Title: Online Application and Signature Process
1Online Application and Signature Process
- NCHELP Summer Institute - E-Initiatives Session
- Buffalo, NY
- July 17, 2002
Presented by Gautam Borooah, VP Director,
E-Commerce Citibank Student Loans
2Online Application and Signature Process
- With Citibanks online loan application and
signature system, borrowers benefit from - A paperless environment
- 5 minute credit decisions for PLUS and CitiAssist
Loans - Convenience of 24 hour accessibility
- Error free applications brought about by online
edits - Quicker processing
- If the school supports E-sign, applicants can
complete and sign their MPN or application
online. - Alternatively, applicants can download and print
their MPN or application directly from the
Internet or request fulfillment to wet sign it.
3Online Application and Signature Process
- After registering or logging in with the same
secure process that our website, studentloan.com
utilizes today, the borrower applies using either
Stafford, PLUS or CitiAssist Online.
4Online Application and Signature Process
- After submitting their loan applications,
customers can check the status of their - loan applications and accounts on Online Account
Access. -
5Online Application and Signature Process
- Citibanks E-sign process for Stafford and PLUS
Loans was launched on January 11, 2002. - We present the applicant with the option to use
the SFA PIN process as well as the Citibank
real-time process to confirm their identity. - NO PIN REQUIRED!!!
- While some processes do not require a PIN,
Citibanks process - accommodates BOTH borrowers who do have an SFA
PIN and those who - do not. If a borrower does not have an SFA PIN,
s/he is given the option to sign online using the
Citibank real-time process -
6Online Application and Signature Process
- The E-sign process for CitiAssist Loans was
launched on May 1. - Customers can use the Citibank real-time process
to confirm their identity. - Currently, almost 60 of our Stafford, 20 of our
PLUS and 40 of our CitiAssist Loan online
applications are being e-signed by our customers. - We have received over 6,000 e-signed loan
applications to date and are currently receiving
over 150 e-signed applications a day.
7Online Application and Signature Process
- Stafford Loans
- 64 utilized the SFA process.
- 36 signed using the Citibank real-time process.
- PLUS Loans
- 43 utilized the SFA process.
- 57 signed using the Citibank real-time process.
What processes do our customers use?
8Online Application and Signature Process
How Do We Minimize Risk?
- In addition to safeguards built into the paper
application process, we - Comply with the standards established by the
Department of Education for e-signatures. Both
the SFA process as well as our real-time process
meet Safe Harbor guidelines established by the
Department. -
- Citibank offers the best of both worlds. Our
process is comprehensive and secure, but is
simple to use and presents borrowers and schools
with a choice.
9Online Application and Signature Process
- Our Learnings
- Products that require one individuals signature
have higher usage of the e-sign process over
those that require more than one individual to
sign. - Customers find the process easy and like the ease
of a paperless process. - Our research shows that most customers prefer
having a robust customer identity verification
process. - Third party verification databases need to have
up-to-date information. If customers cannot
e-sign because of data mismatches, it can cause
customer dissatisfaction.
10Online Application and Signature Process
- Whats Next?
- (1) Loan Consolidation
- Online Loan Consolidation application with the
ability to e-sign an application. - (2) Deferments and Forbearances
- Online submission of e-signed deferment and
forbearance requests. Requests - can go into queues to be immediately processed
once supporting documentation - is received.
11Online Application and Signature Process
- Potential Improvements
- (1) Real-time SFA PIN
- If an applicant loses or forgets their PIN, the
current process of requesting - one be sent by mail or e-mail is time consuming
and can be a barrier to e-signing. - (2) SFA PIN for Private Loans
- This would standardize the process across both
FFELP and private student loans - and make it easier for the consumer.