Title: Introduction to Agentcities
1Introduction to Agentcities
Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes MTP Seminar, 7/11/2002
2What is an Agent?
- Useless definition
- Autonomous Adaptive Mobile Software Entity.
- More definitions that there are researchers in
the area. - More about this CS5820.
- Black Box of the Semantic Web.
3My view of an Agent
Web-Service Agents
Bank Agent
Other Personal Agents
Personal Agent
Personal Info Calendar Preferences
4What is Agentcities?
- 2 projects, .RTD and .NET
- EU Funded, 5th framework
- Started 1. July and 1. November, 2001
- Both finish July 2003, but
- Agentcities Taskforce
- 6th Framework
- 14 Partners
- Develop models, methodology and prototype
solutions. - Reference benchmarks for .NET
- Project open to anyone.
- Aberdeen is member no. 20!
- 67 Agent Platforms.
- Provides services to support project members
- Information Days
- Deployment Support
- Working groups
- Competition!
7What do people do in Agentcities?
- Build Agents )
- Deploy services within the Agentcities network.
- Services Restaurant finder/review,
theatre/cinema finder, hotel finder, GIS,
transport service, auction service, banking,
ontology service - Ping Agent on each node.
8Technology support
- FIPA Specifications
- Jade, FIPA OS, April Agent Platform, Zeus, Java
Agent Services, LEAP - Ontologies, DAMLOIL, RDF, KIF/SL
9Agent Platform
- Provides base-services such as message passing,
directory lookups, agent life-cycle support,
debug facilities.
10Work within Agentcities
- Agentcities is 1 year old.
- Only lately has real services appeared.
- .RTD partners HAD to deliver services by August
02. - Most services are at the demo stage.
11The Evening Scenario
12Agentcities in Aberdeen
- We became a member in January 2002.
- WeatherAgent deployed same time.
- First real service on the network !
- We use
- JADE as our platform.
- RDF as content language.
- Jena as RDF toolkit.
- RDF Query by example
13Step 1 The Weather Agent
- Interesting case-study
- Uses existing ontology based on METAR.
- Wraps the MetOffice webpage for data.
- Ontology mapping issues.
- Content / Query language.
- Active for 9 months now, 1 query )
- MetOffice
- MetOffice 2 DAML mapping
- Example Forecast in DAMLOIL
- Example Query
14Eating our own dogfood The IDAgent
- Serves information about people in the
department. - Static contact-details at the moment.
- Future improvements
- Research interest
- Research projects
- Publications
- Learned user preferences ??
15The AKT Bus _at_ Agentcities
- Huge EPSRC project.
- Lots of activity in Aberdeen.
- Develop whole life-cycle knowledge management
tools techniques. - Deployment support from .NET
- AKT Bus is the service invocation layer.
- AKT Bus ?? Agentcities.
- Funded by BT Exact, follows from KRAFT.
- Supporting Virtual Organisations.
- Agentcities EO like scenario.
- Agents and BDI used to solve constraint problems.
- Agent interface to P/FDM and Prolog Agents.
17Agentcities competition
- Single evening planner for Aberdeen
- Pubs, restaurants and cinemas.
- Separate constraint solver and learner.
- Deadline 15th November.
18Aberdeen vs. World
- Content language RDF vs. SL
- FIPA compatibility requires SL, so most tools
etc. are SL based.
SL Example (vehicle colour red
max-speed 100 owner (Person name
Luis nationality Portuguese))
ltns3FreeHouse rdfID"bobbin"gt
ltns3pubNamegtThe Bobbinlt/ns3pubNamegt
ltns3pubWebSitegt http//www.screampubs.
com/ lt/ns3pubWebSitegt ltns3servesBeer
ness"/gt ltns3servesBeer
ltns3telNumbergt01224 497867lt/ns3telNumbergt lt/ns3
19Aberdeen Query By Example
- RDQL too complicated to write by hand.
- Query by example is very intuitive.
- Internal conversion to RDQL.
- Could be smarter than RDQL.
ltqQuerygt ltqtemplategt ltaktAcademicgt
ltaktfamily-namegt Brown lt/aktfamily-namegt
lt/aktAcademicgt lt/qtemplategt
SELECT ?x WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z), ( ?x, ltrdf
typegt, ltakt Academicgt ), ( ?x, ltakt
family-namegt, "Brown" )
20QbEx with Constraints
- ltqQuerygt
- ltqtemplategt
- ltrrestaurantgt
- ltrtype rdfresourcerTandoori" /gt
- ltropen-timegt
- ltcifvariable rdfID"x"gtltcifvarnamegtxlt/cifv
arnamegtlt/cifvariablegt - lt/ropen-timegt
- lt/rrestaurantgt
- lt/qtemplategt
- ltqconstraintsgt
- ltcifcomparisongt
- ltcifcomparison_operatorgtgtlt/cifcomparison_o
peratorgt - ltcifcomparison_op1gt
- ltcifvariable rdfabout"x"/gt
- lt/cifcomparison_op1gt
- ltcifcomparison_op2gt
- ltcifintegerconstgt
- ltcifconstant_valuegt1900lt/cifconstant_valu
egt - lt/cifintegerconstgt
21Constrained QbEx to RDQL
- SELECT ?x WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z),
- ( ?x, ltr open-timegt, ?v_x ),
- ( ?x, ltrdf typegt, ltr restaurantgt ),
- ( ?x, ltr typegt, ltr Tandoorigt ) AND ( ?v_x
gt 1900 )
22Aberdeen, Agentcities The Future
- Several Honours Projects running now
- Organising a Conference.
- Semantic Web Calendar.
- Delivering E-Science services.
- Research work on
- Learning privacy rules.
- Dealing with false service descriptors.
- We shall not rest until the whole world uses
RDF. - Better RDF support for Jade.
- Improve QbEx
- Slides and relevant links available from course