast reflection.
  • But Ive said nothing so far
  • And I can keep it up for as long as it takes
  • And it dont matter who you are
  • If Im doing my job its your resolve that
  • Hook (Blues Traveler)

Culture Of Evidence
Are outcomes explicitly stated? Is there general
agreement on characteristics of achievement? Are
assessment data regularly and purposefully
collected and analyzed? Are results used
systematically to enhance quality and
effectiveness? Is hope your improvement plan?
Copernican Déjà Vu
  • When the center of the universe is discovered, a
    lot of people will be disappointed to find they
    arent it.
  • Bernard Bailey

Lack of experience? Lack of knowledge? Lack of
ability? Lack of tools? Lack of interest? Lack of
relevance? Lack of resources? Lack of time? Lack
of will? TRADITION!
Self Reflection
  • The way to gain a reputation is to endeavor to be
    what you desire to appear.
  • Socrates

  • Method consists of two correlative and
    complementary processes 1) analysis of complex
    totalities into their parts and 2) synthesis of
    parts into their totality.
  • However, the two processes by themselves are
    imperfect and require each other for the full
    development of knowledge and understanding.
  • Joseph L. Esposito

  • Analysis - Systematic detailed examination of
    elements to achieve knowledge of their
  • Synthesis - Integration of relationships among
    elements to understand their roles and the
    purpose of the whole in which they exist.

An effective self study evaluates How units
work and How they work together.
  • Analysis
  • Reductionistic
  • Take Apart
  • Individual Units
  • Concepts/Definitions
  • Induction
  • Effects to Causes
  • Answer Questions
  • Knowledge of Function

Synthesis Holistic Put Together Interrelationships
Judgments/Propositions Deduction Causes to
Effects Ask Questions Understanding of Purpose
  • By their structure the Standards foster analyses
    of major institutional functions, rather than a
    synthesis of those functions.

  • Intentions
  • Mission
  • Goals
  • Strategies
  • Plans
  • Processes

Capacity Resources Infrastructure Achievements In
stitutional Student Learning
Self Evident
We need elucidation of the obvious more than
investigation of the obscure. Oliver Wendell
  • Understanding of the whole is not possible from
    analysis of its parts.
  • Understanding is derived by synthesis of the
    roles or functions of the parts in the system in
    which they are contained.
  • Russell Ackoff

  • Quality
  • Educational
  • Institutional
  • Stability
  • Resources
  • Operations

Effectiveness Achievements Practices Sustainabili
ty Outcomes Existence
  • The challenge is for us to see beyond the
    innumerable fragments to the whole, stepping back
    far enough to appreciate how things move and
    change as a coherent entity.
  • Margaret Wheatley

Scope of Responsibility
Accreditation is a joint responsibility. You
are not personally responsible for the
accreditation status of your institution.
Quality and Accountability
  • Does the institution fulfill its mission?
  • Are institutional goals achieved?
  • Are intended outcomes realized?
  • Do achievements match intentions?
  • Are the achievements sustainable?
  • How do you know?
  • What is your evidence?

Self-Study Goals
  • Assess, analyze, evaluate, and improve planning
    and effectiveness in fulfilling institutional and
    educational missions
  • Evaluate and document educational quality and
    student achievement of outcomes
  • Document compliance with accreditation criteria
  • Accurately, candidly, directly identify
    strengths, challenges, and achievements.

Model Self-Study Characteristics
  • Design is appropriate to the institution
  • Process is inclusive internally motivated with
    leaders committed to the process
  • Critical review of mission, goals, practices
  • Assesses and evaluates effectiveness in achieving
    mission goals
  • Report is data driven and analytic with a minimum
    of description
  • Self-study outcomes inform planning

Power of Leverage
At cruising speed it is impossible to turn a
large ship by applying direct pressure on the
rudder. Placing a small movable extension on the
rudders trailing edge compresses the water
flowing past it to create a partial vacuum that
pulls the rudder in the desired direction. Thus,
a trimtab, small but strategically placed,
determines the course of the vessel.
Role Of The Steering Committee
  • Identify the right questions
  • Motivate, encourage, support colleagues
  • Design and translate the study into clearly
    defined structures, roles, and tasks
  • Set and enforce a realistic schedule
  • Establish clear communication channels
  • Coordinate data collection

Commendable Practice
  • Culture-sensitive design
  • Inclusive
  • Internally motivated
  • Integrated with institutional initiatives
  • Evaluates intentions and achievements
  • Analytic, data driven, evidence based
  • Results inform and improve practice

Design Strategies
  • Outcomes-based strategy planning
  • Identify outcomes for the study
  • Develop guiding framework
  • Develop models for components
  • Develop templates for data gathering
  • Develop style sheets
  • Reactionary strategy consequences
  • Move quickly to data collection
  • Cope with inconsistent unwieldy data
  • Wade through layers of ambiguity
  • Focus on parts, rather than whole

Conservation of Momentum
  • Issue
  • Synthesis might omit some input which may
    alienate some constituents
  • Suggestions
  • Provide many input/feedback opportunities
  • Use final report as overarching framework
  • Keep input intact at department level
  • Use final report to reengage participants to
    advance efforts at the departmental level

Self-Study Calendar
  • The importance of the calendar with specific
    completion dates cannot be over emphasized.
  • Tasks will generally take all the time given, so
    assign reasonable amounts of time to each task
    and closely monitor progress in completing them.

Self-Study Report
  • Thorough, comprehensive, and analytic appraisal
    of the institution.
  • Clear, concise, and accurate high-definition
    snapshot of the institution including its
    history, current situation, and vision for the
  • Evidence that results of the self evaluation are
    used to enhance its ability to achieve its
    mission and goals.

