Title: Earth Observation Science
1Earth Observation Science
Reflections on the impact of wider access to
AATSR data through the Medspiration Project
David T Llewellyn-Jones
Space Research Centre University of Leicester
2AATSR SST and Medspiration
- The ATSR series pre-Medspiration
- Why is AATSR so good?
- GODAE-GHRSST and Medspiration
- Get it to the users on their own terms
- Scientific inter-comparisons and merged products
- Very very difficult before Medspiration GHRSST
- Data-merging, OSTIA and other operational systems
- From satellite to daily weather forecast
- Conclusions
- What has Mespiration Done for AATSR?
3Brief history of ATSR series
- ATSR-1, experimental AO Instrument on ERS-1,
launched in 1991 - ATSR-2, experimental AO Instrument on ERS-2,
visible channels added, launched in 1995 - AATSR on ENVISAT funded by user-agency (Defra,
UK govt) to provide data as input to
environmental policy development - SLSTR (or do we mean ATSR-4?) on Sentinel 3
operational ESA-provided sensor for GMES
4AATSR Scan sequence showing on-board
Calibration System
Blackbodies viewed every scan.
5(A)ATSR Principles of Operation
- 7 spectral channels
- 3 thermal IR at 3.7 µm, 11 µm, 12 µm
(similar to AVHRR) - 4 Vis/NIR at 0.55 µm, 0.67 µm, 0.87 µm, 1.6
µm) - Field-of-view 1 km at nadir
- Swath-width 500 km
- Dual view of Earth Surface - at nadir and 55 to
nadir - Direct Observation of Atmospheric Effects
- Stable and Precise On-board Calibration
- 2 on-board black bodies for IR calibration
- in an exceptionally stable thermal environment
- Stirling Cycle Coolers
- cooling low noise detectors to 80K (near-optimum)
The ATSR secret weapons
6Plancks Radiation Law
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck April 23, 1858
October 4 1947
7AATSR Scan Geometry
8AATSR Earth-viewing face
9How well does AATSR Perform?
- Comprehensive validation programme
- In situ observations made using radiometers and
buoys - Results show exceptional accuracy and stability
- Use of AATSR SST data show positive impact on
climate analysis data-sets (Hadley Centre))
10A Validation Result M-AERI (Noyes, Minnett et
al) Results 01/2003-06/2005
dS nearest pixel dT /- 60 minutes dual
nadir M-AERI SD 0.1 K
11Global Anomaly Plots
AATSR monthly SSTs
13SST Anomalies in East Equaturial Pacific
14The Bering Sea Summer 2007
Bering Sea Box- Average Temperature measured by
ATSRs since 1991
Sept 2007 SST Anomaly
AATSR SST Sept 2007
15AATSR SST data-set Recent Developments
- Launch of Archive
- Seamless archive of re-processed SST from 1991 to
present - Future Continuity of AATSR-standard SST data
secured through GMES/Sentinel Programme - SLSTR on Sentinel 3
- ARC project in place for Future Development of
SST Retrievals and Product quality - Led by C Merchant (U of Edinburgh), wit U
Leicester, RAL, UK Met Office and NOCS - Take-up by new operational users
- as the DIRECT RESULT of GHRSST/Medspiration
16New Operational Users of (A)ATSR
- Medspiration/GHRSST has made AATSR 1Km data
available to operational users in near real time - Users include
- UK Met Office via OSTIA
- METEO France
- US Navy met services (NAVOCEAN)
- Australian Bureau of Meteorology
- others
17Impact of high-resolution SST boundary
specification on NWP - Meso Eta forecast, 30th
December 2000
(From Thiébaux et al, 2003)
18Sensor inter-comparisons before Medspiration
19Scientific Use of GHRSST data
- Multi-sensor SST data available in NRT
- All data-sets in same accessible format (netCDF)
- Excellent for inter-sensor comparisons, or to
make up for poor coverage - Or for rapid-response scientific analysis
20Example Gulf Stream
21Inter-comparison Gulf Stream
Note different colour bar range
22Geostationary (SEVIRI) and AATSR Data
(Pierre LeBorgme, Meteo France, Lannion)
Simple combination of SEVIRI data with AATSR
data. Differences are 1.5-2.0
With bias correction, based on difference between
AATSR-SEVIRI SSTs, applied to SEVIRI data
24Summary and Conclusions
- Pre-Medspiration, AATSR had very poor profile
- Despite a very stable measuring system
- and excellent validation results
- Medspiration introduced
- a global NRT service
- plus some quality information
- plus the opportunity to compare with data from
other sensors - and then to combine with data from other sensors
- Result?
25What has Medspiration done for AATSR?
- AATSR data now recognised by established
large-scale users as the benchmaekm for SST
measurements - Medspiration facilitiates Data-merging techniques
e.g. (SEVIRI-AATSR) which enable users to
overcome the coverage limitatrions of AATSR - Scientific inter-comparisons greatly facilitated
- AATSR data now are used in operational NWP
schemes - and, to conclude
- ATSR data, through Medspiration, have taken a
place in internationally recognised operational
systems - Moreover, recognised by users as the yardstick
for accuracy, - AATSR data are now essential to those and the
question of replacement in case of
non-availability has become serious - This position could not have been reached
without Medspiration!!
27Some Acknowledgements
- UK Department of Environment, Food Rural
Affairs (Defra) who are the main funding body and
owners of AATSR - European Space Agency (ESA)
- who are flying AATSR on their Envisat satellite
- and who are funding Medspiration
- AATSR instrument team at RAL and in UK
Australian industry, who built AATSR - AATSR Validation Team who have established the
accuracy of AATSR - And, of course, GHRSST, for pushing the user
requirements and the international dimension
28ENVISAT Europes largest satellite
the BEST!!
, launched March 2002 Sun-synchronous orbit, 1030
local time daylight descending