Title: Visitors
1Corrections Technology Association
Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Through Innovative
Technology Electronic Sex Offender Tracking The
Florida Experience
Scott McPhersonGary YatesLisa Lagergren
- Criminal Justice DataProbation, Parole,
Corrections - Sex Offenders Predators
- Electronic Monitoring Technology
- Traditional
- Floridas approach
- SkyLinkA Complete Public Safety Solution
- History Implementation
- Corrections Law Enforcement uses
- Current Status Future Enhancements
- Questions Answers
3U.S. Probation Parolee Issues Population
- Facts
- 4.9 million adults on state and federal
probation or parole - 50 of these offenders return to prison prior to
completion of sentence. - Commit significant percentage of all crime
- Florida fully 1/3 of all crime annually150,000
probationers - 50 felony convictions 50 misdemeanor
- Major Public Safety ConcernRevolving Door
4U.S. Prison Jail Population
- Facts
- One million inmates in state prisons
- 51 Violent Crimes
- 20 Property Crimes
- 21 Drug Crimes
- ¾ million inmates in local jails
- Among the largest expenditure of local
governments - ¾ million on pre-trial status (jail or bond)
- Overall incarceration rate is nearly 500 per
100,000 population
5U.S. State Corrections Costs
- Facts
- State Corrections Costs 40 Billion
- State Prison Costs 30 Billion
- State Probation Parole Costs 10 Billion
- State Prison Medical Costs 5 Billion
6Sex Offenders PredatorsA National Public
Safety Priority
- Facts
- 500,000 Registered Sex Offenders Nationally
- 50-60 Recidivism Rate
- Approximately 1/3 in Registration Non-Compliance
- Major Public Safety Concern
- 98 Sex Offenders Register at Local Level
- Many States Pursuing New Laws
- Prison and Electronic Monitoring
- Increase registration compliance
- U.S. Congressional Proposals
- Grants/Incentives to State and Locals
7Traditional Electronic Monitoring Technology
- House Arrest (Radio Frequency RF)
- Home curfews
- Alcohol Detection Monitoring
- Link with RF
- Voice Matching Verification
- Location verificationlow level
offenders/juveniles - Sex offender registration compliance
- GPS Tracking (Active, Passive)
- Offender schedules and compliance with
supervision rules - Continuous tracking
- Geo-fencing (exclusion inclusion zones)
8Traditional Electronic Monitoring--Limitations
- Focus on monitoring devicesnot power of
information sharing - Another stand alone system, not linked to other
critical public safety databases - Little or no value to law enforcement
- Critical public safety question is are these
people re-offending? - Dependent on specific, custom, tracking device
- Cell phones and other devices are getting
smaller, more powerful, less expensive - Devices are sensors, real power is the
information - Bottom LineAn Incomplete Solution
9Floridas Approach to GPS Sex Offender Tracking
- GPS Monitoring is a proven tool to reduce
recidivism - Florida is national leader in use of technology
- Jessicas Law includes provisions for GPS
tracking - Pushed by law enforcementsupported by FDC
- Same technology used for other probationers
- Integration with other technologies/databases
- Linkage to crime data is key
- FDC, Sheriffs Initiative began in 1999
- Federal grant for pilot
- Federal funding for statewide implementation
- Identify exclude criminal suspects
10Florida SkyLink Crime Data Integration System
An offender management and monitoring system that
links advanced electronic tracking technologies,
integrated crime incident data, and geo-fencing
tools to create time sensitive actionable
information and analysis.
11How the System Works
12Florida SkyLinkA Complete Public Safety Solution
- Focus on the software and interface.
- SkyLinks Interface and Database are Compatible
with any existing GPS tracking deviceActive
Passive. - Also is designed to accommodate any new tracking
device in the future. - No need to change interface and retrain
Corrections and Law Enforcement Users!
13Geo-Fencing..Inclusion Exclusion
- Stationary Exclusion/Inclusion Zone Alerts.
- Electronically detects sex and other criminal
offenders that travel into prohibited geographic
areas (schools, playgrounds, etc.) and reports
violations to police. - Allows the capability of creating and monitoring
an unlimited number of inclusion and exclusion
zones. - Zones can also be used for investigative and
intelligence purposes, such as around pawn shops,
open drug market areas, and other geographic
areas of concern.