Report Attributes
  • Scholarly, readable, useful treatment
  • Candid and direct disclosure of reality
  • Clearly addresses accreditation criteria
  • Analytic assessment of achievements
  • Identifies strengths
  • Identifies areas for improvement
  • Draws evidence-based conclusions and judgments
    (not a walk in the woods with words)
  • Articulates plans for improvement

Suggestions For Practice
  • Provide a glossary
  • Be concise! (200-250 pages appendices)
  • Get to the point!
  • Be direct and candid
  • Speak in a common voice
  • Flow should be smooth and logical
  • Synthesize across units
  • Proof final copy for errors

Structure and Contents
  • Preface
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Summary of institutional characteristics
  • Major changes since last evaluation
  • BRIEF! description of self-study process
  • Scope of inclusion in the self study
  • Goals of self study
  • Address Eligibility Requirements

Structure and Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Succinct comprehensive evaluation
  • Institutional context
  • Summary of major findings
  • Commendations and Recommendations
  • Plans for improvement
  • Progress to date

Structure and Contents
  • Standard Chapters
  • Do not repeat support documents
  • Be brief on intentions and descriptions
  • Assess achievements and analyze data
  • Supply evidence to support judgments
  • Provide a summary, including
  • Major findings
  • Commendations and Recommendations
  • Plans for improvement
  • Progress to date

Structure and Contents
  • Summary Chapter
  • Institutional synthesis across Standards
  • Major findings
  • Commendations and Recommendations
  • Plans for improvement
  • Progress to date

Third Party Comment Notice
  • US DOE regulations require an opportunity for
    third-party comment concerning an institutions
    qualifications for accreditation or
  • The institution is expected to provide
    notification to its publics regarding the
    impending visit and send a verification copy of
    that public notice to the office of the Northwest
    Commission on Colleges and Universities.
  • 34 CFR Section 602.23 (b)

Preparing for the Visit
  • Identify an institutional liaison for each member
    of the visiting committee.
  • Publish Third Party Comment Notice.
  • 45 days prior to the visit, mail self-study
    documents to the Commission office and each
    Committee member.
  • Organize exhibits in the Committee room.
  • Gather computers and support resources in the
    Committee room.

Role of Evaluation Committee
  • Review the self-study report
  • Conduct an onsite visit to validate information
    in the self-study report
  • Evaluate the institution against the Commissions
    accreditation criteria
  • Analyze findings
  • Prepare a written report
  • Submit a confidential recommendation to the

Evaluator Characteristics
  • An evaluator
  • Represents the Commission
  • Volunteers his/her time
  • Is from an out-of-state institution with similar
  • Has specific area(s) of responsibility
  • Has knowledge of the assigned area(s)
  • Has completed Commission training

Anatomy of the Visit
  • Day 0
  • 400 p.m. pre-visit meeting
  • Day 1
  • Introductory Meeting
  • Evaluation Activities
  • Private Committee Meeting
  • Day 2
  • Evaluation Activities
  • Private Committee Meeting
  • Day 3
  • Final Private Committee Meeting
  • Chair Meets with President
  • Exit Meeting

Following the Visit
  • The institution may
  • Review a draft of the evaluation report to
    correct factual errors.
  • Provide a written response to the evaluation
  • Send individuals to represent it when its
    accreditation is considered

Use of Results
  • Institutions are expected to use their own
    self-study findings and findings by evaluators to
    implement actions that lead to improvements in
    institutional effectiveness and educational

In taking action the Commission
considers Institutional report Evaluation
report Institutions written response to the
evaluation report (if provided) Committee
chairs comments Institutional representatives
comments Third-party comments Confidential
  • Commendations recognize noteworthy achievements
    of the institution.

  • Recommendations identify areas for immediate
    action by the institution because it
  • Does not comply with a standard for accreditation
  • Complies with a standard, but improvement is

Enforcement Of Standards(US DOE Recognition
Criterion 34 CFR 602.20)
  • If an institution is found to be out of
    compliance with any standard for accreditation,
    the agency must immediately initiate adverse
    action against the institution or require it to
    take appropriate action to bring itself into
    compliance with the standard within two years, if
    the longest program it offers is at least two
    years in length.
  • Denial or withdrawal of accreditation or
    candidate status

Commission Actions
  • Grant Candidacy
  • Request Progress Report
  • Request Focused Interim Report/Visit
  • Defer Action
  • Deny Candidacy

Typical Weaknesses
  • Incongruent mission, goals, activities
  • Lack of assessment and analysis
  • No consequences from the self study
  • Little, if any, use of external data
  • Data not clearly tied to planning, assessment, or
    institutional effectiveness
  • Unsupported statements of apparent fact
  • Lack of synthesis across Standards

Reflective Questions
What do we believe? (Principles and Values) What
are our intentions? (Mission and Purpose) What
are our aspirations? (Vision) What do we expect
to achieve? (Outcomes) What does success look
like? (Indicators) How will we proceed? (Planning)
Reflective Questions
What do we do? (Actions) How do actions link to
planning? (Alignment) How well are intentions
fulfilled? (Integrity) How do we know?
(Assessment) How do we document findings?
(Evidence) What do we do with results?
Final Thoughts
Good intentions do not excuse poor
results. Actions speak louder than words. Fran
Lebowitz Never mistake motion for action. Ernest
Hemingway Integrity is doing the right
thing, even when no one is watching. Anonymous
  • We teach not what we know, but who we are. We
    cant hide who we are and what we believe.
  • Mem Fox

  • Questions?
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