14Florida SkyLink Zone Violation Report
15SkyLink Setting Customizing Schedules
16SkyLink Correlation of GPS with Crime Data
- Next Day Crime Hits
- Effectively integrates and compares GPS
offender movement data with crime incidents
reported to local law enforcement and alerts when
an offender is detected within range of a crime
scene during the estimated time of the event. - The next day notification occurs after crime
incident data is electronically submitted for
post processing each night to compare crime
incident data with offender location. - The crime data is received from and reported to
the law enforcement agencies with minimal impact
on those agencies.
17Crime Mapping, Analysis Reporting
- Crime Mapping Analysis (single and
multi-jurisdictional). - Collects, stores, analyzes and displays on an
electronic map crime incidents reported to law
enforcement. - Data can be displayed by date/time/crime type
and many other variables across jurisdictional
18Florida SkyLink Future Feature
- Dynamic Exclusion Zone Alerts.
- Unique capability of moving zones is especially
useful for domestic violence applications (to
warn the potential victim that they may be being
stalked) and the detection of two or more
monitored offenders that are congregating
together. - In domestic violence cases, the potential victim
would carry an electronic tracking device, such
as a GPS-enabled cell phone.
19Florida SkyLink Future Features
- School Notifications of Sex Offenders/Predators.
- Easily linked to schools via Internet with the
capability of immediate alerts to school
officials if a tracked sex offender or predator
violates the prohibited area around that school.
- Real Time Field Queries--Vehicle Stops.
- Allows officers engaged in vehicle stops to
quickly identify potentially dangerous tracked
offender that is within (or very near) the
vehicle being stopped.
20Florida SkyLink Future Features
- Integrated Officer/Vehicle Tracking Option.
- Tracking of police officers probation and parole
officers and other public safety workers and
vehicles for officer safety purposes through
Interface. - Certain GPS enabled phones or hand-held devices
(such as Nextel) can provide GPS coordinates for
mapping and reporting. - Helpful for manpower allocation and specific
operations such as SWAT, search and rescue,
undercover investigations, and confidential
informant tracking. - Certain devices also contain a panic button that
will communicate emergency alerts and immediately
capture the location of an officer in need. -
21Florida SkyLink Future Features
- Event Capturing Reporting.
- Ability for law enforcement, emergency response
and probation officers to capture the specific
location and time of certain events. - For example, the coordinates of a specific
location of investigative concern, such as the
location at which a fleeing offender disposes of
contraband during a pursuit can be easily
captured and communicated. -
22Florida SkyLink--Summary
- Full Integration with Crime Other Data.
- Complement current infrastructureincluding
information sharing effort - Move law enforcement forwardenhance partnership
with Corrections - Place offenders at crime events (Next day and
real time) - Multi-jurisdictional mapping, analysis and
records management tools - Officer safety functions (traffic stops/crime
responses) - Timely alerts to Law Enforcement, Corrections,
Schools, other users - Complement/Supplement Offender Registration and
Mapping Systems - Large number of exclusion/inclusion zones
(stationary dynamic) - Link to other GPS systems (Law Enforcement, event
capture, etc.)
23Florida SkyLink--Summary
- Common and Stable Solution/Interface
- Integrate with any tracking device (its just a
sensor) - Takes advantage of rapidly changing monitoring
technologies - Common user training and support
24Contact Information
Scott McPherson scott.mcpherson_at_myflorida.com Ga
ry Yates gyates_at_aps.us Lisa Lagergren
25Questions Answers
26U.S. Congressional Initiatives
- Modeled after Floridas Jessicas Law
- SB 980 (Sen. Nelson)
- Sexual Predator Effective Monitoring Act of
2005 - Provides 30 million in grants for state/locals
- 10 million in FY06, 20 million in FY07
- Funding for GPS tracking of sex offenders with
linkage with crime event data - HR 1505 (Rep. Brown-Waite)
- Jessica Lunsford Act
- Requires twice year registration for sex
offenders - Requires GPS tracking for offenders that fail to
register two times or more - Non compliance by State results in forfeiture of
10 of Federal Funding allocated by the Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
27U.S. Congressional Initiatives
- HR 2423/SB1086 (Rep. Foley/Senator Hatch)
- Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
- Mandatory tracking for all sex predators/
offenders that commit crime against minor - One convictionperiod of supervision, Two
convictionslifetime - Establishes National Sex Offender Registry
- Creates National DNA database
- Provides funding for Sex Offender Management
Assistance Program - Distribution to states based on number of sex
offenders - Lose 10 of federal funding for noncompliance/
Bonus funding for quick implementation